STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Darmok" #40275-202 Written by Joe Menosky Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT JULY 8, 1991 STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Darmok" CAST PICARD CAPTAIN DATHON RIKER TAMARIAN FIRST OFFICER DATA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking O'BRIEN TAMARIAN OFFICERS ALIEN CREATURE ENSIGN LEFLER COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. FEMALE SECURITY OFFICER SHUTTLE CO-PILOT N.D. MALE OFFICE SHUTTLE PASSENGER STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Darmok" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM TAMARIAN STARSHIP OBSERVATION LOUNGE ENGINEERING PLANET EL-ADREL TRANSPORTER ROOM PLANET SURFACE SHUTTLE TAMARIAN BRIDGE (ON VIEWSCREEN) STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Darmok" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANNULAR ann-YOU-ler ANZO AHN-zoe BAHAR buh-HAHR BAKOR bah-CORE CALLIMAS kah-lee-MAHS CHENZA CHEN-zuh DARMOK dahr-MOCK DATHON DAY-thahn EL-ADREL el-AH-drel GALLOS GAHL-ohs JIRI JEE-ree JALAD juh-LAHD KADIR kuh-DEER KANDA KAHN-duh KANZA KAHN-zuh KITEO key-TAY-oh KITUAY KI-too-AY LASHMIR lahsh-MEER LERISHI LEHR-ish-ee LOWANI low-AH-nee LUNGHA LOON-guh STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - PRONUNCIATION CONTINUED: MALINDI muh-LIN-dee MIRAB mee-RAHB MO MOTEH moe-moe-TAY RAI RIE RAZNA RAHZ-nuh SHAKA SHAH-kah SHANTIL SHAHN-till SHIKU MARU SHEE-koo mah-ROO SOKATH soh-KAHTH TAMA TAH-mah TAMARIAN tah-MAH-rian TANAGRA tuh-NAH-gruh TEMARC teh-MARK TEMBA TEM-buh UBAYA oo-BUY-uh UZANI oo-ZAH-nee ZIMA ZEE-mah ZINDA ZIN-dah STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Darmok" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Travelling at warp speed. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45047.2. The Enterprise is en route to an uninhabited planet in the El-Adrel system. The location is mid-way between Federation space and the territory occupied by an enigmatic race known as "The Children of Tama." 2 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) PICARD, RIKER, TROI, DATA and WORF. The Enterprise is at warp. A schematic of a Tamarian spacecraft is displayed at Data's end of the table. PICARD The Tamarians apparently arrived at El-Adrel Four nearly three weeks ago. They've been transmitting a subspace signal toward Federation space ever since. DATA The signal is a standard mathematical progression. It does not carry a specific message. RIKER But they want us to know they're there. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - TEASER 1A. 2 CONTINUED: PICARD Apparently so. Starfleet believes their presence is an attempt to start a dialogue. (to Data) Commander. Data indicates the graphic display -- the ship is formidable looking, covered with alien lettering. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Federation vessels have encountered Tamarian ships seven times over the past one hundred years. Each meeting was without incident, but formal relations were never established because communication was not possible. RIKER Why? DATA The Children of Tama were called "incomprehensible" by Captain Silvestri of the Shiku Maru. Other accounts are comparable. WORF A cause for concern. For all we know, they are threatening our border. TROI Everything in the previous encounters suggests a peaceable race. We have to start from there. PICARD Agreed. I appreciate your prudence, Lieutenant Worf. But given the evidence, Starfleet has arrived at a reasonable conclusion. The Tamarians have extended a hand -- we must do the same. A beat as Worf lets it go for now. Riker turns to the graphic display. RIKER The "Children of Tama." I've heard rumors about them for years. PICARD As have I, Number One. Picard glances at the graphic of the Tamarian ship. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD (continuing) Are they truly "incomprehensible"? In my experience, communication is a function of patience and imagination. I'd like to think we have both qualities in sufficient measure. 3 ANGLE ON THE TAMARIAN GRAPHIC A beat on the mysterious, powerful-looking vessel. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise and a Tamarian starship, as formidable as the graphic, slightly more robust than our own craft. The ships are facing each other, in orbit above a reddish planet. 5 INT. BRIDGE - THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) displays a TAMARIAN -- CAPTAIN DATHON -- flanked by his FIRST OFFICER, and TWO OTHER OFFICERS. Their uniforms are rich with insignia -- and each wears a small ceremonial dagger across his or her chest. But all look the very embodiment of "well-meaning." DATHON ... Rai and Jiri at Lungha. Rai of Lowani. Lowani under two moons. Jiri of Ubaya. Ubaya of crossed roads. At Lungha. Lungha. Her sky grey. He smiles in all friendliness, as if waiting for a response. 6 THE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard, Riker, Troi, Worf. All are staring at the viewscreen, a stupefied expression on each face. Data cocks his head in the android equivalent. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: DATHON (continuing; re-emphasizing) Rai and Jiri. At Lungha... A beat. Picard glances at Troi. PICARD Counselor... TROI I'm picking up nothing but good intentions, Captain. PICARD Data? DATA The Tamarian seems to be stating the proper names of individuals and locations. PICARD But what does it all mean? DATA I am at a loss, sir. Picard faces the alien on the viewscreen. PICARD (to screen) Captain, I invite you to consider the creation of a mutual non-aggression pact between our two peoples. Possibly leading to a trade agreement and cultural interchange. Does this sound like a reasonable course of action? 7 INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Now it's the Tamarians' turn to stare open-mouthed. They haven't a clue... The First Officer turns to Captain Dathon. FIRST OFFICER Kadir beneath Mo Moteh. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: The other officers laugh -- but the Captain doesn't find it funny. DATHON The river Temarc. The officers immediately stop their laughter -- as if ordered to. DATHON (continuing; for emphasis) In winter. His officers look sheepish. 8 RESUME BRIDGE Picard and Riker exchange a glance. PICARD Impressions, Number One. RIKER They seem to be trying their best. PICARD As are we. For what it's worth. WORF (indicating screen) Captain. Picard and Riker look up at the screen. 9 THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Where the aliens appear to be having a spirited discussion amongst themselves. DATHON Darmok. The First Officer looks very concerned -- objects. FIRST OFFICER Darmok? Rai and Jiri at Lungha. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - TEASER 6. 9 CONTINUED: DATHON (shrugs) Shaka. When the walls fell... FIRST OFFICER Zima at Anzo. Zima and Bakor. DATHON (firm) Darmok at Tanagra. FIRST OFFICER Shaka! (indicates situation) Mirab. His sails unfurled. DATHON Darmok. FIRST OFFICER Mir-- DATHON --Temarc! The First Officer shuts up. DATHON The river Temarc... The First Officer bows his head in complete compliance -- he's lost the argument. Captain Dathon reaches out and takes the First Officer's ceremonial DAGGER. 