STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Next Phase" #40275-224 Written by Ronald D. Moore Directed by David Carson THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT MARCH 15, 1992 STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Next Phase" CAST PICARD MIROK RIKER VAREL DATA PAREM BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking N.D. ROMULANS CHIEF BROSSMER RO ENSIGN McDOWELL Non-Speaking ENSIGN SOUSA N.D. ENGINEERS N.D. NURSES SICKBAY PATIENTS SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 03/15/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Next Phase" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM ROMULAN SCIENCE SHIP TRANSPORTER ROOM CORRIDOR SHUTTLECRAFT SICKBAY BEVERLY'S OFFICE ENGINEERING TEN FORWARD SHUTTLEBAY ROMULAN SCIENCE SHIP ENGINE ROOM SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 03/19/92 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Next Phase" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE MUON MEW-ahn *"mew" like the sound a kitten makes STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Next Phase" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship at warp. 2 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD, DATA, and TROI at their stations. ENSIGN McDOWELL is at tactical. The ship is on YELLOW ALERT and there is a sense of urgency in the air. PICARD Time, Mister Data? DATA We will be within transporter range in three minutes twenty-one seconds. MCDOWELL (off console) I've finally established audio contact with the Romulan ship. Picard moves to tactical and gestures to McDowell, who then works the console. We HEAR THE VOICE of a ROMULAN OFFICER. The transmission is GARBLED and filled with STATIC. ROMULAN COM VOICE (garbled) ... main power failing... no way to... any ship... PICARD (to com) Romulan ship, this is the Enterprise. We are en route to your position. ROMULAN COM VOICE (garbled) ... Enterprise... critical that you... core breach imminent... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: They exchange looks. No one has fully heard the tranmission. PICARD Repeat your last transmission. No answer. Picard looks a question to McDowell. MCDOWELL Sorry, Captain. They've stopped transmitting. PICARD (to com) Bridge to Commander Riker. INTERCUT: 3 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM RIKER and WORF are standing near the platform. GEORDI and RO ENTER, carrying large tool kits. Everyone has tricorders and phasers. CHIEF BROSSMER, a woman in her forties, is standing behind the console. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: RIKER (to com) Riker here. PICARD Number One... transport to the Romulan vessel as soon as we're in range. RIKER Aye, sir. (to others) No weapons. We don't want them to think they're under attack. They turn over their phasers to Brossmer. Ro and Worf are reluctant. RO (under her breath) This is not a bright idea. RIKER (sharp) I beg your pardon, Ensign. I didn't quite catch that. RO (stiffly) Nothing, sir. They all move up to the transporter pad. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 4. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship drops out of warp. 5 NEW ANGLE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The Enterprise moves alongside a ROMULAN SCIENCE SHIP which is about half the size of the Enterprise. CUT TO: 6 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM (OPTICAL) The engine room is a wreck. There are blown out consoles, burnt panels, flames, smoke, DEAD BODIES, etc. The room is smaller than engineering on the Enterprise and should reflect very different ideas about engineering design and philosophy than those we are familiar with. Their engine core is a spherical device contained within a small chamber which has a single open hatch. As crewpeople douse the flames, a male Romulan officer -- MIROK -- is frantically trying to work a recalcitrant console along with a woman -- VAREL. The away team MATERIALIZES in the middle of the room. The Romulans look at them with astonishment. RIKER We're from the Federation Starship Enterprise. We received your distress call. Mirok is somewhat dazed. Geordi and Ro move quickly to the engine consoles and open their carrying cases while Worf keeps a wary eye on the Romulans. MIROK The Enterprise... ? Mirok is still trying to get his bearings in this unexpected situation. But there isn't time to play around, and Riker takes charge of the situation. Riker's confident and naturally commanding presence prompt Mirok to listen to him. RIKER That's right. Your message said you'd suffered a failure in your engine core. MIROK Yes. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 5. 6 CONTINUED: GEORDI (to Riker) Commander? 7 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Riker moves to him and the Romulans follow. Geordi and Ro have removed a piece of equipment about the size of a footlocker from the console. It looks fused and burnt. GEORDI (re: equipment) It's a pretty strange set-up, but I think the graviton field generator has completely depolarized. We can't fix it, it has to be replaced. RIKER (to Romulans) Where are your replicators? VAREL They are off-line. Riker looks around quickly. RIKER Who's in charge here? The Romulans exchange glances, then Mirok steps forward hesitantly. MIROK The captain is dead. I'm... the science officer. Mirok. RIKER (urgent) We'd like to take the generator back to the Enterprise for replication. MIROK (brief hesitation) All right. