STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Battle" #40271-110 Story by Larry Forrester Teleplay by Herbert Wright Directed by Rob Bowman Copyright 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Battle" CAST PICARD FERENGI: RIKER DAIMON BOK BEVERLY KAZAGO DATA RATA TROI TASHA STARGAZER: GEORDI PHANTOM BRIDGE CREW WORF VOICES (V.O.) WESLEY FIRST VOICE (V.O.) SECOND VOICE (V.O.) THIRD VOICE (V.O.) STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Battle" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE Captain's Quarters Main bridge FERENGI VESSEL Sickbay Conference Room USS STARGAZER Transporter Room #1 Ready Room USS STARGAZER Bridge (Redress) Captain's Quarters (Redress) FERENGI STARSHIP Science Room STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Battle" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND FERENGI VESSEL (OPTICAL) as the two starships cruise through space together. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41723.9. In response to a Starfleet order we are in the Xendi Sabu star system having rendezvoused with a Ferengi vessel which has requested a meeting. Although... 2 CLOSER ON STARFLEET AND FERENGI VESSELS (OPTICAL) emphasizing the difference between the two. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) ... we arrived here and made appropriate signals to the Ferengi three days ago, they have so far responded only with the message: "Stand by, Enterprise." 3 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) PICARD at his desk, star charts on a nearby monitor. He's in some physical discomfort, presses his knuckles to his temple, GROANS. We HEAR a CHIME from his door. PICARD Come! The door opens; BEVERLY ENTERS. She carries a medical kit. BEVERLY You called for me? PICARD Yes, Doctor. I've been feeling... odd, lately. Fatigued. And now I've got a headache. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: Unslinging her medical kit, Beverly looks up, surprised. BEVERLY A what? PICARD Certainly you know what a "headache" is, Doctor. Beverly is already beginning to move a medical tricorder sensor over Picard's head. WE HEAR it FAINTLY BEEPING as she checks readings she is getting. BEVERLY Of course. But I don't often encounter one. She makes an adjustment on the tricorder, gets HUM SOUND as she takes another kind of reading. PICARD The reason for it seems fairly obvious. What are these Ferengi up to? "Stand by, Enterprise." Stand by for what? BEVERLY I can't find a thing wrong. PICARD I can't either. But they could be baiting some kind of trap... BEVERLY With your head. I see nothing physically wrong, but I want to run additional scans in Sickbay. PICARD Doctor, all I've got is... BEVERLY (interrupting) ... is an order to report to Sickbay. (friendly smile) From the one person aboard who can give you an order. Picard hesitates, then smiles and nods, starts to rise. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER'S COM VOICE Captain from first officer. They're finally sending a message. Picard comes fully to his feet, touching his insignia. PICARD On my way, Number One. (CROSSING to door) Sorry, Doctor. Duty calls. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) RIKER, TROI, DATA, GEORDI, TASHA, and WORF are at their usual stations. Picard ENTERS JOINING Riker at the Command Area. The Main Viewer displays the Ferengi vessel. RIKER They're prepared to talk, sir. PICARD Have they given any hint what they've been waiting for? TASHA Negative on that, Captain. But they have identified their Captain as "Bok," DaiMon Bok. TROI If it's Bok I'm sensing, he seems anxious to meet you, sir. PICARD Me? Why me? I've never heard of him. GEORDI You'll be able to see him now, sir. They're willing to communicate on visual. DATA A reminder of something we learned the only other time we dealt with Ferengi, sir -- their hearing is very sensitive. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - TEASER 4. 4 CONTINUED: WORF (nods) Yes, they could pick up even a whisper being transmitted. PICARD Consider ourselves reminded. (to Tasha) Open hailing frequencies. TASHA Hailing frequencies open, sir. PICARD Ferengi vessel! This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise. We are transmitting visually. A beat, then the Main Viewer DISSOLVES INTO a FULL FRAME HEAD SHOT of DAIMON BOK, brightly lit, distorted. He's smoothly patronizing, clipped in speech, and arrogant. (OPTICAL) BOK Is this THE Captain Picard? PICARD Do we know each other? BOK I know you, Picard. PICARD I'm afraid you have the advantage. Is this... Bok? BOK I am Bok, DaiMon of the Ferengi. I have asked you here to discuss a mutual problem, Captain. PICARD What problem is that, DaiMon Bok? BOK I insist on speaking of that matter in person. Shall we meet on your vessel or mine? Troi signals Tasha who touches her panel. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA Hailing frequencies closed. TROI Captain, I sense considerable deception on Bok's part. And danger! RIKER Then definitely, sir, you should meet with him here. Keep him under our control. Picard nods, turns and signals to Tasha who touches her panel again. TASHA Now open, sir. PICARD (toward Viewscreen) I appreciate your offer, DaiMon Bok, and ask you to be our guests. BOK (smiles) As you wish, Picard. Perhaps this will begin a new era of cooperation for both our peoples. In one Earth hour, then? Everyone on the bridge is stunned by the unexpected concession. PICARD One hour, Bok. End transmission. The viewer CLEARS BACK to the Ferengi ship. The Enterprise bridge crew reacts. WORF I can't believe they're coming here! PICARD (turns to Troi) They agreed a bit too easily. Troi nods. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (continuing; nods back) Then, in one hour we'll know why. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 INT. SICKBAY Beverly is using twenty-fourth century diagnostic tools to examine the prone Captain. PICARD Are you accustomed to always getting your way, Doctor? BEVERLY (nods) When my way makes sense, Captain. There are still forty minutes before the Ferengi beam over; I'll have these scans done in ten. PICARD A lot of effort for something as simple as a headache. BEVERLY "As simple?" It is my job to know your condition intimately. You should not have a headache unless something is wrong. She is clearly puzzled over finding nothing. She makes a new setting on the scanner. BEVERLY (continuing) It may be true that headaches were once quite common... but this was in the days before the brain was charted... (very puzzled; a new setting) ... before we understood the nature of pain... when we were suffering from such things as the common cold. She swings the "scanner" away from Picard. He half rises. PICARD And so why do I have a headache, Doctor? STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 8. 5 CONTINUED: BEVERLY I haven't the slightest damned idea! She picks up a tiny device, turns it on and WE HEAR a light HUM from it. PICARD What's that? She presses it against his forehead. The light HUM becomes SHRILLER. BEVERLY Something doctors use when they feel foolish over being proven wrong. (takes device away) Feel better? PICARD (surprised) The pain's gone. She turns the device OFF, puts it aside. BEVERLY Medical fakery -- the pain's actually still there, just cloaked. I'll want further exams when this Ferengi matter is settled. 