10 INCLUDE BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard watches as the alien captain turns to him -- now armed with two daggers. DATHON Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. A beat. Suddenly both Picard and the Tamarian Captain DEMATERIALIZE in a transporter beam. RIKER Block their transporter with the shields! Extend to maximum range! STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - TEASER 7. 10 CONTINUED: Picard completely disappears as Worf hits his console. WORF Not enough time! RIKER (to Data) Where is he? DATA (off instruments) The Tamarians have transported Captain Picard to the surface. With their own captain... RIKER (touches insignia) Riker to O'Brien -- DATA -- Transport will not be possible, Commander. The Tamarian ship has created a particle scattering field in the planet's ionosphere. Riker looks at the viewscreen -- which goes back to an image of the Tamarian ship. 11 EXT. PLANET A desert filled with scrub-brush and rock. Picard and the Tamarian Captain are facing each other, separated by thirty feet of bare ground. Two daggers are in the alien's hands. OFF Picard's expression: "What the hell is this all about?" FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: 12 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) and the Tamarian ship, facing each other in orbit above the planet. 13 INT. BRIDGE Riker, Data, Troi, Worf. RIKER Riker to Captain Picard... (no response) Captain, do you read me? Riker turns to Data. RIKER (continuing) Can we compensate? DATA (off instruments) No, sir. The Tamarians are projecting a particle sustaining beam into the upper atmosphere. The result is a hyperionization that disrupts virtually all EM and subspace carriers. Riker thinks for a moment. RIKER That means they can't communicate with their man, either. Or beam anybody through the field. DATA That is correct. However, they have left sensor frequencies clear. RIKER So they can read what's going on? Analysis, Mister Worf. What the hell is going on? STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: WORF (shrugs) A contest, perhaps. (in explanation) Between champions. Our captain against theirs. Riker considers this for a moment. RIKER (remembering) Theirs was armed... OFF everyone's reaction. 14 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY Picard and the alien captain are still thirty feet apart, facing each other. DATHON Darmok and Jalad. The Tamarian extends the dagger-like weapon he took from his first officer, as if offering it to Picard. PICARD (re: the weapon) You expect me to fight -- is that it? A challenge? DATHON Darmok and Jalad. PICARD I don't know who or what Darmok and Jalad are. But I didn't come here to start a war. Picard makes no move to accept the weapon. DATHON (insistent) Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. PICARD I refuse. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: Picard crosses his arms. The Tamarian stares for a beat, then tosses the weapon toward Picard, landing it a couple of feet away from him. Picard doesn't even look at it. PICARD (continuing) Would you attack an unarmed man, Captain? There's not much of a challenge in that. The alien watches him for a moment. Scowls. The Tamarian takes his own weapon out of its chest sheath, points at the one in front of Picard. DATHON Temba. His arms wide. PICARD (shakes head) I'm sorry, Captain. Picard picks up the weapon, tosses it back in front of the alien. They stare at each other for a few beats. The Tamarian looks frustrated. He reaches down, picks up the dagger. DATHON (almost to himself) Shaka... When the walls fell... He moves slowly off toward the edge of the clearing, keeping an eye on Picard all the way. Picard does the same, moving toward the opposite end of the clearing. The Tamarian now ignores Picard completely and starts clearing out rocks to form a campground. Picard watches for a few beats. Then starts to do the same. 15 INT. BRIDGE - SCIENCE STATION Data looks up from his instruments. Riker is standing behind him, waiting for Data's report. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT ONE 11. 15 CONTINUED: DATA Sensors show the captain and the Tamarian in apparent good health, approximately twenty meters from each other. Everyone considers Data's words. A beat as Riker thinks for a moment. RIKER (to Worf) Lieutenant, hail the Tamarian ship. Worf works the panel. WORF On screen. 16 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Tamarian First Officer in his chair, surrounded by his senior staff. All are grim-faced. RIKER (to screen) You are holding our captain. I want him released. FIRST OFFICER Darmok at Tanagra. RIKER Your actions can be interpreted as an act of war. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT ONE 12. 16 CONTINUED: FIRST OFFICER (to his staff) Kiteo. His eyes closed. (to Riker) Chenza at court. The court of silence. (flash of anger) Chenza... RIKER (to Data) Is there any way to get through to them? DATA Not without further study. Riker stares at the viewscreen for a long beat. RIKER Mister Worf, close the channel. WORF Gladly, sir. Worf touches the console and the viewscreen switches to the image of the Tamarian ship. RIKER (to Worf) I want you and a security team to take a shuttle down to the planet. Bring back the captain. WORF Aye, Commander. Worf heads for the turbolift. DATA Sir, the Tamarians are fully capable of stopping a shuttle. RIKER I'm aware of that. But disrupting our transporter beam is one thing. Firing on a shuttle is something else entirely. I'm betting they're not gonna push it that far. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT ONE 13. 17 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - NIGHT 18 CLOSE ON A STICK being twirled by Picard's hands. As a slight tendril of smoke rises off a small pile of straw... 19 REVEAL PICARD working the stick. He quickly drops it, blows on the straw, adding more material, until he has a small fire going... which quickly sputters out. Picard scowls, looks over across the clearing. 20 THE TAMARIAN is staring back at him, sitting next to a roaring campfire. He smiles at Picard's failed attempt. DATHON Shaka. When the walls fell. 21 INCLUDE PICARD not pleased with the situation. PICARD "Shaka" indeed. Picard stands, giving up on the fire. PICARD (continuing) What now, Captain? Will you attack me in my sleep? Picard rubs his arms against the growing chill. PICARD (exaggerating) If I don't freeze to death first... DATHON Darmok of Kanza. Jalad of the Kituay. Picard thinks a moment. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT ONE 14. 21 CONTINUED: PICARD Picard of the Federation. The Tamarian looks at him blankly. PICARD (continuing) Of the starship Enterprise... Of the planet Earth... Picard's words mean nothing to the alien. DATHON (to himself) Kadir beneath Mo Moteh... The Tamarian shrugs, turns away, ignoring Picard. He adds some wood to his fire, then crouches on his haunches like a Bedouin. He takes five ornamental objects off of his garments, carefully placing them on the ground. 22 THE TAMARIAN begins a strange ritual, alternately picking up one or more of the objects and dropping them on the ground, touching his forehead after each pattern formed by their fall. His manner is not particularly religious -- more like habit or custom done without much thought. 23 PICARD watches with curiosity. He rubs his arms unconsciously against the chill. 