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 6. 7 CONTINUED: RIKER Geordi, you and Ro. They nod and then wrestle the graviton generator away from the console. Riker and Mirok move to a different console. GEORDI (hits combadge) La Forge to Brossmer. Two people, one piece of equipment to beam aboard. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Ro, Geordi, and the generator begin to DEMATERIALIZE... then something goes wrong... their images FUZZ and SPARK strangely. 8 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Brossmer is struggling to bring them aboard... STRANGE SHAPES and EFFECTS dance on the transporter pad. It's unlike any transporter effect we've seen before. BROSSMER (frustrated) What the hell... (urgent, to com) Engineering, I need more power to the primary energizing coil. More EFFECTS on the stage. Brossmer keeps working, but she can't get anywhere. BROSSMER Brossmer to Commander Riker. I'm losing them -- I have to abort. They should be returning to your coordinates. The EFFECTS STOP on the stage. INTERCUT: 9 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM Riker and Worf wait for them to reappear... nothing. After a long beat... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - TEASER 7. 9 CONTINUED: RIKER (urgent, to com) Chief, they're not here. Do you have them? BROSSMER No, sir. Beat. RIKER Where are they? Long beat as Brossmer works. Finally... BROSSMER (in shock) I can't locate their patterns. (beat) We've lost them, sir. They're gone. Off Riker's shocked expression. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 10 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Only a few minutes have passed since the end of the Teaser. Picard and Troi are reacting to the loss of Ro & Geordi. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE I'm sorry, Captain. But there's just nothing left to retrieve. PICARD Begin a level one diagnostic. All transporter systems to remain off-line until further notice. (to Data) Could they have materialized somewhere else? DATA (off console) Negative, Captain. Sensors are unable to find them within transporter range. PICARD (to Troi) Counselor? Troi waits a beat and silently "listens"... but her expression is grim. She shakes her head. That seems to seal the fate of their friends. But there is no time to mourn. RIKER'S COM VOICE Riker to Enterprise. PICARD Go ahead, Number One. INTERCUT: STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT ONE 9. 11 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM Riker is standing off by himself in the engine room. He has to put aside his feelings for now to deal with the emergency. RIKER Captain, we're still looking at a core breach unless we can fashion a new graviton generator. I need... (beat, then bluntly) I need replacement personnel, sir. 11A RESUME BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Picard thinks for a beat. PICARD Mister Data, you may continue your diagnostic of the transporter system later. Take a shuttlecraft and two more engineers to the Romulan ship. DATA (on the move) Aye, sir. Data EXITS. PICARD (to McDowell) Mister McDowell, alert the main shuttlebay to have all available ships and pilots standing by in case we need them. MCDOWELL Aye, sir. PICARD (to Conn Officer) Lay in a course to take us away from the Romulan ship at Warp One in case it explodes. The Conn Officer nods and works the console. Orders given, Picard moves back to the command area and sits down. Hold a beat on his expression as he takes a beat to reflect on his lost crewmen. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 10. 12 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The two ships as seen before. 13 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM Riker moves to where Mirok and Varel are working on a console. The atmosphere is tense and urgent. MIROK (worried, off console) Pressure in the containment chamber has increased fifteen melakols in the last two minutes. RIKER (to Mirok) What can we do to stop the overload? MIROK (frustrated) Most of the conduits were damaged in the explosion. I can't even access the central computer. 14 NEW ANGLE As Worf and an N.D. Romulan ENTER through a doorway. They both look dirty and bedraggled. WORF (to Riker) Emergency bulkheads have sealed this section from the rest of the ship. There is no way to gain access to the bridge or other control centers. RIKER Survivors? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 11. 