6 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Troi, Data, Geordi, Tasha and Worf on duty as WESLEY ARRIVES by turbolift, hurriedly addresses Riker: WESLEY Sir! You'll soon be getting an intruder alert! RIKER What? Wesley, if you've something to report... But Wesley has hurried toward Geordi, interrupting: STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: WESLEY (to Geordi) If you'll scan heading four-four mark one-six-three, Lieutenant, you'll find... INTRUDER ALERT SIGNAL sounds, Tasha reacting, turning to Riker: TASHA Intruder alert, sir... GEORDI (reading his panel) I've got something, sir... very distant. Turbolift opens TO BRING Picard onto the bridge, unnoticed by most as Tasha silences the ALERT and Wesley turns to Riker. WESLEY It's an old style starship, Constitution Class, heading this way under impulse power, sir. RIKER Says who? Picard moves in to Command Area. Conversation DIES as he takes his seat there. PICARD Carry on. (to Wesley) Answer the first officer's question. WESLEY Uh... says the long distance sensors, sir. I was in Engineering, playing around with boosting sensor output... DATA (interrupting; smiling) Very interesting. Boosting it how? (seeing Picard's look; to Wesley) We will discuss it later. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (interrupting) I read it now, sir, as... a Constitution Class starship... coming this way under impulse power. Exactly as Wesley described it minutes before. Picard suddenly grimaces, a wave of pain catching him by surprise and he has to suppress a surprised GROAN and finds it necessary to again press a knuckle against his forehead for a moment. RIKER Sir? What's wrong? PICARD (fighting it off) Nothing, just... a mild headache. (to Wesley) The correct procedure, Ensign, would have been to signal your finding to the bridge immediately. WESLEY Yes, sir. RIKER Bringing it here personally... (indicates Main Viewer) ... perhaps with the idea of being on hand for the Ferengi beam over... might have imperiled our ship had something hostile been approaching. Wesley has thrown Picard a nervous look at Riker's guess that the Ferengi beam over was his motive. WESLEY Yes, sir. WORF We are receiving no signal at all from the approaching starship, sir. DATA (to Picard) Time, sir. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Time? Oh, for the Ferengi to beam over. (to Riker) Do you see any problems connected with this old starship coming in? RIKER Suggest we'll be safer, sir, with the Ferengi over here whatever is happening. PICARD Concur. (to bridge) Stand by! (to Tasha) Let's bring them on visually. TASHA Hailing frequencies open, sir. 7 ANOTHER ANGLE INCLUDING MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) PICARD Enterprise to Ferengi vessel. We are standing by to receive you. The Ferengi vessel IMAGE on Main Viewer DISSOLVES INTO IMAGE OF BOK, being joined by KAZAGO, First Officer, and RATA, Second Officer. BOK Ready to transfer ourselves over, my dear Captain Picard. PICARD Question... where shall we receive you? BOK On your own bridge, of course. Ferengi efficiency! With a FERENGI LIGHT SWIRL BEAMING EFFECT, the three Ferengi figures FADE OUT OF SIGHT. The Main Viewer IMAGE DISSOLVES TO THE FERENGI SHIP IMAGE AGAIN. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 12. 8 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise bridge crew waits, but nothing happens for awhile. Finally: PICARD Data? What do you read? DATA Nothing, sir. WESLEY It could take a few moments, Captain. If they build up their beaming energy through capacitors as seems likely... Then, FERENGI BEAMING EFFECT STARTS WITH SOUND -- FOLLOWED BY THE KIND OF LIGHT SWIRL WE JUST SAW ON THEIR SHIP. It solidifies into BOK, KAZAGO, and RATA. PICARD We welcome you in peace to the Enterprise, DaiMon Bok. BOK (ingratiating) It is our pleasure, Captain Picard. Might I introduce my first officer, Kazago, and my second, Rata? PICARD (nods to acknowledge) This is my first officer, Commander Riker... (Bok nods) And Counselor Troi. Second Officer Data; Lieutenant La Forge; security officers, Lieutenant Yar and Lieutenant Worf; Ensign Crusher. Bok has squinted hard at Troi and Tasha. BOK Yes, we have heard you use females... (checks them again) Clothed females. Most interesting. RIKER (smiles) They are that, sir. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 13. 8 CONTINUED: Kazago now turns to scrutinize Data. KAZAGO And the android was mentioned too. (to Picard) What is its price? We should like to purchase it. PICARD It... he is not for sale. Commander Data Made uncomfortable by this, Picard seeks the right words. Riker fills in: RIKER You wouldn't want him, Kazago. He's second-hand merchandise. DATA (rises) Second-hand, sir? (then sees Riker's smile) Oh, of course! A human joke... TASHA Excuse, Captain, but the unidentified starship is continuing in, still no signal at all... BOK Think nothing of it.. It is under our control. PICARD (alert) One of our starships under your control? BOK (smiling) Do not be alarmed. It is a gift from us. (slight bow to Picard) With which we honor the "Hero of Maxia." PICARD Who? STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 14. 8 CONTINUED: (2) BOK (abrupt) Why you, Picard, of course! Don't you remember the Battle of Maxia? PICARD I'm sorry, I'm afraid I do not. Data? As the android searches his own memory, Bok is visibly disturbed at Picard's lack of memory. DATA Captain, he may refer to an incident which occurred seven years ago in the Maxia Zeta star system, where an unidentified starship... BOK (angry) Unidentified?! That fine vessel was Ferengi! DATA (to Picard) Which you destroyed, sir. PICARD (turns to Bok) My sincere regrets, Bok, but that ship did not identify itself. It simply attacked; we defended ourselves... BOK (beat) Such mistakes happen in space. DATA (to Picard) Hardly a "mistake," sir. Your report showed it deliberately attacked... Picard is signaling Data to forget it: TASHA (interrupting) Do you want the arriving vessel on Main Viewer, sir? It is only a thousand kilometers away now... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 15. 8 CONTINUED: (3) BOK Put it on your viewer. PICARD (nods to Tasha) Main Viewer. 9 ANOTHER ANGLE INCLUDING MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL) on which an IMAGE of an approaching Constitution Class starship WILL APPEAR. KAZAGO We have set its controls to automatically take station in space next to your Enterprise. BOK (to Picard) There is no one aboard it. RATA (to Picard) When, with your permission, its log will be downloaded into this ship's records. (smiles) At a price... BOK (thunders) No price! KAZAGO (astounded) No price? PICARD For what purpose? What is this all... Picard's headache comes back, striking him hard this time. He GROANS, surprised, presses hard on his own temples. Troi comes to her feet, alarmed. TROI I felt something too, Captain. What is it? RIKER Sir... ? STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 16. 