STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Schizoid Man" #40272-131 Story by Richard Manning & Hans Beimler Teleplay by Tracy Torme Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 10, 1988 10:[5,#b],18:[1,#b],28:[1,#b],42:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "The Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Schizoid Man" CAST PICARD DR. IRA GRAVES RIKER KAREEN BRIANON DATA PULASKI Non-Speaking TROI MEDICAL TECHNICIAN GEORDI CREWMAN AT OPS WORF CREWWOMAN IN HALLWAY WESLEY GUINAN Voice-Over CAPTAIN OF THE MARY ROGERS STAR TREK: "The Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Schizoid Man" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CORRIDORS CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE TRANSPORTER ROOM SICKBAY SICKBAY (ADJACENT) DATA'S QUARTERS KAREEN'S QUARTERS TURBOLIFT TEN-FORWARD GRAVESWORLD LIVING ROOM LABORATORY STAR TREK: "The Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Schizoid Man" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE KAREEN BRIANON Kuh-REEN Bree-ANN-un STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Schizoid Man" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) a small speck heading toward us from a great distance. PULASKI (V.O.) Medical log, Stardate 42437.5. Ira Graves is arguably the greatest human mind in the known universe... The great ship streaks by, racing toward its destination. PULASKI (V.O.) (continuing) For years he's lived in near isolation on a remote planet, devoting full time to his revolutionary work... 2 INT. TURBOLIFT - CLOSE ON PULASKI riding up alone. PULASKI (V.O.) (continuing) Eight hours ago, we monitored a message from his assistant, urgently requesting medical aid. It seems Graves' health is failing rapidly -- I only hope we can reach him in time... 3 STAY WITH PULASKI as the lift stops and she steps out onto the bridge. Before her, WESLEY is at Conn, a CREWMAN at Ops, WORF at Tactical. She MOVES to Command to join RIKER and PICARD... PICARD Any response from Gravesworld, Mister Worf? STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: WORF Nothing sir. Not since their initial communication. Picard frowns. Riker turns to Pulaski... RIKER They send out a plea for help, then shut off the transmitters so they can't tell if help's on the way. Doesn't make much sense, does it? PICARD What's our e.t.a. at the planet, Mister Crusher? WESLEY Thirty-six minutes to orbit, sir. Picard turns to Pulaski -- his question more a statement. PICARD You understand the importance of doing everything we can for Doctor Graves. PULASKI Of course, Captain. PICARD Starfleet Command believes his work in quantum physics is reaching a critical stage. They consider this a priority one action. PULASKI A man is ill, Captain. Treating him is my priority one. Regardless of who he is. Picard raises his eyebrows in mild surprise. Is she sparring with him or merely stating a fact? Behind him, Riker is smiling, amused by her blunt way of saying things. 4 INT. TEN-FORWARD ROOM - CLOSE ON TROI downing a sea-green liquid in an exotic "chaser" glass. She savors the drink, her eyes lighting up as she slowly swallows. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: TROI It's wonderful. What is it? 5 PULL BACK to see GEORDI and TWO CREWPERSONS sitting next to her, with GUINAN behind the bar. GUINAN A year on the planet Thurasia is four hundred and ninety days long. It rains twice, and only twice. You're drinking Thurasian rain water. GEORDI (empty glass in hand) Water? Tastes more like... TROI Heaven. GEORDI Exactly. Where can I get some more of this? Guinan takes his glass with a smile. GUINAN 'Fraid that's the last of it. Next rainfall in a hundred and sixty three days. Troi looks at her empty glass wistfully. TROI I'm not sure I can wait that long. 6 ANGLE TO INCLUDE DATA joining his friends at the bar. GEORDI (to Data) Hey, old friend. Any luck? Data looks extremely satisfied. DATA I believe my quest has ended in complete success. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: Geordi turns to the others and explains what they're referring to... GEORDI Data's been scouring the library, in search of the perfect joke. DATA I have explored seventy-six thousand, two hundred and twenty-three anecdotes thus far. TROI Why, Data? DATA It is an attempt to find the most humorous anecdote in recorded history. And I believe I have done just that. GUINAN This I gotta hear. All eyes are on Data -- everyone's primed to hear the anecdote to end all anecdotes. Data's eyes sparkle in anticipation. Just before he begins, he throws back his head and LAUGHS THAT PECULIAR STILTED LAUGH of his, as if to say "boy is this going to be funny." The laugh ends too abruptly, like someone pulled a plug. DATA (deliberate) There were twelve birds sitting on a fence... Six had a notion to fly away. How many were left? 7 ANGLE ON HIS AUDIENCE looking at one another, thinking this better have a great punchline. Geordi shrugs... GEORDI Okay, I'll bite. Six. Data bursts into his awkward laugh again. DATA (happy, glowing) No, twelve! They only had a notion to fly away! STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: With quick mechanical movements, Data looks from person to person, a stiff smile plastered on his face. The smile fades, replaced by a look of complete surprise. He can't believe the others aren't laughing. In fact, the only sound WE HEAR is A SMALL GROAN emanating from Geordi. DATA You did not find it wildly hilarious? GEORDI What do you think? Geordi indicates the others. Some have stone-faces while others look like they've just been slapped. DATA Perhaps I should have described the interesting plumage of -- GUINAN -- Data honey, I don't think it would've helped. That joke chilled my blood. Guinan smiles and shivers. Geordi EXITS the bar, patting a deeply perplexed Data on the shoulder as he goes. 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - MOVING WITH GEORDI as he crosses to Ops, passing Picard, Riker and Pulaski in the Command Area. WORF Receiving a transmission from Gravesworld, sir. It's unfocused. Not directed specifically at us. PICARD On screen, Mister Worf. 9 ON SCREEN (OPTICAL) KAREEN BRIANON a strikingly beautiful if somewhat frail-looking woman in her early twenties. She seems anxious -- nervously looking over her shoulder as she speaks. We join her transmission in progress... STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - TEASER 6. 9 CONTINUED: KAREEN ... If anyone can hear me, please send a doctor. Things are getting worse -- Kareen cuts off as she turns to look at something else in the room. Suddenly the screen goes dead... PICARD Try and raise her, Mister Crusher. Tell them we're minutes away. WESLEY It's no good, sir. I don't believe they're receiving us. Picard paces, clearly frustrated. WORF Our records show that she and Graves are the only ones living on the planet, Captain. RIKER Then what scared her? 10 MOVE IN ON PICARD wondering the same thing. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Same setting, same situation. GEORDI Sir, I'm picking up another signal... but it's not from the planet. WESLEY Confirmed. Point of origin... sector three-five mark seven. GEORDI Signal is very weak, sir. Audio only. PICARD Pipe it through, Mister La Forge. THE SOUND OF CRACKLING STATIC fills the air. MAN'S COM VOICE ... Mayday! Mayday! This is (static) -- questing emergency assistance. (static) Outer hull breached (static) Environmental systems compro -- (static) Need immediate ROLLING WAVES OF STATIC overwhelm the rest of the message. Picard signals Geordi to cut off the noise. Worf punches in a few commands at his position... WORF I show the Mary Rogers in that general vicinity, Captain. She's a transport ship, used to ferry settlers to new colonies. No other ships of any kind in this sector. RIKER (concerned) Outer hull breached -- their air must be leaking out. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 8. 11 CONTINUED: PULASKI There may be hundreds of colonists aboard that ship. We've got to help them! PICARD And what about Graves? PULASKI He's one man. And we don't even know the nature of his illness. PICARD He's the man we came to assist! I have my orders, Doctor. Pulaski stews -- silence reigns on the bridge. This is difficult for Picard; a tragic, no-win situation. WORF Suggestion, sir. Picard swivels to face Worf. WORF (continuing) Suggest we execute long range transport of away team to assist Dr. Graves at earliest possible moment. We can use the mass of the planet to slingshot us toward the stricken liner, thus making up most of the lost time. PICARD (nodding, thoughtful) Mister Crusher, make it so -- prepare for extended touch and go orbit. WESLEY (complying) Aye sir. PICARD The transport may be a bit tricky. I'd like you to handle it, Mister La Forge. GEORDI Understood, Captain. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 9. 11 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Assemble an away team, Number One. Include whatever medical assistants the Doctor deems necessary. PULASKI Excuse me sir, but I'd be more useful dealing with the Mary Rogers. There may be hundreds who'll need attention -- PICARD -- Thank you Doctor, but I'll make those decisions. (pause) You're going to Gravesworld. 12 INT. TEN-FORWARD - ON DATA AND GUINAN talking, the bar between them. Data is in a daze... DATA I cannot comprehend it. It is beyond my ability to reason. GUINAN Don't feel too bad, Data. Humor is subjective. DATA But this anecdote had all the elements humans find so diverting! A play on words, colorful characters, deception, a lively setting -- GUINAN (tongue in cheek) -- Maybe it's the birds. DATA (cocking his head) Interesting. How so? GUINAN Birds are considered to have boring personalities. They just sit around and eat seed all day. Maybe squawk once in a while. Boring. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: Data begins to consider this point seriously. Guinan suppresses a smile as she continues... GUINAN In fact, there's only one thing birds do that's funny, but you couldn't put that in a joke and keep it tasteful. (leans forward) Now chickens. Chickens are funny. Data is surprised. He's about to ask her to elaborate, when Riker steps up to the bar. RIKER (cheerful) Hello Guinan. Keeping this guy out of trouble? GUINAN It's a challenge, but I'm trying. DATA Excuse me sir, but in what way is Guinan attempting to restrain me from adversity? RIKER Never mind, Data, I was only joking. Data thinks, then suddenly explodes into a three second burst of LAUGHTER. Once finished, he looks from Riker to Guinan, uncertainty written on his face. DATA That joke was funny. Was it not? GUINAN It wasn't meant to be, Data. Now Data's really confused. GUINAN (to Riker) Are you really going down to see Ira Graves? The Ira Graves? RIKER (intrigued smile) How did you know about that? Guinan smiles slyly and ignores the question. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: (2) GUINAN Remember Will -- great men have great egos. Riker smiles back, wondering why this sounds like a warning. He slaps Data on the shoulder. RIKER Come on Data. A great man awaits. They nod good-bye to Guinan and head for the turbolift. Riker takes a last look at: 13 GUINAN still smiling a smile that says "I know something you don't know." 14 INT. TURBOLIFT - RIKER AND DATA ride down together. DATA May I ask a question, sir? RIKER I think you just did. DATA (thinking it over) Quite correct. May I ask you another question after this one? RIKER (chuckling) Sure, what's on your mind? DATA Do you think it is pointless for me to try and understand humor? RIKER Pointless? Not necessarily. DATA I believe that comprehending what is truly funny will bring me closer to... humanness. (pause) Until recently, I thought I was making progress. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 12. 15 INT. CORRIDOR - DATA AND RIKER exit the turbolift and head down the corridor toward the transporter... DATA For example Commander, do you find this amusing? There were twelve....... aquatic fowl sitting on a fence, and six had -- RIKER -- Twelve. They only had a notion to fly away. Data stops in his tracks. DATA How did you -- RIKER -- Are you kidding? That joke's become a legend on this ship. 16 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - WORF, PULASKI, TROI (OPTICAL) and a MED-TECH are joined by Riker and Data (still mulling over the status of his legendary anecdote). Geordi is at the transporter controls. Riker wastes no time in leading his team onto the platform. RIKER Phaser on stun, Mister Worf. We don't know what's going on down there; no need to take chances. WORF Agreed, sir. GEORDI Remember folks, this is a long range transport. The effects will be a little unusual. PULASKI How do you mean? Riker cuts in before Geordi can reply. RIKER Understood. Energize. Pulaski turns to Riker just as they begin to transport... STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 13. 16 CONTINUED: PULASKI Wait a minute! I don't under -- And they're GONE before the sentence is complete. 17 INT. LIVING ROOM ON GRAVESWORLD - THE AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) begins to MATERIALIZE in comfortable if somewhat cluttered living quarters. Behind them we can see the planet through the window, including the multi-colored rings that encircle her. It takes longer than usual for their materialization. We hear the end of Pulaski's sentence as her body becomes solid. PULASKI -- ssstttaaaaaannnnddd! RIKER You do now. All seem momentarily disoriented. Troi puts her hand to her head. TROI Ohh... I know this is crazy, but for a moment I felt like I was trapped inside that wall. WORF You were. For a moment. Troi thinks that over. Behind her, Riker signals the ship. RIKER Riker to Enterprise. PICARD'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Number One. RIKER We've arrived in Graves' home. All's quiet so far -- on the other hand, no one knew we were coming. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: PICARD'S COM VOICE Use caution and investigate. Protect Graves' health at all cost. We're leaving orbit to assist the Mary Rogers. Back as soon as possible. RIKER Understood, Captain. Riker out. 18 ANGLE FAVORING DATA transfixed by something only he sees. RIKER (O.S.) Let's look around -- see if anybody's home. DATA Someone is home, sir. 19 WIDE ANGLE as the others turn to see what Data sees. Kareen Brianon stands in the doorway, looking even more ravishing than before. KAREEN You heard me. Thank God. Kareen moves toward them and speaks in a halting, shy voice. KAREEN (continuing) I'm Kareen Brianon, Doctor Graves' assistant. Are you... you with Starfleet? RIKER Yes, we're from a ship called the Enterprise. We monitored your distress call but you never acknowledged our response. KAREEN I'm sorry, I... couldn't take the chance... Riker moves forward and studies her eyes. Perhaps he's somewhat smitten by her beauty. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 15. 19 CONTINUED: RIKER What chance? GRAVES (O.S.) (stern) The chance that I might find out someone was coming. All eyes turn to see DOCTOR IRA GRAVES, standing behind them in a corner of the room (a wall door sliding shut behind him). He's a small man in his late seventies, with intense, darting eyes, and a healthy wild-looking shock of white hair. His skin is chalk-white, his torso frail. We get the impression of strong mind, weak body. GRAVES Kareen knew full well that I would not be pleased. KAREEN I had no choice. I refuse to stand by and watch you deteriorate. PULASKI What symptoms have you noticed? KAREEN He has pain, shortness of breath, irritability -- GRAVES -- Ridiculous! I'm as healthy as a Rigellian ox! KAREEN We'll see about that, Ira. (to away team) I hope one of you is a doctor. Pulaski steps forward. PULASKI Doctor Katherine Pulaski. Call me Kate. Pulaski greets Kareen and turns to do so with Ira. He shudders and holds up his hands as she approaches. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 16. 19 CONTINUED: (2) GRAVES No offense, but I don't want you touching me in a medical way. It's no secret that I don't like people much, and I like doctors even less than people! PULASKI Funny, I always thought doctors were people. GRAVES And you were wrong. Just ask any patient. (pause) Although I will admit for a doctor you're a nice looking woman. Graves is giving her body a slightly lecherous appraisal. Pulaski looks at Riker and rolls her eyes. Graves sets his sights on Troi... GRAVES And what have we here?... Another lovely specimen of womanhood. RIKER I thought you didn't like people? GRAVES I like women. Always try to forget that they're people. Graves slides closer to Troi, never taking his eyes off her cleavage. TROI (a bit embarrassed) I'm Deanna Troi. It's an honor to meet you Doctor Graves. GRAVES Yes! Yes, of course it is! This is one of the truly great moments of your life! Believe me honey, you'll never meet anyone half as sagacious as me. I'm a phenom. Graves' bragging comes out in such an enthusiastic, matter of fact way, one can't really be angry with him. To him, his statements are simply facts; he is incredibly brilliant. His egotism suits him. It's perversely lovable, like the boastful old veteran reminiscing about the men he killed in the war. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 17. 19 CONTINUED: (3) GRAVES (continuing) Oh there I go again -- shocking people with the truth. I can appreciate how hard it is for others to try and keep up with my mind. I don't mean to burden with my brilliance. It just works out that way. Over in a corner of the room, Kareen has been studying Worf. KAREEN (soft, uncertain) Excuse me sir... Are you a Romulan? Worf's face twists into a scowl, as though he smells something unpleasant. WORF Hardly. 20 WIDE ANGLE GRAVES He's a Klingon, Kareen. (to others) Kareen has lived here since her father died when she was quite young. Her only knowledge of inhuman races comes from me. I suppose Klingons and Romulans must look much alike. Worf snaps his head toward Riker, infuriated. WORF (low growl) Do I have to stand here and be insulted? GRAVES No insult intended, Mister Klingon. (to Pulaski) See Doctor? Nothing wrong with my hearing -- At this moment Graves is overcome with a brief but vicious wracking COUGH. It doubles him over momentarily, but he quickly tries to pass it off by honing in on Data. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 18. 20 CONTINUED: GRAVES (gravelly) My, my, my... Graves stands right in front of Data, reaching up and studying his face with ardent fascination. DATA Uh, Lieutenant Commander Data, sir -- GRAVES -- Shhh! Graves uses both hands to swivel Data's head from side to side, as he examines the structure of the android's ears, jawline, nose, etc. Behind Graves, Pulaski is taking the opportunity to run a medical scanner up and down the scientist's back. Unaware, Graves thinks out loud as he continues to peruse Data... GRAVES (continuing) Functional... Durable... Obviously no concern whatsoever for aesthetic values. Data frowns -- now he's insulted. Graves releases his head. GRAVES (continuing) Looks like Soong's work. DATA Quite correct, sir! Did you know Soong? GRAVES Know him?! (raspy cough) I taught him everything he knows. You could say I was the father of his work... (smiles as thought occurs) Which kinda makes me your grandfather, doesn't it sonny? Graves spins as he becomes aware that Pulaski has been scanning him. He scowls and backs away, but it's clear she's found out enough already. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT ONE 19. 20 CONTINUED: (2) GRAVES (continuing) Damn doctors! Always sneaking up on you like that -- saying this isn't going to hurt, this isn't going to hurt, when you both know it's going to hurt like hell! (pause) Well I'm not paying the bill for this! PULASKI (quietly) There won't be a bill, Doctor. (to Riker) May I speak with you privately? GRAVES What for! Anything you think you found's more my business than his! Riker thinks about it, then nods, giving Pulaski the go-ahead to speak freely. She hesitates... GRAVES (continuing) Go on, gorgeous! Whatever the hell it is, I can take it. PULASKI (uncomfortable) I checked twice to make certain... You have Varnay's disease. Kareen GASPS. Graves barely reacts. PULASKI (continuing) I'm sorry, Ira. You're dying, and there's nothing I can do about it. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 21 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 42437.7. We've successfully transported the passengers and crew of the stricken liner Mary Rogers. 22 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - MOVE IN ON PICARD alone, staring out the window at the stars... PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Tragically, six people died in the initial explosion, but the rest are now aboard and in good condition. We are heading back to Gravesworld with great dispatch. Wesley ENTERS and quietly approaches the captain. WESLEY You wanted to see me, sir. PICARD (still staring at space) Yes Ensign. I assume you would very much like to meet Doctor Graves. WESLEY (brightening) Yes sir. His theories on spatial relationships are amazing! And his work in thermodynamics is -- PICARD -- Good, I get the idea. Providing his health is reasonably intact, I'm going to appoint you as his personal tour guide when he comes aboard. You have the run of the ship -- show him anything you think he'll find interesting, and for heaven's sake, don't talk his ear off! STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 21. 22 CONTINUED: WESLEY (excited) Yes sir. Understood. (pause, thoughtful) But why me, sir? I mean, not that I'm complaining -- PICARD -- Graves has a reputation for being difficult and I'm not sure I have the patience for that right now. Picard turns from the window and looks Wesley in the eye. PICARD (continuing) And... sometimes the very old get along best with the very young. 23 INT. LIVING ROOM/GRAVESWORLD - ANGLE FAVORING PULASKI Riker, Kareen, Troi, Worf, and the med-tech are also present. PULASKI I'd say he has a week, but that's a guesstimate. KAREEN Is he in great pain? PULASKI Some. I could help with that but he won't let me get near him. KAREEN (sadly) He won't even let me get near him, now. RIKER Has he been... like a father to you? KAREEN More like a teacher. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: TROI I sense that his feelings for you are very warm. He's attracted to you in many ways. KAREEN Attracted?... I know -- I've felt certain feelings from him. But he's always been a gentleman. (to Riker) Had I been older... perhaps we could've been lovers. But nothing like that ever happened between us. She gives Riker a lingering look, then turns and walks away from him... KAREEN (continuing) Now, it's like he's afraid to face me... The only one he talks to is your friend, Data. 24 INT. GRAVES' LABORATORY - GRAVES is attending to a complex computer terminal, softly WHISTLING THE SONG, "IF I ONLY HAD A HEART," while behind him Data is blowing through some of his written material at breakneck speed. DATA I have noticed Doctor, that you -- GRAVES -- Call me Grandpa. Seems more touching in my final hours. DATA I have noticed Grandpa, that you keep repeating the same notes of a musical passage that I am unfamiliar with. GRAVES It's an ancient little tune called "If I Only Had A Heart." A rather plaintive lament sung by a mechanical man who longs to be human. It's his only wish. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 23. 24 CONTINUED: Struck by the image, Data stops what he's doing and MOVES closer to Graves... DATA What happens to this man? GRAVES He finds out that he is human after all. Always was -- just worried so much he never realized it. DATA A happy ending. The mechanical man got his wish. GRAVES Stories often have happy endings. It's life that throws you for a loop. Data seems to think deeply about what he's saying. Graves notes his thoughtfulness and continues... GRAVES (continuing) It must be hard for you... So close to being human and yet never really knowing what it's like to feel pain. DATA But... pain is unpleasant... is it not? Graves looks off into space -- a dying man allowing his mind to explore the vagaries of life. He closes his eyes, breathes deeply, speaks slowly... GRAVES Pain... Lust... envy... pleasure... desire. Do you know what desire is, Data? DATA Desire? It is to long for or crave, a wish, a request, a -- GRAVES (strong) -- Do you know what desire is? Data pauses. He realizes what Graves is asking him. When he answers, he almost sounds sad. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 24. 24 CONTINUED: (2) DATA No... I do not suppose I will ever know what it really is. Graves nods slowly. GRAVES I feel pity for you. Your existence is a kind of walking purgatory -- neither dead nor alive, never really feeling anything. Just existing. Just existing. Graves fights off A COUGHING SPELL. When he comes out of it, there's a small, ironic smile on his face... GRAVES Listen to me -- a dying man taking the time to mourn a man who will never know death. Funny, isn't it? DATA (softly) Funny?... I have... difficulty discerning what is funny. Graves turns his back on Data so that the android doesn't see his face turn grim. GRAVES I've had the same difficulty most of my life. We're much alike. 25 INT. LIVING ROOM ON GRAVESWORLD - RIKER ENTERS, rejoining the others. RIKER I just spoke with the captain. The Enterprise is minutes away; he'll contact us again when she goes into orbit. PULASKI You informed him of Doctor Graves' condition? RIKER Yes. Arrangements are being made to make his last days with us as comfortable as possible. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 25. 25 CONTINUED: Kareen pensively looks out the window... KAREEN It'll be strange to leave here. Troi goes to her and places a supportive arm around her shoulder. TROI You're a beautiful young woman, and there's a whole universe waiting for you out there. KAREEN I'll be alone. I'll be without Ira. Troi looks at her colleagues, uncertain of what to say. Surprisingly, it is Worf who gently approaches the girl. WORF (lowered tone) I know what it is to lose those closest to your heart. It will be hard... you will feel alone at first... but it will surely pass, as time passes. I know. She looks up at Worf with tears in the corner of her eyes. She instinctively knows that his words come from a place deep within him. The little girl in her comes forward and she embraces Worf, GENTLY SOBBING on his chest. The Klingon is caught off guard, initially uncomfortable with the situation. Slowly, awkwardly, he puts a protective arm around her, looking up at the others to make sure they're not laughing at him. 26 INT. GRAVES' LABORATORY - GRAVES is still intently working at the computer terminal. Data is beside him, obviously pondering their conversation. DATA You mentioned your impending death a while ago. I must say Grandpa, that you are facing it with remarkable courage and stoicism. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 26. 26 CONTINUED: GRAVES That is because I am an incredible man, possessing an iron will and nerves of steel. Two traits that helped me become the genius I am today as well as the lady-killer I was in days gone by. DATA (shocked) You condone homicide, sir? GRAVES It's an expression, Data. It means I was once as beautiful as I am smart. Data looks at the grizzled old man before him with amazement. DATA Really Grandpa? GRAVES (shrugging) No, not really -- but what the hell, I'm dying. I can remember my life any way I want. Graves fights off A COUGH and smiles at "his grandson." GRAVES (continuing) And I'll tell you a little secret, Sonny. I don't think I truly will be dying. DATA But... the doctor -- GRAVES -- Oh I'll die, but I won't really be dead. You see? Graves motions for Data to take a closer look at his revolutionary computer terminal. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 27. 26 CONTINUED: (2) GRAVES (continuing) I've invented a way of transferring consciousness into a computer. Before I die I plan to convey my great intelligence into this machine, thus cheating the Grim Reaper of his greatest prize. DATA Grim Reaper... Is that a farmer with no sense of humor? GRAVES I speak of the personification of death itself. (coughs) But what do you know of death? It is a subject forever alien to you. DATA Well Grandpa, that is not necessarily true. I do have an "off button" if you like. Its activation robs me of all consciousness -- therefore rendering me dead for all intents and purposes. Data walks over to study an equation on a chart on the wall. He does not see the thoughtful expression on Graves' face... DATA (continuing) It is not something I enjoy contemplating. GRAVES I can understand that; still the analogy is a good one. (pause, nonchalant) Just where would Soong position such a device? Don't tell me, let me guess. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 28. 27 INT. GRAVES' LIVING ROOM - THE SAME CAST AS BEFORE (OPTICAL) are awaiting the Enterprise's return. Kareen has stopped crying, she sits next to Worf on the couch. Worf rises as a figure begins to MATERIALIZE in the room. It is Captain Picard. Riker goes to him. RIKER Welcome to Gravesworld, sir. This is Kareen Brianon, Doctor Graves' friend and assistant. Picard appraises the beautiful, sad-eyed girl who stands to greet him. PICARD I'm very sorry, Ms. Brianon. I'm sure this is quite difficult for you. KAREEN Thank you, Captain. Your people have been most kind to me. Picard nods compassionately and turns to Troi. PICARD Where's Data? TROI He's been with Doctor Graves almost the entire time. They seem to have developed a genuine rapport. PICARD Hmm, I suppose I can understand that. (to Pulaski) I think we should immediately transport to the ship. There are patients from the Rogers who could use some of your medical savvy. PULASKI Injuries? PICARD Nothing serious. (to Kareen) But I'd also like to get Doctor Graves to a place where we can make him more comfortable. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT TWO 29. DATA (O.S.) That will not be necessary, Captain. 28 MOVE IN ON DATA BACKLIT in the doorway. For a moment he just stands there, perusing the room, taking things in slowly. PICARD (O.S.) Explain yourself, Data. DATA It happened in my arms, just a few moments ago. (pause) There is no need to hurry... Ira Graves is dead. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 29 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) pulling out of orbit, leaving Gravesworld behind. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Supplemental. I leave Gravesworld with an empty feeling and the knowledge that our mission was unsuccessful. Whatever scientific secrets Ira Graves was about to unlock will follow him to his grave... 30 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - KAREEN BRIANON (OPTICAL) sadly watches the planet shrink in size as the Enterprise heads out into space... PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Our immediate priority is to reach the nearest starbase so that Graves' assistant and the marooned settlers can get on with their lives. 31 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD Riker and Pulaski, stand across from Data. PICARD And he really believed he could transfer his intellect into a computer? DATA That is correct. Unfortunately he never had the opportunity to elaborate. Death came swiftly. RIKER Why didn't you notify Doctor Pulaski when it started to happen? DATA To do so would have been pointless. There was nothing she could have done. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 31. 31 CONTINUED: Picard is vaguely disturbed by Data's attitude. Surprisingly, Pulaski supports the android's words... PULASKI It's probably right. My preliminary report indicates an extremely rapid heart stoppage. Death was almost instantaneous. DATA I am not an "it," Doctor. You have been duly informed of this on several occasions, yet you continue to label me with that abhorrent pronoun. Before Pulaski can apologize, Picard addresses Data... PICARD Data... I realize you liked Doctor Graves a great deal. DATA He was the greatest man I have ever known. PICARD Does his death disturb you? DATA Disturb, Captain? No. All things must pass. (pause) May I go now, sir? PICARD Yes of course. Data turns to exit the room, but pauses at the doorway, his back to the others... DATA We will try and do the funeral the way he wanted, will we not, Captain? PICARD I told you we would, Data. DATA I am glad, sir. It was his dying wish. Data EXITS. Riker strokes his chin thoughtfully... STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER That's interesting. PICARD Hmm? RIKER I thought he said death came swiftly. When did Graves have time to make a dying wish? PULASKI Perhaps beforehand. Perhaps he had a premonition. 32 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - KAREEN (OPTICAL) still stands alone, despondently gazing at the stars. She turns as Data ENTERS. KAREEN (gently, feminine) Hello Data. It's good to see you again. He stops at the far end of the room and stares at her for a moment before slowly making his way toward her. She turns back to the stars as he comes up beside her... KAREEN (continuing) The stars are so beautiful when seen from space. Yet they seem lonely -- each so isolated from the next. She turns when she realizes Data is staring at her profile. DATA Ira... never told you how beautiful you were to him. He never told you that, did he? Her lips part slightly in surprise. DATA (continuing) He could not tell you, do you understand? STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 33. 32 CONTINUED: KAREEN Yes. I understand. DATA But he wanted to. Every waking moment. (pause) And he wanted you to know that. Kareen is mesmerized. Data is staring deep into her eyes with a great depth of feeling. Then, abruptly, he swivels and walks toward the door... KAREEN Data! (pause) How do you know? How do you know... what he thought of me? Data stops where he is and seems to search his memory before answering. The reply comes with a shrug... DATA He told me. Data EXITS. 