14 CONTINUED: WORF Readings indicate at least seventy-three Romulans are still alive. VAREL (shocked) Seventy-three... Suddenly there is an ALARM from the console. Mirok and Varel quickly examine the readings and are horrified at the result. MIROK The pressure has jumped two hundred melakols! VAREL I've lost control of the containment chamber! MIROK (stunned) It's going to implode... Riker takes charge of the situation. The Romulans accept his leadership without question at this point. RIKER We'll have to dump the entire engine core. Do you have an auto-eject system? MIROK Yes, but it's not functioning. I'll have to do it manually. Mirok runs over to a bulkhead near the chamber and rips open a panel. He begins frantically working controls within the panel. RIKER Worf, you two seal the chamber. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: (2) Worf and the N.D. run inside the chamber and begin pulling out optical conduit and power leads connecting the sphere-shaped chamber to the walls. VAREL (off console) Implosion will occur in one minute five seconds... As the following dialog takes place, Worf and the N.D. finish disconnecting the conduits and run out of the chamber. They start to close the door leading to the chamber, but there is a large beam blocking the way. They struggle to move it, but it's too heavy. RIKER (hits combadge) Riker to Enterprise. We're preparing to jettison the engine core. We'll need you to extend shields once it clears the hull. PICARD'S COM VOICE Understood, Number One. We'll stand by for your signal. WORF Commander! Riker turns and sees the difficulty they're having with the beam and the door. He and Varel rush over and help them move the beam... RIKER (as he pulls on beam, to Varel) Time? VAREL Thirty seconds... The beam finally crashes to the deck. They try to pull the doors shut... they get halfway, then jam. Mirok sits up. MIROK Ready! RIKER (straining against door) Stay there! Eject the chamber on my order! STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: (3) But it's futile... they can't move it at all. A tense beat and then suddenly we HEAR DATA'S VOICE. DATA (o.c.) Excuse me, sir. 15 NEW ANGLE Revealing Data and TWO N.D. ENGINEERS now standing in the engine room. Riker and Worf step aside as Data moves quickly to the jammed doors. With a burst of android strength, he PULLS the doors together and seals the chamber. RIKER (to Mirok) Now! Mirok works a control and the ship SHAKES ONCE as the chamber is ejected. The lights go OUT. RIKER (hits combadge) Enterprise, extend shields! CUT TO: 16 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The two ships are side by side. Suddenly, there is a flash of LIGHT from the bottom of the Romulan ship and an EXPLOSION a short distance away from the ship. But the blast from the explosion is kept away from the two ships by the shields of the Enterprise, which now surround both vessels. (It is the explosion which makes the shields visible.) 17 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM As before. The room SHAKES slightly then stops. Everyone is standing still in the gloomy darkness. After a beat, Riker turns to Mirok and a slow smile spreads across his face. RIKER (to Mirok) Well... we're still here. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 14. 17 CONTINUED: MIROK (smiles) Yes. It's a unique moment... Starfleet and Romulan crewmembers standing side by side, celebrating a joint victory. CUT TO: 18 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 19 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard is listening to Riker's report. RIKER'S COM VOICE We'll have a complete power survey done within the hour... we'll probably have to supply them with energy for life support... and they're definitely going to need a new engine core to get home again. PICARD (to com) Understood, Commander. Keep us informed of your efforts. Picard out. (to McDowell) I'll be in sickbay. MCDOWELL Aye, sir. Picard EXITS. CUT TO: 20 INT. CORRIDOR Picard ENTERS from a turbolift. He walks along the corridor, lost in thought... his expression is grim and deeply disturbed. Follow him for a moment... then as he rounds a corner CAMERA DROPS OFF ON Ensign Ro, who is sitting near a corridor intersection. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: Ro is just waking up... she's groggy and disoriented. She puts a hand to her head and rubs her eyes for a moment, trying to clear the cobwebs. N.D. CREWMEN pass her, without seeing her. (NOTE: From this point on, no one can see Ro. She is invisible to everyone aboard the ship.) Ro stands up and looks around... finally decides that something has gone wrong, although she's not sure exactly what. She hits her communicator. RO (to com) Ensign Ro to bridge. (beat) This is Ensign Ro, reporting in... I'm in section twenty-three baker, near sickbay. Still nothing. She frowns at the recalcitrant communicator... then she suddenly gets dizzy... she shakes her head and the dizziness goes away. RO (to herself) Sickbay... Ro walks along the empty corridor toward sickbay. 21 NEW ANGLE As Ro reaches sickbay. When she gets to the door, she pulls up short as it refuses to open. Before she can reach out to touch the door in puzzlement, it suddenly OPENS and a N.D. CREWPERSON ENTERS the corridor from sickbay. He barrels past her without a glance. (To Ro, he seems rude, but again, the Crewman never sees her.) Ro gives him an irritated look and goes through the still open door before it closes behind her. 22 INT. SICKBAY - CONTINUOUS Ro ENTERS. N.D. NURSES & PATIENTS go about their business without noticing Ro standing near the doorway. She tries to get their attention. RO I need some help. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT ONE 16. 22 CONTINUED: No response. RO (louder) Excuse me? Still nothing. What's going on here? Ro moves toward Beverly's office to see if she can get someone to listen to her over there. 23 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Picard and BEVERLY are in the middle of an argument in the office. Ro pauses in the doorway, naturally reluctant to interrupt the conversation. BEVERLY The transporter could've beamed them somewhere else... the Romulan ship, another deck of the Enterprise... PICARD (gently) We've already checked those possibilities. (beat) The preliminary findings indicate there was a radiation surge from the Romulan engine core which disrupted the signal. They never rematerialized. BEVERLY We should check again, there might be something we overlooked and--- PICARD (gentle, but firm) We've done all we can, Beverly. Beverly takes a beat... then reluctantly agrees. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT ONE 17. 23 CONTINUED: BEVERLY You're right. I just... hate making out death certificates. (beat) Did Ensign Ro have any family? Ro is shocked -- they think she's dead! RO Captain, I'm right here. PICARD (to Beverly) None that I know of, but I'll check with the Bajoran Liaison Office. RO (yells) I'm not dead! BEVERLY (resigned) I'll have the official reports ready within the hour. Beverly sits at the desk... the weariness of losing too many shipmates is clear on her face. 24 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard turns to leave Beverly alone. Ro steps directly in his path, determined to put a stop to this for once and for all. RO Captain, I don't know what's going on -- But Picard is still unaware of her presence and he walks straight toward her... and then WALKS THROUGH Ro. She is completely shocked. Picard continues on his way and Beverly doesn't know anything has happened. Ro looks down at her body in utter disbelief. Off her shocked expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 25 INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) Continuous from Act One. Ro is trying to get her bearings in this bizarre situation. She can't believe what just happened with Picard. Beverly is still sitting at her desk, working at a terminal. Ro tries once again to get her attention. RO Doctor Crusher? Doctor? Beverly ignores her completely. Ro's frustration mounts. RO I'm right here... Beverly placidly continues working on her report. Ro's temper snaps. RO (shouts) Dammnit, Doctor! Ro tries to slam her hand on the desk to get Beverly's attention... but her hand simply PASSES THROUGH the desk. Ro yanks her hand away in shock. She looks at her hands in amazement... Ro claps them together... they seem solid enough to her. She makes a fist and smacks it into the palm of the other hand... no problem. Ro touches the desk gently. She can touch the surface if she doesn't press too hard. (Think of objects as if they were made of Jello -- you can touch it, but if you push too hard, you go right through it.) 26 NEW ANGLE As Ro moves around the desk behind Beverly. She leans over Beverly to see what she's doing on the terminal. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT TWO 19. 27 CLOSE ON TERMINAL (OPTICAL) The terminal was showing a picture of Geordi and some biographical information. It quickly changes to a picture of Ro and her bio information. Beverly reaches out and touches a control... the word "DECEASED" suddenly appears at the bottom of the file. 28 RESUME SCENE As Ro reacts to this. Beverly is resigned... a little sad. Ro is starting to come to the frightening realization that this is all very real. CUT TO: 29 OMITTED 30 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM The atmosphere is more orderly and calm than before. N.D. ROMULANS and N.D. STARFLEET CREWMEN are moving busily about the room in the b.g. hauling equipment, fixing consoles, etc. Mirok is seated at one of the consoles as Riker stands next to him. The lights are DIM. MIROK (to Riker) We're ready, Commander. RIKER (hits combadge) Riker to Enterprise. Begin power transfer. 30A EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) A BEAM OF ENERGY leaps out from a spot on the Enterprise and makes a connection to a point on the Romulan ship near the engines. 30B INT. ROMULAN SHIP As before. Suddenly the LIGHTS BRIGHTEN and there is a HUM of power as several monitors and consoles come back to life. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT TWO 19A. 30B CONTINUED: MIROK (off console) The power flow is consistent at four hundred Kolems... no fluctuations in frequency. Mirok looks up at Riker and smiles. MIROK The main power grid is on-line. Riker returns the smile and even gives Mirok a friendly clap on the shoulder. The cooperation and friendliness in the room is a welcome change from normal Federation/Romulan relations. PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to Riker. Riker takes a few steps away from Mirok for a little privacy. RIKER (to com) Riker here. The power transfer appears stable at this end, Captain. INTERCUT: 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and Data are at one of the aft stations. PICARD Good. What is the status of their engine replacement? RIKER Engineering is modifying one of our subspace resonators to act as a new engine core. It won't do more than warp two, but it'll get them home. PICARD Very well. DATA Captain... Picard turns to him. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT TWO 20. 31 CONTINUED: DATA The diagnostic of the transporter system shows an anomalous energy fluctuation. I will need to inspect the imaging scanners in transporter room three. PICARD By all means. He starts to move off, when Data stops him. DATA Captain -- Picard turns back. DATA I have a personal favor to ask. (beat) I considered Commander La Forge to be my best friend. I feel it is my responsibility to plan and conduct the memorial service. May I have your permission to do so? Picard is moved by this reminder of the tragedy -- and by Data's desire to commemorate his friend. PICARD Permission granted. Make whatever arrangements you find appropriate. DATA Thank you, sir. Data moves off toward the turbolift, leaving a somber Picard behind. 32 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM Worf approaches Riker, clearly upset. WORF Commander... RIKER Problem, Mister Worf? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT TWO 21. 32 CONTINUED: WORF The Romulans want a computer. We cannot give them access to Federation technology. It is an unacceptable security risk. Riker thinks for a moment. RIKER What about a computer from thirty or forty years ago... one the Romulans are already familiar with? Worf ponders this. WORF That would be satisfactory. RIKER Check with the Enterprise to see what's available. But be sure your security concerns are addressed before we install it. WORF Aye, sir. (beat) Thank you. 33 OMITTED 34 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi is wandering through the room. RO (o.c.) La Forge... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT TWO 22-24. 34A OMITTED 35 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Geordi whirls around to find Ro standing there. GEORDI (relieved) Ro -- boy, am I glad to see you... and I'm really glad you can see me. Geordi waves his hand in front of an N.D. Engineer's face to no effect. GEORDI It's like I'm here, but... I'm not here. He looks questioningly at Ro. RO No one can see me either. GEORDI I can't figure out what happened. One minute we were transporting from the Romulan ship... the next I just... woke up in the arboretum with a splitting headache. (beat) Can you... pass through things like bulkheads -- RO (nods) Tables, people... yeah. Geordi thinks for a moment... then tentatively reaches out his hand toward Ro... she does the same and they press on each other's palm for a moment. GEORDI Well... we're solid enough to each other. Geordi looks around in frustration. Ro smiles... She's more accepting of their situation than he is. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT TWO 25. 35 CONTINUED: RO Not what you expected, is it? GEORDI What do you mean? RO This. Death. GEORDI (shocked) What? RO We're dead, Geordi. Geordi takes a moment to take that in. He looks at Ro as if she's lost her mind. He gives a forced laugh. GEORDI Is that some kind of joke? RO Our patterns were lost in a transporter malfunction... we never rematerialized after leaving the Romulan ship. Geordi's mind recoils from even considering the possibility... he takes a couple of steps back. GEORDI Wait a minute... (clearly) What are you saying... that we're spirits? RO Spirits... souls... my people call them Borhyas. Whatever term you want to use -- we're it. Geordi is clearly having trouble buying this. GEORDI (disbelieving) My uniform... my VISOR... you're saying I'm a blind ghost with clothes? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT TWO 26. 35 CONTINUED: (2) RO I don't have all the answers... I've never been dead before. Geordi stops short, as does Ro. GEORDI We are not dead. RO According to Doctor Crusher, we died in a transporter malfunction at fourteen-thirty hours. (beat) I watched her make out the death certificates. Even though he doesn't really believe they're dead, hearing about his death certificate gives Geordi pause for a moment. Ro is trying to figure out the appropriate thing to do in this circumstance. RO We should make peace with our former lives, that's what I was taught... say goodbye to the people we're leaving behind -- GEORDI (firm) No. You may be ready for the afterlife, but I'm not. RO I don't see that we have much choice. (beat) When I was growing up, I never gave much thought to all the talk about Borhyas... I figured it was just superstition, passed on to children. But now... GEORDI Fine. You go make peace with yourself. I'm going to transporter room three to find a way out of this... situation. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT TWO 27. 35 CONTINUED: (3) Geordi turns and EXITS THROUGH the wall. Ro sadly shakes her head at Geordi's inability to accept their situation. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 36 OMITTED 36A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. 36AA INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Data is with Chief Brossmer, scanning the room with a tricorder; Geordi stands near them, listening. BROSSMER I didn't have any warning that something would go wrong, sir. Suddenly... their patterns just weren't there. DATA I believe the cause of the accident may be related to the explosion on the Romulan ship. Geordi's ears perk up. GEORDI Oh, yeah? BROSSMER But... that happened before we even arrived... DATA In all likelihood the explosion damaged the Romulan cloaking device, causing it to discharge chroniton particles. (sweeping with tricorder) I am detecting a chroniton field in here. GEORDI A chroniton field... BROSSMER If the particles were produced on the Romulan ship, why are you detecting them here? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT THREE 29. 36AA CONTINUED: GEORDI The transporter beam -- DATA I suspect they travelled through the transporter beam. That may have been the cause of Geordi and Ro's death. Data snaps the tricorder off, turns to go. DATA I will go to the Romulan ship and see if I can discover the source of these emissions. BROSSMER Commander -- are these chronitons dangerous? DATA They pose no danger to Humans -- but some of the ship's systems may be affected by prolonged exposure. When I return I will devise a method to eradicate them. Data heads for the door, followed by Geordi, who is now excited. Geordi automatically touches his communicator. GEORDI La Forge to Ensign Ro... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 30-32. 36AA CONTINUED: (2) Then he glances down, realizes that won't work, either. He follows Data out the door of the transporter room. 36B OMITTED 37 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) McDowell at the aft science station, N.D. Crewmembers at the other positions. Ro ENTERS with an N.D. Crewman from the turbolift. Her attitude is serene. She seems genuinely content for the moment, as if a burden has been lifted from her shoulders. A smile comes more easily to her than we've seen before. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT THREE 33. 37 CONTINUED: RO (to Crewman) Thanks for the ride. Ro looks around the bridge as if taking a last look around. She addresses the crew. RO I'm here to say goodbye. No one responds, of course. She moves to the conn position. The N.D. CONN OFFICER taps in a few commands on the console... then gets up to go check something at the aft science stations. Ro takes the opportunity to gently run her hand over the console as she silently says goodbye to this life. She looks up as Riker and Picard ENTER from the turbolift and head for the ready room. RIKER (to Picard, on the move) There are a lot of what appear to be experimental engine components lying around over there. I'd say they were testing some new warp drive design and it blew up in their faces. Ro follows Picard and Riker through the doors as they OPEN. 38 INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Picard, Riker, and Ro ENTER. PICARD (nods) That would explain why they're this far away from Romulan space... to avoid being picked up on Federation long-range scanners. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 34. 38 CONTINUED: RIKER We should have an engine core ready for them by nineteen hundred hours. Picard nods and Riker turns to leave. PICARD Commander... there will be a memorial service at twenty-three hundred hours this evening. Mister Data is making the arrangements. That's news to both Riker and Ro. Riker's expression becomes more somber while Ro looks intrigued. RIKER I'll be there. RO Me, too. RIKER In fact... I might like to say a few words. PICARD (acknowledging) You knew La Forge longer than any of us. RIKER Actually, I was thinking more of Ensign Ro... Picard reacts with surprise. RO (surprised) Me? PICARD Coordinate with Mister Data. Riker nods and EXITS. To his back -- RO Wait a minute... what are you going to say about me? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 35. 38 CONTINUED: (2) But he's gone. Picard sits at his desk and begins working on his monitor. Ro pauses... then approaches. She's trying to wrap up the loose ends in her life and it doesn't come easily for her. RO Captain... She stops, takes a deep breath. She is clearly struggling with this. RO I don't believe this... I'm dead... you can't hear me... and I'm still intimidated by you. She gives a rueful smile, looks at the preoccupied man... the man who gave her a chance. RO I just wanted to say... thank you. For trusting me when no one else would. A long beat as she watches Picard for a moment... then she turns at the sound of Geordi's VOICE. GEORDI (o.c.) There you are. 39 OMITTED 40 NEW ANGLE Revealing that Geordi has just entered. GEORDI (to Picard) Excuse me, Captain. (to Ro) Data is taking the next shuttle back to the Romulan ship and we've got to be on it. RO Why? GEORDI I think we'll find the answer to what's happened to us over there. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 36-38. 40 CONTINUED: RO Why can't you just accept--- GEORDI (urgent) Look, if you're right and we're dead this won't make any difference. But if I'm right, then we're still alive... and I'm going to need your help. She hesitates... then shrugs, accepting this. They start toward the door. 40A OMITTED 41 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) The shuttlecraft leaves the ship. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 39. 42 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Worf and Data are at the controls, Geordi and Ro are sitting on some pieces of equipment in the back. DATA Lieutenant, I am planning a memorial service for Commander La Forge and Ensign Ro. I would like you to participate. Worf gives him an uncomfortable look. WORF What kind of service? DATA Captain Picard asked me to arrange a ceremony that is appropriate. I have given a great deal of thought as to what is "appropriate" in this instance. Worf notices something on the console. WORF Sir, shuttlecraft four has not cleared the Romulan ship yet. DATA Hold position here. A beat as they work instruments. GEORDI This is a little weird... listening to them plan our funeral... DATA I find that I am having difficulty deciding what kind of service to have. Do you have any suggestions? Worf reflects on this. WORF Human custom is to conduct a solemn, dignified service in which the dead are praised by their friends and loved ones. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 40. 42 CONTINUED: DATA Ensign Ro was Bajoran. Her beliefs should be reflected as well. But their death rituals are quite complicated. RO Please... not the Death Chant... WORF The Bajorn Death Chant is over two hours long... DATA I am not certain that either Human or Bajoran rites are fitting... and I have researched the funerary customs of over five thousand cultures to no avail... Worf gives him a curious look, then reacts to his console. WORF Shuttlecraft four has cleared... DATA Resume course. They work for a brief beat at their instruments. DATA In almost all societies it is traditional to say a ritual farewell to those you call friends. (beat) I did not know what a friend was until I met Geordi. He spoke to me as though I were Human... he treated me no differently from anyone else. He accepted me for what I am. And that, I have learned, is friendship. I would like this service to reflect that friendship. (beat) But I do not know how to say goodbye. RO Sounds almost Human, doesn't he? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 40A. 42 CONTINUED: (2) Geordi studies his friend with compassion. WORF Commander, I am not the proper person to advise you. DATA Why not? WORF (hesitant) I am very happy for Commander La Forge. He has crossed to... that which is beyond. For a Klingon, this is a joyful time... a friend has died in the line of duty... and he has earned a place among the honored dead. It is not a time to mourn. Data gives him a glance... a little puzzled... then turns back to his instruments. DATA Begin docking procedure. GEORDI Data -- I appreciate the sentiment. But you're a little premature. I don't intend to get commemorated before my time. Ro shrugs, still more convinced than he that they have already died. CUT TO: STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 41. 43 OMITTED 44 INT. ROMULAN ENGINE ROOM (OPTICAL) Data is with Mirok and Varel. In the b.g., a MALE ROMULAN is seated in a chair within earshot, but he appears to be watching a console. Worf is supervising the placement of equipment they have carried in the shuttle. Geordi is off to one side, his HEAD INSERTED into an ODD LOOKING CONSOLE as Ro observes. Data has his tricorder in hand, and is scanning the area. Mirok is being diplomatic, but underneath he is disconcerted by Data's actions. MIROK I'm afraid I fail to see the point of this investigation, Commander. DATA Chroniton emissions may have been responsible for the accident which claimed the lives of our officers. VAREL A most regrettable event, of course... DATA Was your cloaking device damaged in the explosion? There is a brief hesitation. MIROK All our systems were damaged. Including the cloaking device. DATA Then that explains the chroniton fields I am detecting here. (beat, as he scans) For your own safety, it is important to eliminate the emissions. VAREL Our safety? DATA There is no way to predict what might happen when the chronitons interact with the new engine core.  STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT THREE 41A. 44 CONTINUED: Data moves around the room, sweeping with the tricorder. Mirok and Varel exchange uneasy glances. 44A ON GEORDI AND RO Geordi removes his head from the console and beckons to Ro. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/19/92 - ACT THREE 42. 