9 CONTINUED: BOK Perhaps it is... his conscience? TROI (a tigress) Why do you say that?! RIKER Bridge to Sickbay... PICARD (overlapping) No... no, I'm fine... TROI (to Picard; puzzled) It seemed as if... as if it were... something from your past? PICARD I'm all right now; I'm fine. (to Bok; indicating viewer) What is this all about? BOK It is about the battle I mentioned, Captain. A gift in honor of that occasion. Look at that ship closely. PICARD (to Geordi) Enlarge please, La Forge. On Main Viewer, the IMAGE MAGNIFIES into closer view. Picard is mesmerized by what he is seeing -- and recognizing. Bok is amused by this. PICARD It... it is the Stargazer. My old ship, but how... where did you find it? BOK It was a derelict, adrift in space on the far side of this star system. How it got there... (grand gesture) ... is none of my business, Captain. But now that vessel is yours, if you wish to have it. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT ONE 17. 9 CONTINUED: (2) KAZAGO (to Bok) We are not selling it to him? BOK Call it an act of friendship. RATA At no cost!? Ugly. Very ugly! FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN; 10 EXT. SPACE - THREE VESSELS (OPTICAL) The Ferengi, the Stargazer, and the Enterprise next to each other. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41724.1. Bok and his officers have returned to their vessel, inviting us now to officially take possession of the Stargazer. They will stand by while completing the downloading of its log to us. 11 INT. SICKBAY Picard now under the full body scanner, while a concerned Beverly, with technician, gives him a complete scan. Troi stands in b.g., very curious. BEVERLY Like before? PICARD Perhaps... it hit with more impact. TROI "Hit?" (to Beverly) Sorry, but anything could be important. BEVERLY You say you "felt" something yourself? TROI I... believe so. Like... well, a thought... (puzzled) But rather... "mechanical" in nature. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 19. 11 CONTINUED: PICARD Are you sure it wasn't one of my thoughts? At that moment, I was remembering being at the helm of the Stargazer, a maneuver being made. We were hit... (beat; puzzled) Something's burning... I smell smoke! (pushing at scanner) Don't you smell it? Beverly has moved in past the technician, speaks soothingly. BEVERLY There's nothing burning, Jean-Luc. PICARD Ah... no, of course. It was... the memory I was calling up. (finds a smile for Beverly) Sorry. Riker ENTERS as Troi moves toward Picard, concerned. TROI Memory or... "nightmare?" PICARD (smiling again) Well, it was strong, whatever it was. (looks up at Riker) Ready, Number One. RIKER Staff's waiting if Doctor Crusher approves. BEVERLY I'll do better than that -- I'll go along. 12 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - MINIMUM CREW Geordi at Riker's station, Worf and Wesley holding down Conn and Ops. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 20. 12 CONTINUED: WORF But if they don't know what the Ferengi are up to, what good is it to sit there guessing? WESLEY Well... sometimes it determines exactly what you don't know. GEORDI Dead on target, my friend. Would you like to go up and listen to them? WESLEY (beat) Some day. Right now I'm happy to be here. 13 INT. CONFERENCE ROOM CAMERA BEGINS ON Riker, who is conducting this de-briefing. Then INCLUDES Picard, Data, Troi, and Beverly. PICARD We were traveling at warp two through the Maxia Zeta star system when an unidentified starship suddenly appeared and fired on us! From close range. RIKER Where did it come from? PICARD It must've been lying in a deep moon crater nearby. The first attack damaged our shields, and in the confusion it hit us a second time. RIKER No clue who they were? 14 CLOSER - EMPHASIZING PICARD seeming to become absorbed in the story. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 21. 14 CONTINUED: PICARD No name, no reason... (looks up sharply) Can you identify them, Vigo? Our shields are failing; if they come in again... ? TROI (interrupting) Sir? Who's Vigo? It seems to take Picard a moment to adjust to where he is. PICARD Ah... my weapons officer on the Stargazer. (weak smile) I was getting caught up in this. RIKER (puzzled for a moment) Then, with your shields failing, sir... PICARD I improvised. With the other ship coming in for the kill... (describes with his hands) ... I ordered a sensor bearing, and when it went into its return arc... DATA ... you performed what Starfleet textbooks now call "The Picard Maneuver." PICARD What any good helmsman could have done. I dropped into high warp... (with his hands) ... then stopped right off the target vessel's bow... (slaps hands together) ... and fired everything I had. RIKER By blowing into warp speed, you appeared for an instant to be in two places at once... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 22. 14 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD And our attacker fired on the wrong one. RIKER As you say, "what any good helmsman could have done." (smiles) But you did it first... PICARD A "save our skins" maneuver. The Stargazer was on fire, finished. We had to abandon ship, and limp through space in shuttlecraft for weeks before being picked up. (beat) I haven't thought about it in years... DATA The Ferengi are standing by for us to take possession of the Stargazer, sir. PICARD (to Riker) I want to go over to her. RIKER (nods) I understand, sir. (smiles) Once my people make certain she's safe. 15 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE, FERENGI VESSEL, STARGAZER (OPTICAL) The past and the present. 16 INT. STARGAZER BRIDGE (REDRESS BATTLE BRIDGE) A BEAM OF LIGHT explores the deserted bridge. Signs of fire still remain, blackened consoles and scorched wall panels. It comes to rest on a wall PLAQUE, which Data reads out loud: STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 23. 16 CONTINUED: DATA USS Stargazer. Constitution Class. Starfleet Registry NCC 2893... Suddenly, the bridge LIGHTS are up, as Geordi strides in. GEORDI I activated the emergency power cells... (looks around) Amazing they still work. Data has turned on a position viewer. Worf joins his team members, tricorder in hand. WORF The rest of the ship is all clear of surprises, Lieutenant Yar. GEORDI When I read about this ship at the Academy, I never dreamed I'd ever be on her. TASHA (touches insignia) Yar to Enterprise. All clear, sir. 17 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE Riker's in command, Picard absent. RIKER Thank you, Lieutenant. Captain? 18 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM #1 (OPTICAL) Picard, Beverly and Tasha are present on the pads. PICARD Yes, Commander RIKER'S COM VOICE Stargazer searched and secured, sir. Give her my best. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 24. 18 CONTINUED: PICARD I will that, Number One. (to Chief) Energize! And the TRANSPORTER EFFECT sends the trio OUT OF SCENE. 