24 THE SCENE The alien finishes his ritual, leaving the objects on the ground. He glances over at Picard -- who is walking back and forth, keeping his blood going. The Tamarian turns from him, laying down in front of the fire. 25 THE TAMARIAN closes his eyes, attempting to sleep. A couple of beats later, his eyes open. He rolls over, looks back at Picard. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT ONE 15. 26 THE TAMARIAN'S POV Picard isn't life-threatened by the cold -- but he looks increasingly uncomfortable. It's going to be a miserable night. 27 RESUME THE TAMARIAN He sighs -- with a hint of guilt. The alien sits up, pokes around the fire until he pulls out a branch burning at one end only. 28 THE SCENE The Tamarian stands with the flame-tipped wood, and in one smooth motion, hurls it end over end across the clearing -- where it lands at Picard's feet. DATHON Temba. Picard looks down at the branch, then back up at the Tamarian, who is watching him. Picard picks it up. PICARD (continuing) Temba? What do you mean? Fire? Temba means fire? DATHON Temba. His arms wide. PICARD Temba is a person? His arms are wide. Because he's holding them apart? In generosity? In giving? In taking? Dathon indicates the branch. DATHON Temba. His arms wide. Picard gives up on the specific meaning for now. The gift is progress in any case. PICARD Thank you. (indicates branch) Thank you. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT ONE 16. 29 PICARD holds the brand to his pile of straw and it immediately ignites. He adds kindling and branches and quickly has a cheery fire. He looks back toward the alien. 30 PICARD'S POV The Tamarian appears to be fast asleep. 31 RESUME PICARD as he watches the alien for a few moments. OFF the thoughtful look on his face. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 32 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) above the planet, head-to-head with the Tamarian ship. A SHUTTLECRAFT is leaving the Enterprise. RIKER (V.O.) First Officer's log, supplemental. I am sending a shuttlecraft to find Captain Picard, gambling that the Tamarians will back down rather than risk an exchange of phaser fire. But I feel like I'm playing a deadly game -- the captain's life is the prize, and I still don't know the rules. 33 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Worf is at the controls, one N.D. SECURITY OFFICER (female) is in the co-pilot position. WORF (off instruments) The positron density is point zero one three. Electron concentration is seven point nine-five. 34 INT. BRIDGE Riker, Data, and Troi. WORF'S COM VOICE (heavily fritzed) We are two hundred fifty kilometers from the planet's surface. DATA The shuttle has reached the E region of the planet's ionosphere. RIKER How long can we maintain communications? STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT TWO 18. 34 CONTINUED: DATA The scattering layer induced by the Tamarians is concentrated in the upper D region. The shuttle will enter that area in approximately two minutes. 35 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Tamarian vessel, hanging silently in front of them. RIKER The Tamarian ship? DATA Unchanged, sir. They appear to be making no attempt to stop us. Riker considers this for a moment as he stares at the viewscreen. RIKER Maybe we called their bluff. 36 INT. SHUTTLE Worf works the controls. RIKER'S COM VOICE (extremely fritzed) Status, Mister Worf. WORF Navigational, life-support, propulsion normal. Onboard systems do not appear to be disrupted by the field. But I can barely read you, Commander. 37 INT. BRIDGE RIKER (to com) Acknowledged, Lieutenant. Maintain contact as long as conditions permit -- STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT TWO 19. 37 CONTINUED: DATA (off instruments) -- Commander! I am reading a power surge in the Tamarian plasma reactor. RIKER (to com) Mister Worf! Evasive maneuver sequence delta! 38 INT. SHUTTLE Worf at the controls. Riker's voice is barely understandable. RIKER'S COM VOICE (totally fritzed) -- Maneuver sequence delta! Maneuver sequence -- 39 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & TAMARIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) A single, tiny, phaser beam burst fires from the Tamarian ship, away from both vessels, down toward the planet. 39A EXT. SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) as it gets HIT by the phaser. 40 INT. SHUTTLE The BLAST rocks the shuttle. Worf and company nearly fall from their seats. 41 INT. BRIDGE DATA (off instruments) Commander, the shuttle has been hit. RIKER Damage. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT TWO 19A. 41 CONTINUED: DATA The starboard nacelle has been rendered inoperable. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT TWO 20. 41 CONTINUED: RIKER (surprised) That's all? (to com) Riker to Lieutenant Worf. 42 INT. SHUTTLE The crew has recovered from the blast. RIKER'S COM VOICE (fritzed) Report. WORF (to com) Starboard thrusters destroyed. Commander, I may be able to land. I will not be able to take off. 43 INT. BRIDGE RIKER (to com) Understood, Lieutenant. Return to the Enterprise. 44 INT. SHUTTLE Worf plots a course. WORF Aye, sir. 45 INT. BRIDGE Riker turns to Data. RIKER Enough to make them turn back, but not enough to hurt them. DATA Yes, sir. The phaser pulse appears to have been carefully attenuated for just that effect. Riker looks up at the viewscreen. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT TWO 21. 46 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Tamarian ship. RIKER (begrudgingly) Nice shooting... 47 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, Troi, GEORDI, Worf. Geordi is indicating a graphic display of the planet's upper atmosphere -- a glowing umbrella effect indicates the spread of the Tamarian scattering field. Graphic representations of the Enterprise and the Tamarian ship are in orbit above it. GEORDI I'm pretty sure I can punch up the annular confinement beam -- enough to transport the captain through the field. But it's gonna take a full day at least. TROI Captain Picard could be dead by then. WORF I do not believe so. They turn to him in surprise. WORF (continuing) I have confidence in his ability as a warrior. He will be victorious. TROI You're still assuming this is some sort of a challenge ritual. We can't be certain of that. RIKER Agreed. We're making educated guesses about their motivations -- no more than that. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT TWO 22. 47 CONTINUED: WORF Then why do we wait? If we attack the ship directly, they will be unable to maintain the scattering field. RIKER Which could start a shooting match, and for all we know, a war. And we still might not be able to save the captain. WORF It will end this stalemate. RIKER There's too much at risk. I'll take that course when it's the only one left. A silent beat as Riker looks around the room, the frustration obvious in his voice. RIKER (continuing) Who the hell are these people? There's got to be some way to get through to them. DATA As I have said, with further study it may be possible to -- RIKER -- Then do it. (to Troi) Deanna, help him. I want something by oh-nine hundred hours. The meeting's over. Riker gets up and leaves, Worf and Geordi follow him out. OFF a glance between Data and Troi -- they've got a daunting task in front of them. 48 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY Picard is curled up asleep by the now burned-out campfire. He takes a ragged breath, his eyes open. Picard sits up, takes in his surroundings, glances across the clearing. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT TWO 22A. 49 PICARD'S POV The alien's campsite is empty -- the Tamarian is nowhere to be seen. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT TWO 23. 50 RESUME Picard stands, dusting himself off, still looking across the clearing. PICARD (to himself) Where have you gone to, my friend? Picard stares for another beat, glances around, doesn't see anybody, and makes a decision. He strides away from his campsite, crosses the clearing, looking around at each step for the alien. Picard arrives at the campsite, pausing at the rocks that have been piled around it. Still no sign of the Tamarian. Picard looks at the campsite -- several personal objects appear to have been left. He can't resist. PICARD (to himself) Forgive the intrusion, Captain. But I need some answers. Picard steps over the rock perimeter. He moves to the burned out campfire and crouches down. 51 CLOSE ON THE CEREMONIAL OBJECTS Two of the small pieces the Tamarian worked the ritual with the previous night. Picard's hand reaches down and picks one of them up. 52 RESUME Picard turns it over in his hand, studying it. The object is metallic and crystalline, dull like lead rather than shining, but has a beauty nonetheless. He puts it down. Something catches his eye a few feet away... 52A PICARD'S POV -- A BOOK belonging to the alien captain -- the same type of lettering on the Tamarian ship adorns its cover. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT TWO 24. 52A RESUME Picard reacts. OFF the look of curiosity on his face. INT. DATA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Data and Troi are at the table, facing a computer monitor. The monitor is running a recording of the first encounter with the Tamarians, as seen on the bridge viewscreen. DATHON (firm) Darmok at Tanagra. FIRST OFFICER Shaka! (indicates situation) Mirab. His sails unfurled. DATHON Darmok. DATA Freeze. The computer freeze-frames the scene. TROI "Darmok." It seems to be a point of contention between them. Perhaps something the Tamarian captain proposed but his First Officer didn't like? DATA The apparent emotional dynamic does seem to support that assumption. As with the other terms used by the Tamarian, it appears to be a proper noun. The name clearly carries a meaning for them. TROI Computer, search for the term "Darmok" in all linguistic databases compiled for this sector. COMPUTER VOICE Searching... STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT TWO 25. 53 CONTINUED: They wait a moment. COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) "Darmok" is the name of a seventh dynasty emperor on Kanda Four... Troi and Data exchange an excited glance -- a breakthrough? Then... COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) A mytho-historical hunter on Shantil Three... A colony on Malindi Seven... Troi's face falls -- Data gives the android equivalent. COMPUTER VOICE (continuing) A frozen dessert on Razna Five... A -- TROI -- Stop search. Computer, how many entries for "Darmok"? COMPUTER VOICE Forty-seven. A beat. Troi stares at Data for a moment, shakes her head. TROI (continuing) All our technology and experience: our universal translator, our years in space -- contacts with more alien cultures than I can remember... STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT TWO 26. 53 CONTINUED: (2) DATA I have encountered one-thousand, seven-hundred, fifty-four non-Human races during my tenure with Starfleet. TROI (smiling) ... and we still can't even say "hello" to these people. DATA That is correct. TROI A single word can lead to tragedy. A word misspoken, misunderstood. (re: Tamarians on screen) That could happen here, Data. If you and I fail... Troi and Data exchange a look. Data turns to the monitor. DATA Replay at time index one-four-four. The video monitor starts the replay at the same place we opened the scene. DATHON (firm) Darmok at Tanagra. DATA Freeze. The image freezes. DATA Computer, search for the term "Tanagra." All databases. COMPUTER VOICE Searching... Tanagra is the name of the ruling family on Gallos Two... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT TWO 27. 53 CONTINUED: (3) COMPUTER VOICE (Cont'd) A ceremonial drink on Lerishi Four... An island-continent on Shantil Three -- DATA (immediately) -- Stop. TROI (excited) Shantil Three? Computer, cross- reference the last entry with the previous search index. COMPUTER VOICE "Darmok" is the name of a mytho-historical hunter on Shantil Three. Troi turns to Data. TROI I think we've got something. 54 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY Picard is still standing ALONE in the alien's campsite. In his hands is the book, and he is pouring through it with great interest. 55 CLOSE ON THE BOOK A thin notebook of high-tech material. On its pages is a jumble of Tamarian writing, reminiscent of the lettering on the Tamarian ship. Picard's fingers carefully, respectfully turn the pages. The last entry ends in the middle of the page. 56 RESUME PICARD (to himself) A captain's log... ? DATHON (o.s.) (shouting) Darmok! It's so loud and near, Picard drops the book, startled --looking towards the source of the shout. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT TWO 28. 57 INCLUDE THE TAMARIAN flying over the perimeter of the campsite, daggers in both hands. He violently extends one hand to Picard. DATHON (continuing) Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra! PICARD (indicating campsite) I was curious. I meant no harm. DATHON Shaka! He practically shoves the weapon in Picard's hand. DATHON (continuing) Temba! His arms wide! Temba--- Picard takes a step backwards -- angered by the insistence. PICARD --Enough! I'm not going to fight you. You'll just have to--- A TREMENDOUS ANIMAL ROAR sounds offscreen. Picard whips around at the noise. The Tamarian is not surprised -- this is what he's been agitated about. DATHON (re: noise; matter-of-factly) Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Another terrifying roar -- closer. OFF the stunned look on Picard's face. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 58 INT. BRIDGE Worf glances up in alarm from his post. WORF Commander! Sensors are picking up an electromagnetic disturbance -- approaching the captain's position. RIKER Analysis? WORF (off instruments) A variable induction field... possibly a life-form. RIKER How close is it to the captain? WORF The field is erratic -- appearing and disappearing -- but it seems to be moving toward him. RIKER Attacking? OFF Worf's look at Riker -- that's a reasonable assumption. 59 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY (OPTICAL) Another ROAR -- and a strange low CRACKLING. Picard and the Tamarian both are facing toward the still unseen source. The alien turns to Picard, gravely offering him the dagger. DATHON (urgent) Temba. His arms wide. PICARD I'll go along with that. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 30. 