33 MOVE IN ON KAREEN unnerved by his visit. 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in a flyby. 35 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - ON PICARD briskly walking toward us. We see Wesley hurry to catch him from behind. WESLEY Captain Picard. Picard stops and waits for him to catch up. PICARD What is it? STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 34. 35 CONTINUED: WESLEY (a bit hesitant) I heard about the ceremony you're having for Doctor Graves, and... well sir -- PICARD -- You wish to attend. WESLEY (nodding) Since I never got to meet him... PICARD I think it's a fine idea. Come along, Wes. 36 INT. ENTRANCE TO HOLODECK - ON DATA who is addressing the Holodeck computer. DATA ... The temperature should be seventy-two, no make it seventy-one degrees. And whenever the name Ira Graves is mentioned it will warm considerably -- Data cuts off as Picard and Wesley approach. PICARD Are we the first? DATA You are the last. The others have congregated inside. PICARD Very good. (to computer) Enter. The Holodeck doors slide open and REVEAL the scene inside. We can see Kareen as well as all the members of the away team, gathered on a grassy plain. As Wesley starts to step through, Data grasps his arm. DATA (to Picard) Perhaps the child would be better off playing somewhere else. This is an adult ceremony after all. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 35. 36 CONTINUED: WESLEY (laughing) The child? You still working on your sense of humor, Data? Wesley slithers free and enters the Holodeck. Picard frowns at Data. PICARD You don't seem yourself lately. Are you feeling all right? DATA Of course, sir. I am as healthy as a Rigellian ox. 37 INT. HOLODECK - CLOSE ON THE FACE OF IRA GRAVES resting peacefully in a clear glass-like casket. 38 PULL BACK TO SEE THE LITTLE CONGREGATION gathered in a respectful half-circle around him. Troi is speaking in a soft, peaceful tone... TROI ... Although we hardly knew him, we certainly knew of him. His reputation spread throughout the galaxy, and his mind touched all who cherish science. 39 ANGLE ON KAREEN gaunt, sad, gazing at the casket. Slowly, she looks over at: 40 DATA who seems to be enjoying this. Unnoticed by the others, he is looking around, his head bobbing happily, a thin smile on his lips. TROI (O.S.) We gather here today, to say a respectful good-bye to Ira Ellsworth Graves. A man who -- Data interrupts by walking in front of Troi to where Picard and Riker stand side by side. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 36. 40 CONTINUED: DATA This is not exactly what he wanted. Riker is annoyed. He indicates the surroundings (some of which are implied as being OFF CAMERA). RIKER You programmed the setting. The field, the mountain range -- DATA -- It is not the environment that I question, Commander. This was one of his favorite places on Gravesworld. PICARD Well what is it then? DATA It is the tone, the pacing, the content of the verbal tribute. (to Troi) No offense Counselor, but Doctor Graves would have desired a slightly more personal address. RIKER And how can you be so sure? DATA Why he told me, of course. (to Picard) Perhaps I should take over, sir. Picard SIGHS. At last he gives a slight nod. PICARD If you promise to be brief. When I agreed to this, I didn't intend for it to interfere with our duties. Understood? DATA Perfectly. Data moves before the casket and looks pridefully at the old, pale, shriveled face inside. He speaks in a trembling voice, with tremendous pride. DATA (continuing) Just look at that face. The face of a thinker, a warrior, a man for all seasons. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 37. 41 ANGLE ON WESLEY AND WORF each squinting to get a better look at Graves. A warrior? DATA Yes friends, Ira Graves was all that and more. 42 REACTION SHOT OF THE OTHERS at the sound of "Ira Graves," the temperature rises ten degrees and the GROUND RUMBLES for a few moments. DATA Ira Graves was a great humanitarian. Again the temperature goes up and the GROUND SHAKES AND ROARS. People are beginning to perspire... DATA (continuing) To know know know him, was to love love love him. But Ira Graves was not perfect. The same response, stronger now, at the sound of his name. The GROUND SHAKES so hard they're almost knocked off their feet. An angry Picard wipes a layer of sweat off his brow... PICARD Data... DATA (continuing, unaware) Perhaps his greatest fault was that he was too selfless. Cared too much for his fellow man. PICARD Data! That's enough! DATA I am almost finished sir. PICARD You are finished, you mean. 43 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - RIKER AND PICARD stand across from Data. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 38. 43 CONTINUED: PICARD What's become of your judgment? DATA Perhaps I am maturing, sir. PICARD Do you consider it mature to program the mountains to tremble every time you say the name, Ira Graves? Data sheepishly looks down at the ground. PICARD (continuing) Not to mention the air warming at the very thought of him. We would've been barbequed if we'd stayed much longer. Data is even more ashamed -- suddenly incredibly down on himself. DATA I seem to have overdone it. RIKER To put it mildly. DATA I brought shame to this ship. To the good name of Starfleet. PICARD Data -- DATA -- I was only trying to carry out his wishes. To make sure I kept my promise. PICARD I know that Data. Picard is concerned by Data's sudden melancholy. He somewhat awkwardly puts a hand on the android's shoulder in support. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT THREE 39. 43 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (continuing) Look... I realize you've been studying the human equation with great alacrity, but maybe you've been trying just a little too hard. Do you know what I mean? A somber, doe-eyed Data nods his head. Picard continues, actually feeling a bit guilty... PICARD (continuing) Try and relax a little. Don't try to be so... "human." Just be yourself. Okay? DATA (serious, just a touch of sadness) Affirmative, sir. I will work on staying within myself. Now if you will excuse me, I am due on the bridge. Picard nods and Data begins to exit. Picard looks at Riker and shrugs, hoping he didn't come down on him too hard. 44 INT. CORRIDOR - ON DATA as he exits the Observation Lounge and walks straight toward us. His somber expression is abruptly replaced by a pleased, self-confident one. A remarkably sudden transition. He turns to check out an attractive CREWWOMAN as she passes him. When he turns around again he begins to WHISTLE as he walks. The tune is familiar: "IF I ONLY HAD A HEART." FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 45 INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - TRACKING PICARD AND RIKER walking briskly down the corridor. RIKER I'm concerned, sir. I've never seen him act like this. PICARD Could it be that grandfather analogy Graves planted in his head?. Data is an orphan in a manner of speaking. Maybe the loss of Graves really got to him. Touched him emotionally. RIKER I hope that's all it is. They stop at a door. PICARD It's Captain Picard and Commander Riker. May we come in? 46 INT. KAREEN'S QUARTERS - PICARD AND RIKER ENTER. Kareen sits in a form-fitting leather chair, looking very beautiful and very sad. PICARD We've come to pay our respects, Miss Brianon. KAREEN Thank you, gentlemen. That's most thoughtful. RIKER We're due at Starbase Six in less than twelve hours. We thought you might enjoy a quick look at the bridge before we arrive. KAREEN Can one see the stars from up there? STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 46 CONTINUED: PICARD Oh yes. Closer than you've ever seen them before. This thought brings the flicker of a smile to her lovely face. She stands up gracefully... KAREEN I think I'd enjoy that very much. Each man takes a hand and escorts her out of the room. 47 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) cruising toward Starbase Six. 48 INT. BRIDGE - WIDE ANGLE Data at Ops, Wesley at Conn, Geordi in Command with Troi beside him, Worf at Tactical. WESLEY (grinning) That was a great speech, Data. To know know him is to love love love love love him?! DATA (dry) Taken from a centuries-old Earth composition. Your child-like mind cannot appreciate the timeworn wisdom of its words. GEORDI (teasing) You're not turning into a star-crossed artist on us, are you Data? DATA I am many things: artist, scholar, lover, genius -- He cuts off, offended at the LAUGHTER of Geordi and Wesley. The two of them think his stoic delivery is hilarious. GEORDI You're getting funnier, I gotta hand it to you. (laughs, shakes head) There's something to be said for that deadpan delivery. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 49 ANGLE ON THE TURBOLIFT DOOR as Picard and Riker ENTER, escorting Kareen. Still chuckling, Geordi EXITS the bridge, relinquishing the Command Area. 50 CLOSE ON DATA frowning as he sees Kareen with the two officers. 51 WIDE ANGLE (OPTICAL) Kareen is enraptured by the bridge, especially the viewscreen. RIKER You're looking in the general direction of the constellation Pegasus. Kareen's eyes are aglow. She truly loves stargazing. No one notices that Data is watching them with a distinct glower. Picard gently touches her shoulder, leading her toward the Aft Stations. PICARD I'm aware of your interest in science. Perhaps you'd like to -- Data interrupts with a sullen growl, spinning to face them... DATA (under his breath) -- And I am aware of your interest in her. That said, he quickly faces forward again. PICARD (sharply) What was that, Data? DATA Nothing sir. Nothing at all. Picard is about to say something else, then thinks better of it. He turns his attention back to the young lady... PICARD These are our science stations. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 43. 52 TWO SHOT OF DATA AND WESLEY at their stations. The boy is wide-eyed, having heard Data's comment. Data continues to simmer... WESLEY (whisper) What's wrong with you?! DATA (normal voice) I detest hypocrisy. I wish they would just come out and admit it. 53 WIDE ANGLE FAVORING PICARD who is not about to let that comment pass by. PICARD (angry) Admit what, Mister Data? Data calmly turns and addresses Riker and Picard. DATA That your interest in Kareen is not entirely honorable. Everyone is shocked. WORF Data! You are way out of line! Data ignores Worf and deliberately walks toward Picard and Riker... DATA (to Picard) Try as you might, you cannot win her heart. She does not like older men... (to Riker) ... or men of limited intellect. PICARD (controlling his temper) Mister Data, you are hereby relieved of duty -- Worf, take his station. WORF Yes sir. Worf moves to Ops. Picard continues with Data... STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 44. 53 CONTINUED: PICARD You will report to your quarters immediately. You will not leave there until you hear otherwise from me. Is that understood? DATA Sure, I understand. (looks at Kareen) I understand all too well. Everyone's a bit spellbound as Data reaches out and gently touches Kareen's cheek before retiring to the turbolift. The doors open and he enters... DATA (continuing) Removing the competition will not help you, Picard. And the doors shut. No one knows what to say -- all are stunned. Kareen seems shaky and frightened. PICARD (to Kareen) Do you know what that was all about? Still disturbed, she shakes her head vigorously. Beside her, Troi is mulling something over... TROI (as a revelation) Jealousy... I sensed intense, burning jealousy. And it was coming from Data! 54 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS - DATA is standing before a full-length mirror, narcissistically studying his own image. He turns sideways and goes up on his toes, shamelessly admiring his body. Geordi ENTERS in a concerned state. GEORDI I heard what happened but I just can't believe it. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 45. 54 CONTINUED: DATA Do not trouble yourself, friend. I am sure the captain will be by to apologize shortly. GEORDI You expect him to apologize? Data doesn't even answer -- he's too enthralled with his own image in the glass. DATA It seems I was too harsh on Soong. Notice the strong chin, the finely chiseled features, the powerful torso. Do you realize that this body will never wear out. (sighs with pleasure) Immortality. GEORDI What the hell are you talking about? Picard ENTERS, still angry. GEORDI (continuing; to Picard) He's not himself, sir. I know him better than anybody. Picard's face twists into a grimace as he notices Data's shameless preening before the mirror. PICARD (to Data) We're going to Sickbay. DATA (aloof) Oh? Are you ill, sir? PICARD I'm getting there. Come along. 55 INT. SICKBAY - CLOSE ON PULASKI looking displeased. PULASKI I don't oil machinery. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 46. 56 PULL BACK TO SEE Pulaski standing across from Picard, with Data sitting up on a bed behind them. PULASKI Why don't you take it down to Engineering? PICARD Because I brought him to you. I want a complete medical check run on him immediately. PULASKI (exasperated) I'll do the best I can -- PICARD -- I expect nothing less. PULASKI -- But if it blew a fuse or something I may not pick it up. PICARD I have the utmost faith in your abilities, Doctor. I know nothing will get by you. Behind them, Data has been smiling -- amused at their conversation. CUT TO: 57 CLOSE-UP OF MEDICAL MONITOR graphs rising and falling. 58 PULL BACK TO SEE Data lying on a medical bed with Pulaski hovering over him, running instruments along his body. Data takes the time to leer at her body. Pulaski comments dryly without taking her eyes off her instruments... PULASKI I'm sure there's a reason you're looking at me that way. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 CONTINUED: DATA I am simply looking. Any thought of ulterior motive rests with you. Perhaps you are projecting your own desires. PULASKI (derisive chuckle) Perhaps not. I've had three husbands dear, and they've all been flesh and blood. For some strange reason I like it that way. (pause) Now shut up and turn over. DATA (shrugging) Very well. It is your loss. 59 INT. ADJOINING ROOM IN SICKBAY - DATA WALKS IN as Picard, Pulaski and Troi prepare to discuss the results. PICARD Wait for me in the corridor, Mister Data. DATA What for? This concerns me more than it does any of you. PICARD (raising voice) You will wait for me in the corridor! Data SIGHS and reluctantly EXITS. PICARD (continuing) His insubordination is growing by leaps and bounds. I could throw him in the brig but I'd rather try and help him. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 CONTINUED: PULASKI Well I really don't know what to suggest. Physically it's fit as a fiddle. Granted it's not easy to examine a tin can the size of a human, but I'll be damned if I can find anything wrong with it. Picard begins to pace -- he's frustrated and concerned. TROI Perhaps we're looking in the wrong place, sir. PICARD Explain. TROI Well, Data's physical health may be unimpaired but it's his mental health that needs to be addressed. PULASKI Are you suggesting it's losing its mind? Troi thinks before answering... TROI With your permission Captain, there's one way to find out. 60 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS - TROI (OPTICAL) finishes attaching a thin wire to Data's wrist. We can see identical wires running from his chest and head to a small black box. Data is sitting before a viewscreen, looking displeased... TROI You remember the psychotronic stability examination, don't you Data? We all had to take it before graduating from the Academy. DATA It was a waste of time then and it is a waste of time now. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 49. 60 CONTINUED: TROI Just watch the screen and let your mind go blank. This little machine will do the rest. Reluctantly, Data looks up at the screen. 61 ANGLE TO INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) a series of images begin to appear: A green meadow... a waterfall... fire... the Earth seen from space... the Enterprise... a man and woman embracing... a baby ... the color yellow... the Federation seal... 62 CLOSE ON DATA (OPTICAL) the images reflecting off his face. 63 BACK TO VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) images flying by faster now, dissolving into one another: The blackness of space... an old woman... the color red... Picard... an alien landscape... Geordi... a Klingon battle cruiser... Remmick... the word "honor"... the number 2... a barren orchard... a purple sunset... 64 DATA squirms in his seat; this is making him uncomfortable. 65 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD AND GEORDI (OPTICAL) are conferring. PICARD It's safe to say you're his best friend. Can you speculate on what's happening to him? STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 50. 