19 INT. STARGAZER BRIDGE (REDRESS) (OPTICAL) as the captain and companions MATERIALIZE. Picard stands still for a moment, a living "deja vu" in process. PICARD Hello, old friend... Data is at the Science Station monitor which he had turned on earlier. DATA You'll find this intriguing, Captain. PICARD What do you find, Data? DATA Last entry was dated seven years ago, sir. By you... (reading) "We are forced to abandon our starship. May she find her way without us." (looks up) Apparently, she did. Beverly is watching Picard carefully. BEVERLY How are you feeling, Captain? PICARD Fine, Doctor. (to Tasha) Lieutenant Yar, run a structural analysis on the Stargazer for impulse tow. (to Data) Data, download all computers to the Enterprise and file... (to all) I'm going to my old cabin. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 25. 20 INT. STARGAZER - CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS (REDRESS) Not as much fire damage here as on the bridge. Picard sits center, an old travel chest cracked open and several items from it on a nearby table. He pulls out an old framed diploma from it, inspects it. 21 CLOSE ANGLE DOWN ON OPEN TRAVEL CHEST (OPTICAL) where taking out the diploma has REVEALED A METALLIC SPHERE which is about a half-meter in diameter. Suddenly it GLOWS, HUMS. 22 BACK TO SHOT in the midst of Picard being racked with pain, which doubles him up, GROANING. 23 EXT. SPACE - EMPHASIZING FERENGI STARSHIP (OPTICAL) Menacing. 24 INT. FERENGI STARSHIP - SCIENCE ROOM (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) (OPTICAL) TIGHT on a silver-grey half-meter wide SPHERE identical to the one we just saw with Picard, with a pulsating light band around its equator. CAMERA WIDENS to include Bok, near a large wall SCREEN - WAVY LINES move across, as Bok works the controls. BOK (to himself) Try this, "Hero of Maxia." 25 INT. STARGAZER - CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Picard again racked with pain. PICARD DAMNNNN! Picard lurches, stumbling against his chest. PICARD (continuing) OHHHH! He falls atop the chest, closing it. A beat, then he gets shakily to his feet again, disoriented. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 26. 25 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (O.S.) Captain? Then she APPEARS at the door. He is fighting his way back to control. BEVERLY Another headache, sir?! (eyes him) That worries me. I want you back on the Enterprise. PICARD Yes, but... my things here... BEVERLY I'll see they're sent to your Enterprise quarters. 26 EXT. SPACE - EMPHASIZING ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) ESTABLISHING again. 27 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Kazago is seen on our starship's Main Viewer. Riker is looking in that direction. RIKER Enterprise now taking possession of Stargazer, Kazago. KAZAGO Permission granted, Riker. Riker looks up, amused. RIKER Actually it was quite a bargain, Kazago. I thought the Ferengi always made a profit on things. Kazago's VIEWER IMAGE growls a Ferengi obscenity, DISSOLVING INTO A VIEW OF THE FERENGI VESSEL. Everyone's at their station. Picard ENTERS. RIKER Set sub-warp speed for towing, La Forge. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 27. 27 CONTINUED: Picard returns to his chair in Command, as Troi watches him, frowning as she feels something she doesn't like... DATA Starfleet has responded to our request, sir. A tug will rendezvous with us and tow the Stargazer back to Xendi Starbase Nine. RIKER Very well, Data. (to Picard) How was it, Captain? PICARD (distant) Strange, Number One. Like visiting the house you grew up in, but no one's home, except the phantoms of the past... TROI It has troubled you? PICARD Not as much as this damn headache, Counselor. Take over, Number One. RIKER Aye, sir. Picard EXITS. Riker exchanges a concerned look with Troi. RIKER (continuing) What's wrong? TROI I wish I could say. 28 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Picard ENTERING, passes his chest and the other things we saw in his Stargazer cabin. He goes to his bunk, throws himself down heavily. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 28. 29 CLOSE ON PICARD A beat as he rests, then he breathes with almost a GROAN, and CAMERA BEGINS MOVING IN TO EXTREME CLOSE SHOT. VOICES FADE IN; ECHOES FROM THE PAST. VOICES (V.O.) ... shields weakening, Captain! Torpedoes armed! Where are they? Ohmygod, sir! (explosive NOISES) Fire! Fire!! And Picard's eyes POP OPEN, an old terror returns -- but immediately the voices STOP. 30 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker waiting while Data closes the door. He offers the nearby monitor to Riker. RIKER What is it, Data? Why all the mystery? DATA It is the records of the Stargazer, sir. What the Ferengi call the "Battle of Maxia"... (using monitor) It seems the Captain's personal log contains a much different version of that conflict than the official historic account. Riker hardly knows how to take this, but he looks at the monitor. RIKER What are you saying? DATA It would appear that the starship which Captain Picard attacked, had in fact, been under a flag of truce... RIKER What?! STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT TWO 29. 30 CONTINUED: DATA And apparently, the captain destroyed the ship without notice or provocation. RIKER Impossible. What about the fire aboard the Stargazer? DATA An accident in Engineering. RIKER And the proof? DATA It is logged in his own voice. Would you care to hear it? (no answer) Sir? Sir? CAMERA slowly TIGHTENS on the baffled Riker, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE, STARGAZER AND FERENGI VESSEL (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise tows the Stargazer by its tractor beam. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's personal log, stardate 41724.2. An unexpected discovery made by Commander Data in the downloaded log of the Stargazer... 32 CLOSE ON ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) RIKER (V.O.) (continuing) ... appears to indicate Captain Picard was guilty of falsifying the report he made to Starfleet concerning the Stargazer's last voyage. 33 INT. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Picard seems stunned by what he's hearing from his desk computer, his own voice plays back quietly under the scene, not to be understood. PICARD What does this mean? RIKER I don't know, sir. That sounds like your voice. PICARD Don't you know it is, Number One? RIKER No, sir, I don't. I refuse to believe you could have said that. 34 CLOSE ON DESK COMPUTER from which Picard's VOICE now plays NORMAL VOLUME. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 31. 34 CONTINUED: PICARD'S RECORDED VOICE ... and I admit I must have mistaken their subspace antenna for a weapons cluster. Unfortunately, I fired our main phasers... 35 BACK TO SHOT as Riker and Picard hear NORMAL VOLUME: PICARD'S RECORDED VOICE (continuing) ... and our direct hit destroyed the unknown vessel instantly. Moving almost as through fatigue, Riker TURNS OFF the desk computer. RIKER I recognize, of course, your voice has been simulated somehow. I've already put Data to work on it. PICARD Thank you, Will. (shakes head) I never made that log entry, of course. But it still creates a duty for you to perform. RIKER Yes, sir, I must report it to Starfleet. But at this distance, it will take at least a full day for subspace communications to reach there... PICARD ... and another full day for their answer to return. I'd like the truth on this by then. RIKER Sir, you can't believe they'd relieve you from command... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 32. 35 CONTINUED: PICARD Why shouldn't they? Better safe than sorry with the Ferengi now making friendship overtures. RIKER And it's certain that the Ferengi are behind this faked log. No wonder they're still out there, waiting... Riker trails his words at the sight of Picard now grimacing in pain. RIKER (continuing) Headache back, sir? PICARD Damn! (nods) I'll call the doctor again. RIKER It's no wonder you have one, with all this going on, sir. (moving for door) Try to relax. I've got things in hand. PICARD Once again... Riker EXITS. Picard, obviously still in pain, turns back to his desk computer, switches it ON. From it, he hears: PICARD'S RECORDED VOICE This is a confession, given by me, Jean-Luc Picard, commanding USS Stargazer, in the hopes that my belated honesty will be taken into account by Starfleet when judging... 36 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker ENTERS on his way to the Ready Room. RIKER La Forge, open hailing frequencies. GEORDI Open, sir. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 33. 36 CONTINUED: RIKER I'll take it in the Ready Room. (as he EXITS) A secure channel, Geordi. And as Riker closes the Ready Room door behind him, Geordi complies, puzzled. GEORDI Secure, Commander. 37 INT. READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker's seated in Picard's chair, as he hails the Ferengi. RIKER Starship Ferengi! This is Commander Riker here. I'd like to speak to First Officer Kazago. A beat, and on the small Viewer in the room, Kazago APPEARS. KAZAGO A problem, Riker? RIKER Is our channel secure on your end? KAZAGO (pushes o.s. button) It is now. RIKER Are you aware of the details of the Battle of Maxia? KAZAGO Captain Bok has just made me aware of it, Riker. The infamy of your Picard is now fully known. RIKER Infamy?! KAZAGO I would call the wanton destruction of an unarmed vessel infamy. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 34. 37 CONTINUED: Riker's doubt got a new shot in the arm. RIKER And if I produce evidence that Captain Picard's log entry was falsified to indicate that... ? KAZAGO What else would your decadent culture say to defend such disgrace?! But I can hardly imagine you contacted me to discuss an ancient battle. (impatient) What do you want of me? RIKER Just one question. KAZAGO As you humans say, I'm all ears. RIKER First officer to first officer, Kazago, if your Captain Bok knew of that, why this peaceful meeting to present us with the Stargazer? KAZAGO We freely give YOU back your derelict warship and now you accuse US of crime, Riker?! (amazed) I can bear NO more insults! At that, the screen abruptly GOES BLACK, Kazago's patience gone. Riker is as stumped as before. 38 INT. FERENGI VESSEL - SCIENCE ROOM (OPTICAL) Bok's using the sphere, the wall screen a strong pattern of wavy lines (as in twentieth century oscilloscopes). 39 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS Picard is now GROANING, suffering intense pain. The door chime SOUNDS. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 35. 39 CONTINUED: PICARD Who the hell is it?! Beverly ENTERS, as the door opens. She's carrying the medical device which previously eliminated Picard's pain. BEVERLY Not resting, Captain? PICARD More like dying, Doctor. What's wrong with me?! She puts the pain relief device on Picard again, turns it on. BEVERLY I wish to hell I knew, Captain. But something unusual has definitely happened to you. PICARD Why do doctors always state the obvious like it's a revelation? BEVERLY Why do captains always think they're immortal? (reads band) Better now? 40 INT. FERENGI VESSEL - SCIENCE ROOM - CLOSE ON BOK (OPTICAL) Bok makes an adjustment, and the discordant hum "tunes" the lines to move faster. 41 INT. PICARD'S' QUARTERS - BACK TO SCENE Picard has another terrible wave of pain, which doubles him over, to Beverly's surprise. PICARD Aghhh! My head! BEVERLY (tabs it higher) Now that has to do it right? From Picard's reaction, we know it doesn't... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 36. 41 CONTINUED: PICARD No! Beverly tries another device on Picard in concert -- a "light needle" -- like a pencil with a laser beam extension. BEVERLY You didn't say it's been this bad! PICARD It hasn't been! But it is getting worse, Doctor... 42 INT. FERENGI VESSEL - SCIENCE ROOM - CLOSE ON BOK (OPTICAL) Bok makes another adjustment, and the lines move slower. 43 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS - BACK TO SCENE Beverly seems to be getting results, as Picard responds. BEVERLY It has to be some kind of emotional pressure connected with the Stargazer... PICARD I got the damn headache before I even knew my old ship still existed... (pain easing) But maybe you're partly right... Beverly sits next to him. BEVERLY Want to talk to Counselor Troi about it? PICARD (pain again) What I need now is a friend... BEVERLY (quietly) I'm here. Picard eases up to a sitting position opposite Beverly, the subject as painful as the headache. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 37. 43 CONTINUED: PICARD (eyes CLOSE) The Stargazer was an exploration vessel. The fight at Maxia was not my first action, but it was the first time I ever killed anyone. BEVERLY You had no choice... Picard jams OPEN his eyes, the nightmare still alive for him. PICARD Didn't I? I don't know anymore... I just don't know. BEVERLY Commander Riker told me about the altered log, sir. If that's troubling you... PICARD (ignores her) The last three nights, I... hear voices. I'm standing on the bridge, fire all around me... the klaxons, smoke, and I give the order... (amazed) And now the Stargazer is really here! (back to her) And that log... Am I going crazy? How do I know if I was in my right mind at Maxia? How do I know if I'm in my right mind now? With that, Beverly quickly injects Picard with a hypospray, and eases him back onto the bed. He doesn't resist, as she attaches two sensor pads on his forehead. PICARD What was... that? BEVERLY Just something to let you sleep. PICARD (already working) Yes... sleep... I need sl... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 38. 43 CONTINUED: (2) And Picard drifts off, thanks to medical expertise, as Beverly lowers the lights and EXITS. 44 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) as both SLOW, against the starry forever. 45 INT. ENTERPRISE - CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Picard's back is AWAY FROM CAMERA. A beat, then a MOAN... He shifts his leaden weight, in an unconscious attempt to get comfortable, as CAMERA SLOWLY TIGHTENS. Over which, reverb VOICES, muted. VOICES (V. O.) ... shields weakening, Captain! Torpedoes armed! (explosion) Where are they? 46 INT. FERENGI SHIP - SCIENCE ROOM (OPTICAL) Bok's narrowing in on what he's looking for as he adjusts the wavy lines again, so that they begin to parallel each other in synch... BOK (to himself) And now, dear captain, you are ready to live the past! 47 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS - BACK TO SCENE Picard starts to squirm, his arm twitches, CAMERA TIGHTENING. VOICES CONTINUE, REVERB AND MUTED. VOICES (V.O.) Where did they... come from? (KLAXON) Phasers, sir? Sir? (blast) SIR? Now he convulsively turns over as muted sounds of battle continue. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 39. 47 CONTINUED: VOICES (V.O.) (continuing) What should we do, sir? (radio static) Should we fire back? TIGHT on Picard, as his eyes suddenly OPEN... and WE HEAR the muted CRACKLING SOUND of flames. VOICES (V.O.) (continuing) Fire, Captain, FIRE! 48 INT. FERENGI VESSEL SCIENCE ROOM - ON BOK working his device, satisfaction on his alien face. BOK (to himself) You will injure yourself as once you injured me! 49 INT. PICARD'S QUARTERS - BACK TO SCENE CAMERA WHIP ZOOMS in on Picard's eyes as he swivels and sits up, his face suddenly FILLING FRAME. VOICES (V.O.) SIR?! As CAMERA WHIP ZOOMS BACK OUT... he RISES up to his feet, suddenly in command again, and Picard (in his mind) is now aboard the Stargazer. 50 WIDER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Phantoms of Picard's Stargazer bridge crew (DOUBLE EXPOSURE) are in Picard's quarters -- playing it as if at battle stations. A KLAXON (muted) is sounding, DOUBLE EXPOSURE SMOKE and FLAMES are licking at the FRAME. Picard under fire... PICARD (normal volume) Damage report! STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 40. 50 CONTINUED: VOICES (V.O.) (muted) Fusion generator under surge control, sir! (muted static) Power systems failing! PICARD Sensor bearing on hostile ship! VOICES (V.O.) Seven, seven mark nineteen, sir! Fire in Engineering... PICARD Ready phasers, and lock! (MOVES ACROSS room) Stand by for warp nine, heading seven, seven mark twenty... (another room position) And ENGAGE! The muted SOUNDS of battle INCREASE in complexity as Picard makes his maneuver. PICARD Steady. NOW reverse and stop! (goes for it) Phasers FIRE! Torpedoes AWAY! At that a muted EXPLOSION and SOUND of the enemy ship breaking up o.s. fills the phantom smoked room, as Picard chokes and stands dumb to the the CHEERS of his phantom crew. 51 CLOSE - PICARD (OPTICAL) CAMERA TIGHTENS on the troubled man's face, vague, in-and-out of focus amidst the phantom flames, reacting to the phantom fumes. PICARD Fire! 52 EXTREME CLOSE - PICARD His EYES filled with horror, his face a grim mask of unwanted, surprise victory. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT THREE 41. 52 CONTINUED: PICARD FIRE!! As he stares blankly INTO CAMERA, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 53 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) The smaller derelict vessel on the leash of our giant starship. The Ferengi vessel is traveling with them in b.g. 54 INT. READY ROOM Riker, Data and Geordi discuss computer tampering evidence. DATA By comparing the main Stargazer computer log with Captain Picard's personal log, I have found "checksum" discrepancies, sir. RIKER What does that mean? DATA All information is time-coded by entry, and the bits when totaled produce an aggregate amount which... RIKER (interrupts) I don't want a lesson in computer science! Bottom line? DATA One of these two logs is a forgery. GEORDI (smiles) Correction -- the log just found aboard the Stargazer is a forgery. DATA As I said. That is one of them, isn't it? Picard ENTERS the Ready Room looking peaked, but buoyant. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 43. 54 CONTINUED: GEORDI You're looking better, Captain. PICARD A little sleep, thanks to the doctor, works wonders. Any report on the logs? DATA Yes, sir. Whoever tampered with your personal log was clever... GEORDI ... but slightly clumsy. There's no doubt it is a fabrication. Beverly ENTERS bearing the Captain's brain scan reports. BEVERLY Number One, we think you should see this brain scan graph which... (sees Picard) What are you doing here?! PICARD (amused) I thought I was captain of this starship, Doctor. BEVERLY Of course you are, but I... PICARD Thank you for your confirmation of that. (includes the others) But now, except for Commander Riker, I want you all back at your stations... (emphatic) Is that clear? After momentary hesitation over Picard's new gruffness, all EXIT except Riker, Beverly and Troi. BEVERLY (indicates report) I have some business concerning your health, sir... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 44. 54 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (interrupting) I mean you too, Doctor. I have business with Riker. Clearly, Beverly is considering arguing this. She glances to Riker, then decides to give in. BEVERLY Under protest, Captain. She EXITS and Riker turns to Picard, uncertain. RIKER You have orders for me, sir? PICARD Release the Stargazer from the tractor beam, Number One. RIKER Sir? PICARD The tractor beam. RIKER Sir, are you abandoning... PICARD (interrupting) No. Her inertia will carry the Stargazer along on this heading with us. Or did you sleep through the Academy lecture on conserving tractor beam power? RIKER No, sir. I'll release her, or course. Riker EXITS, leaving the troubled Picard alone with his thoughts. 55 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) as the tractor beam wavers, then DISAPPEARS, the tether gone. The Stargazer continues holding its relative position. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 45. 56 INT. SICKBAY Beverly and Troi are looking at colored X-ray-like GRAPHICS of a skull and "brain-map." BEVERLY Obviously, there is some thought process disorder here but I cannot find any physical reason for it. (turns to Troi) Anything? TROI I'm puzzled too. I keep sensing random thoughts... but two sets of them. As if they were his, but intermixed with his from another source. During this, Wesley has ENTERED and Beverly notices him. BEVERLY I'm busy at the moment, Wesley... WESLEY I know you're busy, Mom, but when I went back to the main sensors in Engineering to try some more sensitivity experiments... BEVERLY (interrupting) Wes! I'll be glad to hear about it when I'm through with... WESLEY (interrupting) But, Mom, this is important! Beverly turns back, annoyed, but Troi has picked up something from Wesley and speaks before Beverly can. TROI Does it have something to do with Captain Picard? WESLEY Yes, ma'am... (indicates scans) ... if that's what you're talking about there. I don't know anything about brain scans but I glanced at these when you were studying them, Mom, and I noticed... (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 46. 56 CONTINUED: WESLEY (Cont'd) (pointing at scan graphs) ... these patterns here were like patterns of the low-intensity transmissions picked up from the Ferengi ship. (nods) I just went back and checked and they're exactly the same. TROI (beat) What kind of transmissions? WESLEY I don't know. Engineering has nothing like it on record. TROI (to Beverly) Let's get to the captain... BEVERLY No, they might be affecting the captain. To Riker! The two Women EXIT fast, leaving Wesley standing there. Then: WESLEY You're welcome, ladies. (shaking his head) Adults! 57 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Riker on duty along with Geordi, Data, Tasha and Worf. turbolift arrives with Beverly and Troi ENTERING bridge carefully; then, seeing Picard isn't present, they hurry to Riker. BEVERLY The captain, Commander? RIKER Resting in his quarters... (meaningfully) ... after ordering both of you to your duty stations. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 47. 57 CONTINUED: TROI This is more important! RIKER (cocks an eyebrow) Than the captain's orders? BEVERLY Yes, when we have reason to believe his judgment is being affected. Everyone on the bridge is listening and Riker acknowledges this with a sweeping gesture. RIKER Well then, why not let everyone in on it? TROI It affects them too. There have been some strange... (to Beverly) Did he say "low intensity... ?" (gets a nod) ... unusual low intensity transmissions from the Ferengi vessel... RIKER Did who say? BEVERLY My son! Riker takes a beat at this, then nods. Beverly exhibits the brain scans, pointing at places there. BEVERLY (continuing) ... transmissions which exactly match certain anomalies found in the captain's brain scans. (looks up) Something over there is affecting Captain Picard's thought patterns. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 48. 57 CONTINUED: (2) Riker needs only a split-beat to absorb this, then he whirls to his computer panel. RIKER Computer, tell me Captain Picard's location! COMPUTER Captain Picard is in Transporter Room Three. RIKER What? Computer, emergency order to Transporter Room Three... COMPUTER (interrupting) New information. Captain Picard is no longer aboard the Enterprise. 58 EXT. SPACE - THE FERENGI VESSEL (OPTICAL) CAMERA MOVING IN toward the alien vessel. 59 INT. STARGAZER BRIDGE (REDRESS) (OPTICAL) as Picard MATERIALIZES, back on his flame-scarred only command post. He walks to his captain's chair and sits. BOK (O.S.) Welcome back, Captain. ANGLE WIDENS TO INCLUDE Bok, above Picard at Tactical. PICARD (swivels, stands) What is happening? BOK (to Com) Shields up, computer. COMPUTER Shields in place. PICARD What are you doing? STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 49. 59 CONTINUED: BOK (laughs) Collecting on an old debt... At that, Bok lifts the silver-grey sphere up, as it HUMS. He taps it and it RESONATES strangely. PICARD (throbbing pain) AGHHH-H-H!! 60 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) All at their usual stations, minus Picard, plus Beverly. RIKER Stargazer! Respond, Captain! TASHA (checks board) Shields up, sir. No way to beam over help. GEORDI I am reading something very strange. A low intensity beam of intermittent pulse inside this starship. DATA I have a fix on it... (surprised) Inside Captain Picard's quarters. TASHA (to Worf) You transferred some of his belongings from the Stargazer... ? WORF (nodding; to his feet) Including a fairly heavy chest... ! RIKER Go take a look, fast! Worf EXITS on the run. GEORDI (indicating Main Viewer) The Stargazer is powering up! STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 50. 60 CONTINUED: On the Main Viewer, the Stargazer brightens up. (OPTICAL) 61 INT. STARGAZER BRIDGE (REDRESS) (OPTICAL) Bok is very pleased with Picard's suffering, as the Ferengi puts down the silver-grey sphere and its GLOWING and HUMMING stops. Picard's pain subsides but not his confusion. BOK I have been waiting a long seven years for this, Picard! PICARD I have no idea what you're talking about... BOK Do you not, hu-man? Can you not remember the crime you committed against my very blood? (Picard is stumped) You murdered my only son! PICARD Your son? BOK He was the commander of the ship you destroyed!) (pained) On his first voyage as DaiMon. Picard is puzzled, confused. PICARD The ship... ? The... the Ferengi ship that attacked me... (looks around) ... or is it about to attack me? BOK And I have spent these years searching... seeking... a proper blood revenge. And I found it! Bok lifts the sphere triumphantly, and it starts to glow and HUM. He taps it harder than ever before, its strange RESONANCE LOUDER, and Picard's physical anguish knocks him to his knees. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FOUR 51. 61 CONTINUED: PICARD OHHHHH... ! OHHHHH... ! BOK (eyeing device) From a distant world which hu-man evil has not yet reached. May you never secure these! I am rich, yet two of these cost me the profits of an entire life. Despite the enormous pain, Picard is struggling to his feet now. PICARD You cannot... control me like... Bok, highly amused, taps the sphere into a new level of RESONANCE, echoed by Picard grabbing his head in near heart-stopping agony. BOK Die well, Picard. Bok steps out mid-deck, stops, and FERENGI TRANSPORTER EFFECT SWIRLS about him and he DISAPPEARS. CAMERA WHIP PANS, MOVES IN ON Picard who crouches, unseeing, shuddering in pain. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 62 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) The Ferengi vessel still in far b.g. The Stargazer, powered, fully lit, is turning, moving away from the Enterprise. RIKER (V.O.) First officer's log, stardate 41724.3. Captain Picard, without explanation, has beamed himself to the Stargazer which is now moving away from us... 63 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Main Viewer showing Stargazer per previous SCENE. Riker is at the Captain's position, and Troi, Data, Geordi, Worf, and Tasha are at theirs. Beverly sits in the command area too, holding in her lap the strange metallic sphere from Picard's cabin. RIKER (V.O.) (continuing) ... under its own power. TASHA Hailing frequencies open, sir. RIKER Enterprise to Stargazer, please respond. They wait. No answer. RIKER (continuing) Enterprise to Stargazer... to Captain Picard aboard Stargazer, please answer. (waits; to Data) Mister Data, what was Stargazer's condition? DATA Considerable fire damage to interior surface as reported, sir. But none of her main systems are crippled. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 53. 63 CONTINUED: RIKER (hates to ask) Armaments, Lieutenant Yar? TASHA Six photon torpedoes short, sir, probably used when the Captain destroyed his Ferengi attacker seven years ago. Otherwise fully armed. Riker puzzles over this, motions to Beverly. She hands him the strange Ferengi sphere which he examines for a moment, then turns to Worf. RIKER Where in the Captain's quarters was it, Mister Worf? WORF His chest from the Stargazer, sir. Just where I had left it -- he hadn't yet unpacked. BEVERLY So, he may not have even known it was there. And if this is able to pick up or magnify a thought-altering transmission... TROI (nodding) ... it could have prepared him for whatever's happening now. RIKER Let's find out... or try to. (turning to Tasha) Contact the Ferengi vessel, Lieutenant. TASHA (touching panel) Hailing frequencies open, sir. Riker stands, carries the sphere to in front of the Main Viewer, as: RIKER Enterprise to Ferengi vessel, we transmit visually. Do you respond? STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 54. 