59 CONTINUED: Picard grabs the weapon and both turn in time to see a HUMANOID BLUR appearing on a ridge. It is at this point just a distortion in the air -- kicking up dust and brush. INT. BRIDGE RIKER (to com) Riker to La Forge. INTERCUT: 61 INT. ENGINEERING La Forge and ENSIGN LEFLER are working quickly at their respective consoles. GEORDI (touches combadge) La Forge here. RIKER'S COM VOICE How close are we on the transporter? GEORDI About two hours -- maybe three. RIKER'S COM VOICE I want the captain out of there now. Geordi and Lefler share a look. GEORDI That's not... likely, sir. RIKER'S COM VOICE I don't want to hear that, Commander. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 31. 61 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to Lefler) What's the resonance frequency? LEFLER (off instruments) Point three four over standard. GEORDI I want a resolution of point five three at the very least. (to com) I'll need two more minutes, Commander. But there's a good chance this isn't gonna work. 62 INT. BRIDGE Riker and Worf look at each other -- the dynamic is more like two generals discussing strategy than a superior officer and his subordinate. WORF If it fails... RIKER I know. We'll have tipped our hand to the Tamarians. But that's a chance we've got to take. Worf nods. WORF Agreed. RIKER (to com) La Forge. Proceed. GEORDI'S COM VOICE We're on it. La Forge out. RIKER (to com) Riker to transporter room one. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 32. 63 INT. TRANSPORTER O'BRIEN at his console. O'BRIEN O'Brien here, Commander. 64 INT. BRIDGE Riker, his face grim. RIKER (to com) Stand by, Mister O'Brien... 65 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY (OPTICAL) The creature is now across the clearing, an almost imperceptible ripple in the air, a low electrical CRACKLING SOUND coming from it. Picard indicates they should retreat. The Tamarian shrugs him off -- as if he knows better. DATHON Mirab -- his sails unfurled? Picard starts to move away from the distortion. Again motioning for Dathon to follow. PICARD Come on. DATHON (hanging back) Shaka. When the walls fell. Dathon indicates the blur in the air. A beat and it suddenly CRACKLES LOUDLY and disappears. A silent beat. Suddenly it reappears with a loud CRACKLE, much closer, cutting off the path Picard would have taken -- almost as if to demonstrate its prowess. There's clearly no way to out run it. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 32A. 65 CONTINUED: DATHON (re: creature's speed; hopeless) Shaka. When the walls fell. PICARD Shaka... You said that before. When I couldn't build a fire. A failure? An inability to do something? The Tamarian squares off toward the creature, weapon ready. Picard does the same. DATHON Darmok and Jalad -- PICARD -- at Tanagra. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 33. 65 CONTINUED: (2) The alien looks surprised. PICARD (continuing) I remember the words. But I don't understand... The creature crackles loudly, threateningly. Picard and the Tamarian await its attack... 66 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Lefler at their consoles, working furiously. GEORDI Matrix levels. LEFLER Annular convergence holding at four three nine point two oh five. Confinement resolution at point five two seven. GEORDI That isn't gonna do it. Increase thermal input coefficient to one hundred fifty-percent. LEFLER (working console) Increasing now... 67 INT. BRIDGE Riker and Worf. RIKER (to com) Status, La Forge. 68 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi keeps working without missing a beat. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 34. 68 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to com) We're almost there, Commander. (to Lefler) Shunt the overload to the phase transition sequencers in transporter one. LEFLER Yes, sir. Lefler's fingers fly over the console. GEORDI (to com) La Forge to O'Brien. 69 INT. TRANSPORTER O'Brien at the controls. O'BRIEN Go ahead, Commander. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Confirm phase sequencer linkage. O'Brien touches the panel. O'BRIEN Link confirmed. Ready whenever you are, sir. 70 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY 71 THE CREATURE (OPTICAL) roars and moves toward them, a distortion in the air... 72 PICARD AND THE TAMARIAN (OPTICAL) The alien captain motions Picard away, indicating there should be more distance between them, using his hands to indicate the split. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 35. 72 CONTINUED: The creature is still hovering near, its blur wavering in the air, the low electrical noise around it. DATHON Uzani. His army at Lashmir. Picard stares at him in the heat of the moment, trying desperately to understand -- their lives depend on it. PICARD At Lashmir. Was it like this at Lashmir? Similar to what we're facing now? The creature CRACKLES loudly, disappears. Silence. Picard and Dathon tense up, anticipating the creature's next location. They urgently try to connect with each other. DATHON Uzani... The Tamarian takes another step to the side -- again indicating more distance between Picard and himself. DATHON His army. With fist open. PICARD (excited) A strategy? With fist open... Picard opens his hand. PICARD (continuing) With fist open. Why... ? To lure the enemy... DATHON His army. With fist closed. PICARD (closing his fist) With fist closed. An army. Open... to lure the enemy. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT THREE 35A. 72 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) Then closed... To attack. That's how you communicate, isn't it? By citing example. By metaphor. (indicating creature) Uzani's army. With fist closed! STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT THREE 36. 72 CONTINUED: (3) DATHON (eureka!) Sokath. His eyes uncovered! A VIOLENT CRACKLING ROAR. Both turn toward the sound. 73 INCLUDE THE CREATURE (OPTICAL) directly in front of them, wavering between the two, divided about which to attack. It chooses Picard -- SUDDENLY BECOMING VISIBLE -- and lunges toward him. It is a horrifying creature surrounded with a shimmering electrical field. Picard moves sideways, slashing out with his dagger as he goes. The dagger contacts the field (not flesh); the creature shrieks angrily in response. 74 THE TAMARIAN (OPTICAL) leaps in from the creature's blind side, slashing it with his weapon -- also contacting the field around it. Sparks fly, the creature again shrieks, whipping around to the new source of attack, leaving Picard alone. 75 PICARD (OPTICAL) executes the same move the Tamarian just made, attacking from the creature's blindside, distracting it from the Tamarian. 76 THE TAMARIAN (OPTICAL) again attacks, and as the creature turns toward him... 77 PICARD (OPTICAL) begins to DEMATERIALIZE! Picard reacts -- struggling against the beam, not wanting to abandon his comrade. PICARD No -- But the word is fritzed, Picard is silenced by the transporter. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 37. 78 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Picard's image SEMI-MATERIALIZES on the pad, flickering between more- and then less-solid states. 79 INCLUDE O'BRIEN at the controls. O'BRIEN (to com) I've got a piece of him Commander. But that's all... 80 INT. BRIDGE Riker is on his feet. RIKER (to com) La Forge, boost the confinement beam! 81 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Lefler at their consoles. LEFLER (to Geordi) One fifty-seven over standard. GEORDI (to com) It's as solid as it'll go, Commander. 