65 CONTINUED: GEORDI It's just a guess sir, but, well sometimes he wants to be human so bad he can taste it. And sometimes he is more human than he or we realize. PICARD Yes... GEORDI I think your theory might be right, Captain. Witnessing Graves' death may have been the catalyst -- Geordi cuts off as Troi appears on the VIEWSCREEN. TROI I have the results of the tests, Captain. I -- I ran two tests to make certain. PICARD Make certain of what? TROI (concerned) There are two distinct personalities within Lieutenant Commander Data. PICARD What?! He's an android, that's not possible! TROI Nevertheless it is true. The second personality is the dominant. It is unbalanced: brilliant but vain, sensitive yet paranoid. I believe it is also capable of extreme acts of violence. 66 ANGLE ON PICARD (OPTICAL) as his mind reaches a stunning realization... PICARD (shocked whisper) So that's it... STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FOUR 51. 66 CONTINUED: TROI What was that, sir? PICARD (lost in thought) Nothing. Go on. TROI It seems to have an especially strong hatred of you, Captain. Or to a lesser degree, any authority figure. (pause) And worst of all, it's growing. PICARD How do you mean? TROI The alien persona is getting stronger -- gobbling up what's left of the original Data. 67 MOVE IN ON TROI'S IMAGE (OPTICAL) TROI If we don't find a way to stop it immediately, the Data we knew will be gone forever. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 68 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM - PICARD AND GEORDI are deeply concerned. PICARD Where is he now, Counselor? TROI I left him in his quarters. He still has orders not to leave. PICARD Orders? Which personality will choose to obey my orders? Picard quickly addresses the wall-panel computer, sensing trouble. PICARD (to computer) Tell me -- where is Lieutenant Commander Data? 69 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - KAREEN (OPTICAL) is back at her favorite spot, eyeing the starry sky, her back to the door. She does not see Data as he quietly ENTERS the room. He just stands there... staring at her back. His unseen presence has an ominous quality to it. DATA Hello Kareen. She turns, startled. DATA (continuing) You know who I am, don't you? KAREEN You're -- you're Data. DATA You know who I am. Don't you. Data moves forward until they're face to face. He is commanding, intense; she is nervous, more than a little frightened. Still, there's a trace of hope in her eyes. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 53. 69 CONTINUED: KAREEN (whisper) Ira?... Data gently holds her face in his hands. His eyes light up and his face breaks into an electric smile. DATA It is me, Kareen! I'm here -- I'm alive! KAREEN How? DATA The process worked! I turned Data off and transferred my consciousness into his frame. Data steps back and proudly indicates his android body... DATA (continuing) Just look at me! Sleek, powerful, indestructable. He grabs an object off the table. His face grows grim as he sends his mind back in time... DATA (continuing) When I was a boy, other children knew I couldn't match them physically. They teased me -- bullied me. That's when I withdrew... Became an island. He crushes the object, letting the rubble slip through his fingers. DATA (continuing) But no one will ever bully me again. (shrugs, smiles) If they try, I'll simply break their necks. KAREEN Don't talk that way, Ira. I've never known you to be violent. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 54. 69 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (laughs) I've never been capable of violence. But now I'm more than capable -- and I rather enjoy this new ability. He turns his head as the door opens and Worf ENTERS with TWO SECURITY GUARDS. WORF Excuse me Data, but the captain would like to see you. DATA Of course. (to Kareen) If you will excuse me, Miss Brianon. Data begins to go with the three of them. Just as Worf turns his back, Data savagely fells him with a two-fisted blow to the back of the head. He grabs a phaser from the unconscious Klingon and points it at the security guards. One of the guards goes for his phaser -- Data fires right into his chest, taking him out. The other guard makes no such move. DATA (continuing) You're just the type, aren't you? You'd beat me up if you could, but you can't. Not any more. The guard is bewildered; he looks at Kareen questioningly. KAREEN Ira, no. DATA Stay out of it! (to Guard) You're lucky I'm such a compassionate man. Now walk! The guard tentatively turns and walks toward the door. Data grins and ruthlessly shoots him in the back, knocking him out. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 55. 69 CONTINUED: (3) Three bodies now clutter the floor and Data is delighted. He moves to Kareen -- she takes a step back and looks at him with alarm in her eyes. DATA (continuing) There's something I must do -- something they're forcing me to do. I'll come for you when my task is complete. KAREEN (voice trembling) Ira... I don't understand... what's happening to you? He takes her hand in his. She doesn't resist. DATA Something wonderful. I feel no pain, no pain at all! And I'm immortal -- I'll never have to face death again. Think of the things I'll accomplish over the next thousand years! Kareen is horrified. Data sees her reaction but misreads it. DATA (continuing) I know what you're thinking, but there's no need to worry. I'll create an android body for you as well. We'll witness the end of infinity together. She begins to cry. Her tears have a curious effect on him; he loses some of his fiery bravado and becomes softer and more sensitive. DATA (continuing) Don't cry, Kareen. (pause, concerned) Don't you see, I can love you now. The way I've always wanted to. It wouldn't have been right then... I was too old for you, too weak. But now I can be everything you've ever wanted. She grimaces and tries to pull away. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 56. 69 CONTINUED: (4) KAREEN Ira -- you're hurting me! He's shocked to find he's unconsciously squeezing her hand. He lets go, realizing he could have broken it into a hundred pieces. Kareen cradles her wounded hand -- Data stares at his own hand in dull horror. His action seems to have taken the wind out of his sails. He leans over and gently wipes a tear from her cheek. DATA (softly, dazed) I'll be back. Wait for me. As he exits, he looks at the three downed men with a touch of alarm. Did I really do that? He carefully steps around them, takes one last look at Kareen, and EXITS. Kareen goes to Worf, who is GROANING, just beginning to revive. WORF Ohhh, what hit me? The doors open and Riker and Picard ENTER, rushing to Kareen and Worf. RIKER Did Data do this? KAREEN (nodding) But it's not really Data. PICARD Yes. I realize that now. Picard addresses the com panel. PICARD (into com) Security alert -- all decks. Lieutenant Commander Data may be armed and dangerous. Use extreme caution and subdue. All phasers on stun. 70 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - GEORDI AT COMMAND Troi beside him, Wesley at Conn, the rest are N.D. CREWMEMBERS. The turbolift doors open and Data steps out brandishing a phaser. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 57. 70 CONTINUED: DATA Well hello there. You all look like you could use a little vacation. 71 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - PULASKI (OPTICAL) has arrived and is treating and reviving the security guards. Picard and Riker are helping Worf to his feet when the viewscreen activates. We see Data holding a phaser to Geordi's head. DATA Captain Picard -- I have ordered your people to vacate the bridge and they have refused. In an effort to save insignificant lives I will give you the opportunity to issue the same order. Otherwise, I will remove them my way. RIKER (softly, to Picard) That phaser's set to kill, Captain. PICARD Data. That's your best friend you're threatening. That's Geordi. You wouldn't harm him for the world, would you? Data looks at Geordi and begins to soften. It becomes clear that there is a struggle going on inside him. DATA (uncertain) Geordi? GEORDI Yes Data. It's me. For a moment it looks like Data is about to release him. Then something kicks in and he violently presses the phaser against Geordi's head again. DATA He's no friend of mine! I should kill him on the spot -- put him out of his blind misery. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 58. 