63 CONTINUED: (2) The Main Viewer shifts to an ANGLE ON FERENGI VESSEL which in turn DISSOLVES INTO A VIEW OF FIRST OFFICER KAZAGO, who looks somewhat annoyed. KAZAGO Why is our gift to you under power, hu-man? RIKER I'll discuss that with your captain. KAZAGO He is working in our ship's laboratory. Where is your captain? RIKER (beat) He's beamed himself aboard the Stargazer, and I'm wondering... (brings sphere up into view) ... if this has anything to do with it? Kazago is clearly surprised at the sight of the sphere. KAZAGO How do you have possession of that? RIKER It was found in our captain's belongings, brought over from the Stargazer. Kazago now hesitates himself, his mind racing. KAZAGO It... is a forbidden device. A Thought Maker. If your captain is... criminal enough to own one... RIKER (interrupting) Kazago, I ask again, first officer to first officer... what is going on? Something is happening that neither of us seems to know about. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 55. 63 CONTINUED: (3) KAZAGO (beat; hesitant) It... is not seemly to question one's own DaiMon, Riker. I... am not prepared to do that... TASHA (overlapping; to Riker) Sir... I have the Stargazer. RIKER Switch now! Tasha tabs her controls and the IMAGE of the Ferengi First Officer DISSOLVES INTO IMAGE OF STARGAZER BRIDGE. (OPTICAL) It is Picard there, NOT looking into camera but able to HEAR Riker when he speaks. Picard looks disoriented. RIKER Captain Picard, this is the Enterprise, sir... PICARD (not understanding) Do not attack again! We are on a peaceful... Picard staggers, coughs, as if from a weapons hit and smoke there -- which we do not see. TROI He's living a delusion, sir. He's seeing things we don't... PICARD Give your identity! You force us to defend ourselves! (turning; shouting) Phasers full up! Arm torpedoes! Why aren't shields at full power... ? Picard has reached to a panel, touched a control... with which STATIC OVERLAYS VIEWSCREEN IMAGE. (OPTICAL) TASHA We've lost him, sir... The Main Viewer IMAGE now has become one of the Stargazer on a course which will bring it back toward the Enterprise. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 56. 63 CONTINUED: (4) GEORDI When he put the shields up... 64 INT. STARGAZER BRIDGE - FULL ON PICARD He's in the midst of a battle, but we're not seeing what he's seeing. He races to a control panel. PICARD Damn, I said... (flicking switches) ... put fusion generators on surge control. (to another panel) You're moving too slowly. Arm the torpedoes, man! He COUGHS, heavily, waves invisible smoke from his face, shouting: PICARD (continuing) Vigo! Get a fire control party up here! Picard's movement has brought him CLOSE SHOT and now, as his eyes and expression determinedly decide what next to do, CAMERA PUSHES IN TO EXTREME CLOSEUP. 65 PICARD AND BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The bridge now filled with the shadows from Picard's mind. Phantom bridge crew, fire, and smoke (DOUBLE EXPOSURE) in the midst of the Battle of Maxia. Picard alone is real, but reacting to the phantom figures and battle. FIRST VOICE (V.O.) Shields weakening, Captain! PICARD Weapons report! SECOND VOICE (V.O.) Phasers coming to full charge, sir. Torpedoes armed! PICARD Who are they? Identify them! STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 57. 65 CONTINUED: FIRST VOICE (V.O.) They're turning for a third pass at us, sir! THIRD VOICE (V.O.) We can't take another hit, Captain! 66 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Our regulars watching IMAGE of Stargazer on Main Viewer as it turns toward them. TROI I can now feel anger from our captain, first officer. Frustration over whatever he is re-living... GEORDI The Battle of Maxia, sir! That's all it can be. RIKER Mister Data? BEVERLY What is that "maneuver" he became famous for... ? RIKER (overlapping) The Picard Maneuver! (whirling) Mister Data, what is the defense against that? DATA There is no defense, sir. RIKER Then devise one! Fast! Data reacts to this impossible demand, then is suddenly busy. Main Viewer IMAGE SHIMMERS, DISSOLVES INTO IMAGE OF KAZAGO ON THE FERENGI BRIDGE. KAZAGO First Officer Kazago to hu-man Riker. RIKER Not now, Kazago! STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 58. 66 CONTINUED: KAZAGO We do not wish to become involved in what has become clearly a Federation matter... RIKER Fine, fine, Enterprise out! KAZAGO But you should also know that DaiMon Bok no longer commands this vessel, Riker. His first officer has confined him for engaging in this unprofitable adventure. (nods) Good luck, First Officer Riker. The Main Viewer again DISSOLVES INTO IMAGE OF THE STARGAZER which is now heading directly for the Enterprise. DATA I have computed a possibility, Commander. Since even deep space contains trace gases, sir, a vessel in the Picard maneuver might seem to disappear, but our sensors could locate any sudden compression of those gases... RIKER (hurried) And use it as an aiming point? Blast our own captain to bits? DATA Aim our tractor beam at it, sir! Seize it! This class starship has enough power for that. RIKER (fast) In our captain's words... make it so! Set sensors, tractor beam... (waiting) I hope you're right, Data... DATA No question of it, sir... Riker throws him an annoyed look. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 59. 67 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) as suddenly the Stargazer goes into a WARP BLUR. 68 INT. ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Here she comes! RIKER Stand by! On the Main Viewer, the Stargazer is suddenly two places at once, as it unexpectedly appears right off the bow, to the upper left side... RIKER Lock on tractor beam! And the Enterprise shoots out its mighty force-beam tether again, entrapping the smaller Stargazer. The Stargazer struggles to pull free -- it FIRES a salvo that rocks against the Enterprise shields, hard. 69 INT. STARGAZER BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Viewer shows the Enterprise, but Picard doesn't yet "see" it... and he's quite alone on his bridge, his delusion slipping. The smoke, flames and voices are gone. PICARD Ready phasers! RIKER (V.O.) Captain Picard, listen to me! PICARD Is that you, Vigo? RIKER (V.O.) It's Commander Riker, sir! The Viewer switches to a FULL SHOT of Riker. Picard is momentarily distracted by the new image. RIKER (continuing) Captain, hear me! Look around you, the Ferengi are using a thought device on you... STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 60. 69 CONTINUED: PICARD Stand by for warp... (inner conflict) Who are you?! RIKER It's Riker, sir. Your Number One. Look for a silver sphere... Picard struggles against his inner directive, as he angles and sees the SPHERE behind him, glowing and HUMMING. RIKER (continuing; sees it too) There it is! Destroy it with your phaser, Captain! PICARD Phaser... (glances back) Yes, a sphere... Bok used it... RIKER Destory it! PICARD (fumbles in pocket) Phaser... destroy the sphere. And Picard manages to remove his phaser, and in a quick beat, BLASTS the Ferengi brain machine to bits. Picard staggers, weakened. RIKER Captain! Are you all right? Picard feebly touches his insignia. PICARD Enterprise, lock on. Beam me home, Riker. As the familiar TRANSPORTER EFFECT DE-MATERIALIZES Picard. STAR TREK: "The Battle" - 9/14/87 - ACT FIVE 61. 70 EXT. ENTERPRISE AND STARGAZER (OPTICAL) as the smaller vessel, back on its tether, is towed off. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END