82 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY The Tamarian is hurled violently into frame -- burn marks slashed across his chest. TIGHT on the creature as it leaps upon him. 83 PICARD (OPTICAL) continues to MATERIALIZE in and out as... STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT THREE 37A. 84 THE SCENE (OPTICAL) Without Picard to distract it, the creature is all over the Tamarian. He desperately tries to roll away from it, but nothing works -- he's at its complete mercy, being battered and slashed by claws and electrical charge. 85 INT. BRIDGE Worf looks up from his controls. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT THREE 38. 85 CONTINUED: WORF The Tamarian and the entity are in close proximity. The Tamarian's lifesigns are fluctuating. Riker glances at the instrument panel over the shoulder of the Conn Officer. RIKER (off instruments) The scattering field is still in full force. (indicates screen) What the hell is wrong with them? 86 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) and the Tamarian ship. RIKER (continuing) Their sensors can read what's going on as well as ours can. (to com) Riker to O'Brien. Report. 87 INT. TRANSPORTER (OPTICAL) O'Brien works the controls as Picard continues to MATERIALIZE in and out -- only it's getting weaker. O'BRIEN (to com) The field's still deflecting the signal. There just isn't enough of him, sir. 88 INT. BRIDGE Riker turns to Worf. RIKER Open a channel to the Tamarian ship. WORF (touches controls) Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT THREE 39. 89 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the Tamarian bridge appears, the First Officer looking frustrated and angry. RIKER (to screen) Your captain is under attack. Drop your particle field. The First Officer stares at Riker for a hard beat, then turns to his tactical officer. FIRST OFFICER Kailash... (facing Riker) When it rises... The screen goes dead. WORF They have closed the channel. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to bridge. 90 INT. TRANSPORTER (OPTICAL) Picard's image begins to completely DEMATERIALIZE on the pad. O'BRIEN (to com) I can't hold him, Commander. 91 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY (OPTICAL) Picard MATERIALIZES back into place, just in time to see the creature blur out and disappear in a crackling snarl, leaving the fallen Tamarian behind. Picard runs to him, crouches down at his side. The Tamarian is still conscious, but seriously injured. Burned, slashed, white blood appearing at open wounds. Dathon steals himself against the pain -- a heroic warrior. DATHON Shaka... Picard nods, remembers the phrase -- completes it. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT THREE 40. 91 CONTINUED: PICARD (nodding) ... when the walls fell. The Tamarian gives him a weak smile -- and slumps into unconsciousness. OFF Picard's face. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 92 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & TAMARIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) Still facing each other. RIKER (O.S.) First Officer's log, stardate 45047.8. Our attempt to transport Captain Picard back to the ship has failed. My options are narrowing. And my patience is all but gone. 93 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Data and Troi are waiting at the table. Geordi is sitting nearby. The door opens and Riker ENTERS with Worf and BEVERLY. They sit down. RIKER Here's the situation on El-Adrel. The entity has moved off several hundred meters. BEVERLY Captain Picard's bioscan readings are stable. The Tamarian's are not. TROI He may have been injured... RIKER If the entity attacks again, the captain could be facing it alone. GEORDI The transporter's completely out of the question. The Tamarian ship has deepened the scattering field to the D region of the ionosphere. There's no getting through. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT FOUR 42. 93 CONTINUED: WORF Unless we attack the ship itself. RIKER Can you pinpoint the source of their particle beam? GEORDI They're using a polarity coil generator located aft of their warp drive. It's heavily shielded. RIKER Can we get through with our phasers? GEORDI Not with the first spread. It'll take a few hits. RIKER That's not good enough. I want to be able to knock out the scattering field in one shot and have the captain back on the Enterprise before they know what happened. A beat. GEORDI If we selectively target the amplification pathways around the generator, it should be just as effective. And we can do it in one burst. RIKER How long to set that up? GEORDI Worf and I will have to adjust the prefire chambers. That'll give us the focus we need. (shrugs) A few hours. RIKER Get started. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FOUR 43. 93 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Aye, sir. Geordi and Worf stand and leave the room. Riker turns to Troi and Data. RIKER (re: Worf and Geordi) I'd prefer to find a peaceful solution. If we can talk our way out of this -- so much the better. Troi and Data exchange a glance. TROI Unfortunately, it's not that simple. RIKER What have you found? DATA The Tamarian ego structure does not seem to allow what we normally think of as self-identity. Their ability to abstract is highly unusual. They seem to communicate through narrative imagery -- by reference to the individuals and places which appear in their mytho-historical accounts. TROI It's as if I were to say to you "Juliet. On her balcony." BEVERLY An image of romance. TROI Exactly. Image is everything to the Tamarians. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FOUR 44. 93 CONTINUED: (3) TROI (cont'd) It embodies their emotional states, their very thought processes. It's how they communicate, and how they think. RIKER If we know how they think, can't we get something across to them? DATA No sir. The situation is analogous to understanding the grammar of a language but none of the vocabulary. BEVERLY (nodding) If I didn't know who Juliet was or what she was doing on that balcony, the image alone wouldn't mean anything. TROI That's correct. We know, for instance, that "Darmok" was a great hero -- a hunter. Tanagra was an island. But that's all. Without the details, there's no understanding. DATA It is necessary for us to learn the narratives from which the Tamarians are drawing these images. (beat) Given our current relations, that does not appear likely. OFF Riker's reaction -- they're at a dead end. 94 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - NIGHT The Tamarian Captain is on the ground, lying on his back. Picard is sitting upright on rock a few feet away, both daggers in hand, alert and protective. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FOUR 45. 