71 CONTINUED: PICARD You win -- no need to act rashly. Mister La Forge, you and the rest of the bridge crew will vacate immediately. DATA I'll blast anyone who attempts to reenter. PICARD You will make no attempt to recapture the bridge. Is that clear, Geordi? GEORDI Yes sir. Evacuating now. Data seems to think about it before letting Geordi move OFF SCREEN. Suddenly there's an evil glint in his eye. DATA Maybe I should shoot one in the back just to let you know I mean business. There's a horrible, helpless moment of silence as Picard and company watch Data take aim on someone about to exit. PICARD What is it you want? Tell me! Data grins and deliberately begins to squeeze the trigger. PICARD (continuing) Kareen is with us! You want to talk to Kareen. Slowly Data lowers the gun and turns to face Picard. DATA Kareen? Are you there? Picard motions with his head for Kareen to approach the viewscreen. KAREEN Yes -- yes Ira. I'm here. Once again Data goes through a radical mood change. He becomes somber, paranoid. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 59. 71 CONTINUED: (2) DATA They're all against me, Kareen. They want to drive me out of this body. To kill me! Kareen looks to Picard and Riker, uncertain of how to react. DATA (continuing) We're going to a new world, my darling. A place where no one can ever touch us. Just hang on, and trust in me. The viewscreen goes dead. Riker tries to reactivate it... RIKER Riker to bridge, Riker to bridge. (pause, to Picard) It's no good. He deactivated the monitor. Picard grimly looks at the frightened girl, trying to figure a way to recapture the bridge. 72 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - LATER - PICARD has convened an emergency meeting. Troi, Wesley, Geordi, Worf, Riker, Pulaski, and Kareen attending. PULASKI We must remember that we're dealing with an unhealthy mind, ravaged by Varnay's disease as well as the strain of assimilating into a new body. WORF And that "unhealthy mind" is in total control of this ship. GEORDI Yet he seems to have a purpose. He said something about going to a new world. RIKER (to Kareen) Do you know what he meant by that? She shakes her head. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 60. 72 CONTINUED: TROI (to Kareen) Is there anything you can tell us about Ira Graves that will help us to understand? KAREEN (distraught) He's a wonderful man. He's not like this -- PICARD -- He's taken over my ship! And I want her back! (pause) Are you going to help me? KAREEN How can I help? PICARD By rejecting him! By deflating his ego. TROI Yes, he said he was doing this for you. Saying you want nothing to do with him might distract him long enough -- KAREEN -- I won't hurt him! He's sick, I won't help to destroy him. PICARD It might be our only hope! He controls all life-support systems on this ship. He could start killing us like flies. KAREEN (yelling, distraught) I can't do it, don't you understand? Picard leans back in his chair. He slowly nods his head... PICARD Yes, I suppose I do understand. The captain rises. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 61. 72 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Where are you going, Captain? PICARD (grim, determined) To the bridge. RIKER I can't let you do that, sir. PICARD You have no choice, Number One. Should I fail to return I want you to attempt an external bridge separation. Get all of our people as far away from him as possible. PULASKI You can't just walk in on him! He won't hesitate to kill you. PICARD There's still some of Data inside. I know there is. If I can reach him, maybe we've still got a chance. 73 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - DATA (OPTICAL) sits at Command, watching the viewscreen, phaser in hand. He spins as the turbolift doors open, and fires a shot that barely misses Picard's head. The captain stands there calmly, then slowly walks onto the bridge. DATA I could've killed you. You know that, don't you? PICARD I do know that. I also know you haven't killed anyone so far. I don't think you really want to. Data doesn't say anything; he simply watches the captain through narrowed eyes. Picard indicates the viewscreen. PICARD (continuing) Where are we going? STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 62. 73 CONTINUED: DATA To the Aldebaran system. There's a planet there that suits my purpose. PICARD Which is? DATA Why should I tell you? PICARD Because you're lonely. Because you want someone else to share your plans. DATA I'll tell you... because I'm bored. I plan on building a fortress, with a laboratory of course. Those of your crew that I do not exterminate shall live there as our slaves. Kareen will never want for anything. PICARD And what of Data? Your "grandson." DATA (chuckles) What of him? PICARD You took advantage of him. Data angrily rises and moves toward Picard. DATA I did him a favor! I gave him life! PICARD You killed him! You're nothing but a two-bit murderer! Data lunges at Picard and grabs his throat with both hands. Picard strains to free himself but the android hands are incredibly strong. Picard is beginning to turn blue. DATA You call me a murderer?! I'll show you what murder is. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 63. 73 CONTINUED: (2) Picard is gasping for air -- on his last legs. KAREEN (O.S.) (screaming) Stop it! Surprised, Data turns, releasing his grip. Kareen steps onto the bridge... KAREEN) (continuing) You've become a monster. DATA (worried, nervous) Don't say that, Kareen. He attacked me -- KAREEN -- And a liar as well. Breathing hard, Picard watches as she goes up to Data with fire in her eyes... KAREEN (continuing) I hate you. I despise you. DATA (shocked, weak) Kareen... don't... KAREEN You're not a man anymore! You're a pathetic little pile of machinery! DATA Stop... please... KAREEN The thought of ever living with something like you makes me sick. Data is weakening by the moment. The fury of her verbal assault is bringing out all of his insecurities and paranoia, making him a basket case. KAREEN (continuing) I'd rather live alone! I'd rather make love to a computer! STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 64. 73 CONTINUED: (3) Data is overcome by a moment of pure fury. He hauls back and prepares to slap her... KAREEN (continuing) Are you going to kill me too? The thought of what he was about to do terrifies Data. His hands begin to shake, he bows his head in nervous shame... DATA You hate me... What can I do, what can I do? KAREEN Leave that body. It doesn't belong to you. Data looks her in the eye. He is emotionally devastated. He gives her just the ghost of a smile (is he relieved?) and then hurries to the turbolift. Alone with Kareen, the recovering Picard gives her a hug. We can see by her eyes that this experience was just as devastating for her. Her hatred was a forced hatred. 74 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) banks sharply and heads back in her original direction. 75 INT. DATA'S QUARTERS - ANGLE ON THE DOORS as they open and Picard, Riker, Geordi, Kareen and Pulaski hurry in. 76 REVERSE ANGLE on the inert form of Data lying by the computer terminal. Riker is the first to reach him, shaking his limp form by the collar. RIKER Data! Data, can you hear me? Data's eyes pop open. They are clear and inquisitive -- we sense it's the old Data once again. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 65. 76 CONTINUED: DATA May I ask you a question, Commander? Riker smiles up at the others. He happily senses the same thing. RIKER I think you just did. DATA Quite correct. May I ask you another question after this one? RIKER No questions. Just tell me a joke. The funniest joke in history. DATA All right. There were twelve... starship captains, sitting on a fence -- 77 CLOSE ON PICARD his eyebrows arching in surprise. PICARD -- I've heard more than enough to know you're you again. Data has no idea what that means. As the others help the android to his feet, Picard notices that Kareen is standing away from the others, staring at the computer terminal. He goes to see what she sees... 78 ANGLE ON COMPUTER VIEWSCREEN It simply reads: "GOOD-BYE KAREEN. I'M SORRY." Picard puts his hand on her shoulder... KAREEN (sad half-whisper) He's in there. Ira put himself in the computer. PICARD No Kareen. The real Ira Graves never left the planet. STAR TREK: "Schizoid Man" - 10/10/88 - ACT FIVE 66. 79 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) streaks past us on its way to Starbase Six. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END