94 CONTINUED: DATHON (indicating scene) Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. His voice has a certain finality -- as though the incident with the creature made his point. He settles back. PICARD Our situation is similar to theirs. I understand. But I need to know more. Tell me more. About Darmok and Jalad. Tell me... Picard searches his memory. PICARD (continuing) You used the words "Temba. His arms wide" when you gave me the fire. And the dagger. Could that mean give? (pointing to Dathon) Temba. His arms wide. Darmok. Give me more about Darmok. Picard makes a "give me" or "come on" motion with his hand. Dathon smiles to hear Picard's efforts in his own language. But he understands. DATHON Darmok on the ocean. Picard thinks out loud, trying to understand. (NOTE: the alien does not understand Picard's "English" -- only when Picard repeats a Tamarian phrase or image will Dathon show a glimmer of recognition.) Picard takes a tiny stone and places it on the sand in front of them. PICARD (indicating stone) Darmok. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FOUR 45A. 94 CONTINUED: (2) Picard draws a big circle around the stone. PICARD (indicating circle) The ocean. He sweeps his hand to indicate the small scene he has created. PICARD (continuing) "Darmok on the ocean." The Tamarian gives an appreciative chuckle. PICARD (continuing) A metaphor. For being alone? Isolated? "Darmok on the ocean." The alien laughs again -- then spasms painfully, quickly covering his distress. PICARD (standing) Are you alright? The alien waves him off. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FOUR 46. 94 CONTINUED: (3) DATHON Kiazi's children. Their faces wet. Picard sits back down. PICARD (indicating Dathon) Temba. His arms wide. Give me more. "Darmok on the ocean... " DATHON Tanagra on the ocean. Darmok at Tanagra. PICARD "At Tanagra." A country? "Tanagra on the ocean." An island. (a "more" motion) Temba... His arms wide. DATHON Jalad on the ocean. Jalad at Tanagra. PICARD "Jalad at Tanagra." He went to the same island as Darmok. To Tanagra. DATHON The beast at Tanagra. PICARD The beast. A creature on the island? On Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad -- did they fight the beast? STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FOUR 46A. 94 CONTINUED: (4) Picard suddenly thinks he understands. PICARD (continuing) They arrived separately. They struggled against a common foe. (beat) "The beast at Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad." DATHON Darmok and Jalad on the ocean. PICARD (realizing) They left together. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FOUR 47. 94 CONTINUED: (5) Picard indicates the two of them. PICARD (continuing) Darmok and Jalad on the ocean. Dathon looks pleased. DATHON On the ocean-- The alien is wracked by a terrible spasm of pain. Picard again moves toward him, this time the Tamarian is angered. DATHON (continuing) Zinda! His face black... His eyes red... Picard backs off respectfully. The Tamarian gets the pain under control. Smiles weakly -- as if to make up for the outburst. DATHON (continuing) Callimas at Bahar. Picard stares at him for a moment. PICARD You hoped this would happen, didn't you? You knew there was a dangerous creature on this planet. And you knew from the tale of Darmok that danger shared can sometimes bring two people together. (indicating situation) Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. You and me, here -- at El-Adrel. The Tamarian gives a confirmatory shake of his shoulders. Then fights another wave of pain. When it passes, he takes a ragged breath. Then appears to be waiting for something. He gives a "go-ahead" indication to Picard. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FOUR 48. 94 CONTINUED: (6) DATHON (weakly) Kira at Bashi. Picard doesn't quite get it. The alien mimics Picard's "you give me" motion. DATHON (continuing) Temba. His arms wide... PICARD (realizing) My turn? I'm afraid I'm not much of a story teller. And you wouldn't understand me anyway. (shakes head) Shaka... when the walls fell. The Tamarian smiles -- but is disappointed. Picard picks up on it. PICARD (continuing) Perhaps that doesn't matter. You want to hear it anyway... The Tamarian is waiting... Picard thinks for a moment, wanting to find the most fitting tale... PICARD (continuing) There is a story... A very ancient one. From Earth. I'll try to remember... He attempts to match the Tamarian's "story-telling" voice. PICARD Gilgamesh. Was a king. At Uruk. He tormented his subjects. He drove them to anger. They cried out -- "Give our king a companion. Spare us his madness." Picard glances at the Tamarian -- the alien's eyes are glazed, but rapt. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FOUR 49. 94 CONTINUED: (7) PICARD (continuing) Enkidu. A wildman. Of the forest. Entered the city. They fought in the temple. They fought in the street. Gilgamesh defeated Enkidu. They became friends. (beat) Gilgamesh and Enkidu. At Uruk. The alien's voice is extremely weak. As if he's just repeating Picard's words unconsciously. DATHON (weak; mimicking) At Uruk... Picard can see that Dathon is failing. Picard's voice becomes almost a whisper, softly making the transition to his own way of speaking. PICARD (quiet) The new friends went into the desert, where the Great Bull of Heaven was killing men by the hundreds. Enkidu caught it by the tail, Gilgamesh struck it with his sword. DATHON (barely audible, mimicking) Gilgamesh... PICARD They were victorious. But Enkidu fell to the ground. Struck down by the gods... The alien closes his eyes... Picard looks at him. The Tamarian shudders once -- and is completely still. PICARD (continuing; a whisper) And Gilgamesh wept bitter tears, saying, "He who was my companion through adventure and hardships, is gone forever... " STAR TREK: "Darmok" - 7/8/91 - ACT FOUR 50. 94 CONTINUED: (8) Picard stops speaking. The clearing is utterly silent. OFF Picard's face. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 95 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & TAMARIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) Facing each other in orbit. RIKER First Officer's log, supplemental. I have no choice but to break the stalemate. If war is the result... Maybe it was inevitable. Perhaps the distance between our races is so vast that nothing else was ever possible... 96 INT. BRIDGE The turbolift opens and Worf steps out onto the bridge. Riker turns to him as he heads for his post. Data and Troi are at their posts. WORF Phasers are nearly ready, sir. Worf steps into position at tactical. RIKER Stand by to fire, Mister Worf. DATA (off instruments) Commander. The Tamarian's bioscans have become unreadable. (beat) He may be dead, sir. Everyone reacts. RIKER If we know it -- so do the Tamarians. (to CON) Riker to La Forge. GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge here. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FIVE 52. 96 CONTINUED: RIKER (to com) I need those phasers -- DATA (interrupting) Sir -- sensors are tracking the entity. It is approaching Captain Picard's position. 97 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY 98 THE TAMARIAN is laid out on his back, eyes shut. 99 INCLUDE PICARD standing next to him, his manner one of great respect. Both Tamarian daggers are stuck into Picard's waistband. He crosses the dead Tamarian's arms over the alien's chest -- Egyptian-like. A CRACKLING ROAR in the near distance. Picard glances up at the sound. Then turns back to the dead alien. PICARD I understand your sacrifice, Captain. He places one of the daggers on the alien's chest. ANOTHER ROAR. There's a calmness in his voice, as if he's resigned to his fate. PICARD (re: the roar) Unfortunately, if our friend out there has its way, no one will ever know what you tried to do... THE ROAR sounds -- much closer. Picard turns toward the noise. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 100 THE CLEARING The quiet, crackling BLUR -- the creature is very close... 101 RESUME PICARD as he pulls out his dagger and waits calmly for the attack. 102 INCLUDE THE CREATURE (OPTICAL) The distorion CRACKLES LOUDLY, and disappears -- 103 INT. BRIDGE Riker, Data, Worf, Troi. DATA (off instruments) Nine meters and closing... Commander... The waiting is unbearable. DATA (continuing) Six meters... GEORDI'S COM VOICE La Forge to bridge. You have phasers! Riker whips around to Worf. RIKER Fire! Worf hits the console. 104 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & TAMARIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The Enterprise simultaneously fires six narrow-focused beams, striking the Tamarian ship at six different spots on her hull. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 105 INT. BRIDGE WORF (off instruments) Their particle beam emitters are inoperative. DATA The scattering field is down. RIKER (to com) O'Brien! Energize! 106 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM O'Brien works the controls... 107 EXT. PLANET - CLEARING - DAY (OPTICAL) A LOUD CRACKLE as the creature appears in bodily form, becoming VISIBLE in all its ferocity, rushing in -- just as Picard DEMATERIALIZES. 108 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) O'Brien at his console -- Picard MATERIALIZES on the pad. 109 INT. BRIDGE O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE We got him, Commander. RIKER (to Worf) Maximum shields. WORF (touches controls) Aye. 110 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & TAMARIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The Tamarian vessel fires a phaser blast at the Enterprise, striking the hull and right nacelle. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 111 INT. BRIDGE The bridge is rocked severely. RIKER Red Alert. The ship goes to RED ALERT. WORF Starboard shields holding at fifty-two percent. Forward shields gone. RIKER Let's get out of here. DATA That will not be possible, Commander. The starboard nacelle sustained a direct hit. Warp engines are off-line. RIKER Go to impulse. Back us off. WORF (off instruments) They are matching our maneuver. And firing... Again the bridge is ROCKED -- this time more severely. RIKER (no choice) Return fire, Mister Worf. Full phasers. WORF Firing, sir. 112 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & TAMARIAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The Enterprise fires an intense phaser blast at the Tamarian ship. No apparent damage. 113 INT. BRIDGE WORF Their shields are holding. They are firing again. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/10/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 113 CONTINUED: The bridge is ROCKED -- the worst yet. WORF (continuing) Our shields have failed! DATA Commander -- we cannot survive another hit. The turbolift door opens and Picard ENTERS the bridge, quickly moving toward his command. Riker immediately steps aside, then reacts to the dagger in Picard's hand. PICARD (as he moves) Hail the Tamarian ship. WORF (touches controls) Aye, Captain. 114 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Tamarian bridge. The First Officer rises to his feet -- reacts with anger at seeing a Tamarian dagger in Picard's hand. FIRST OFFICER Zinda! His face black. His eyes red -- PICARD --Temarc! Dead silence on the viewscreen. Picard has adopted the same tone he saw used by the Tamarian Captain. PICARD (continuing) The river Temarc. In winter. The Tamarians are taken aback by Picard's words. They look at him in a new light, anger suddenly evaporating into surprise. FIRST OFFICER Darmok... STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 114 CONTINUED: PICARD ... And Jalad. At Tanagra. Darmok and Jalad on the ocean. The aliens all react -- their Captain's plan worked. Picard understands. FIRST OFFICER (to others; amazed) Sokath! His eyes open! The aliens stare at him, all ears -- awaiting news of what happened on the planet. PICARD (continuing) The beast at Tanagra. Uzani. His army. (shaking his head) Shaka. When the walls fell. The aliens appear saddened. They lower their eyes. Each Tamarian ritualistically touches his dagger, then his forehead. The aliens again face Picard. Picard takes the small book -- the Tamarian captain's "diary" -- and holds it out in his hand. The Tamarian First Officer glances at one of his officers, who touches a console. The book is immediately DEMATERIALIZED, MATERIALIZING next to the alien First Officer. He picks it up, showing it to Picard. FIRST OFFICER (re: book) Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel. Picard nods. The alien sets the book down. Turns back to Picard. FIRST OFFICER (continuing) Mirab. With sails unfurled. Picard extends the Tamarian dagger toward the First Officer, offering it back to him. PICARD Temba. His arms open. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/16/91 - ACT FIVE 58. 114 CONTINUED: (2) The alien makes a motion with his hands -- as if declining Picard's offer of the weapon. FIRST OFFICER Temba at rest. Picard nods, lowers the dagger. PICARD (almost to himself) Thank you... The viewscreen goes to a shot of the Tamarian ship, as it turns and moves off. A beat. Riker and the others are taken aback by Picard's performance. RIKER (re: Tamarians) New friends, Captain? PICARD I can't say, Number One. Picard glances at the dagger. PICARD (continuing) But at least they're not new enemies. 115 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Cruising at warp. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FIVE 59. 116 INT. READY ROOM Picard is at his terminal, engrossed. The door chimes. PICARD Come. Riker ENTERS, carrying a PADD. RIKER I hope I'm not intruding, Captain. Picard, in fact, is in an introspective and thoughtful mood. He doesn't look up. PICARD Not at all, Number One. Please. RIKER Damage reports are ready for your review. PICARD Thank you. Riker steps over, places the PADD on the desk, and glances at the captain's viewscreen. RIKER Greek, sir? PICARD The Homeric Hymns. (glances up) One of the root metaphors of our own culture. RIKER For the next time we encounter the Tamarians... PICARD (nodding) More familiarity with our own mythology might help us relate to theirs. STAR TREK: "Darmok" - REV. 7/17/91 - ACT FIVE 60. 116 CONTINUED: Picard sits in silent thought for a moment -- as if this subject has been greatly occupying his mind. He pushes away from the terminal, stands. PICARD The Tamarian was willing to risk all of us -- just for the hope of communication, of connection. And now the door's open between our peoples. That commitment meant more to him than his own life. A long beat. PICARD (continuing) Would I do the same... ? Picard glances away -- Riker is silently dismissed. He turns and leaves the room. The door shuts behind him. Picard looks down at his desk -- and the Tamarian dagger laying on top of it. Picard touches it, then brings his hand up to his forehead in the Tamarian ritual honoring. He lowers his hand. OFF his face. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END