44A CONTINUED: GEORDI I've never seen anything like this. There's something in there that looks like a molecular phase inverter... RO What's that? GEORDI It's supposed to change the structure of matter so it can... pass through "normal" matter and energy... hey, wait a minute... Geordi moves to take a new look at the console. Ro follows him, curious about where this is leading. GEORDI A few years back, we got intelligence reports that the Klingons were working on combining a phase inverter and a cloaking device. In theory, they believed that a... phased ship could hide anywhere... even inside a planet. And conventional weapons would be useless against it. RO How far did they get in their research? GEORDI It never got out of the preliminary stages... there were several accidents. The Romulans might be pursuing the same technology -- trying to combine an inverter and a cloaking device. (looks at console) If this is the prototype... RO (realizing) Then that would explain the explosion... the chroniton fields... GEORDI And us. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT THREE 42A. 44A CONTINUED: (2) RO You mean we're -- cloaked? GEORDI Not just cloaked -- phased... our molecular structure altered so we have no substance. Ro suddenly realizes something. RO That means we're not dead. GEORDI It also means -- there might be a way we can decloak. Data has now approached the console; checks tricorder readings. DATA The field emissions are particularly strong here. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 43. 44A CONTINUED: (2) MIROK You can be assured that the emissions will be eliminated before the engine core is replaced. WORF (from far side of room) Commander, may I speak with you? Data moves off to talk with Worf. Varel turns to Mirok. Geordi and Ro listen. VAREL When they come back... they're going to discover the interphase generator. Mirok thinks for a moment. MIROK Is their power transfer beam still at full intensity? VAREL Yes. It will be until we are ready to switch to internal power. Mirok makes the decision. MIROK We will set up a muon feedback wave inside the transfer beam. The particles will accumulate in their dilithium chamber. When they go to warp speed, their engines will explode. Varel nods and turns to a console; Mirok walks away. Ro and Geordi turn to each other, shocked. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT THREE 43A. 44A CONTINUED: (3) GEORDI We have to get back to the Enterprise and warn them. RO How? GEORDI I don't know, but we have to find a way. Come on. They EXIT. 45 OMITTED 46 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Geordi and Ro leave, the seated Male Romulan seen earlier turns around and WATCHES THEM LEAVE. After a beat, he stands up and follows Ro & Geordi by walking THROUGH THE CHAIR. He is in the same strange state as they are -- the other Romulans are unaware of him as he silently heads after our characters. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 47 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE & ROMULAN SHIP (OPTICAL) The two ships are side by side, and still connected by the beam of energy. 48 INT. CORRIDOR CLOSE ON doors, which clearly say "Shuttlebay Two". The doors OPEN and THREE N.D. CREWMEMBERS walk out into the corridor... then the Phased Romulan -- hereafter referred to as PAREM -- steps out into the corridor. He pauses for a moment and looks around... then heads off in search of Ro & Geordi. CUT TO: 49 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING Geordi and Ro are looking at various monitors in Geordi's office. They're worried by what they see. RO The muon feedback wave's not showing up on any of the engine displays. GEORDI (frustrated) The Romulans must be hiding it in the sensor return signal. Unless someone runs a level three diagnostic, they'll never see it. 50 NEW ANGLE As Ro and Geordi go out into the main area. Data and Brossmer are working at the pool table. GEORDI There has to be a way to warn them before the ship goes to warp. Data is puzzled by the readings on the monitor screen. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 50 CONTINUED: DATA (to Brossmer) This is puzzling. Three more chroniton fields have formed aboard the Enterprise in the last hour. Data works at the console for a moment. GEORDI (to Ro) There's no reason why the interphase device would be producing new fields aboard this ship. DATA (to Brossmer) We should begin decontamination immediately. Run an internal sensor sweep for the locations of all chroniton fields on the Enterprise. Brossmer moves to work a console. As Brossmer calls off the following list, Geordi begins to realize what's going on. BROSSMER The following areas are showing contamination: Sickbay, transporter room three, main bridge, captain's ready room, shuttlebay two, and main engineering. GEORDI Ro, listen to that... DATA (puzzled) I do not understand how these new fields have formed. No transporter beam has been active in any of those areas. And I do not see that they have anything in common... GEORDI Oh, yes they do... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/19/92 - ACT FOUR 45A. 50 CONTINUED: (2) DATA They seem to be appearing at random. GEORDI No, they're not. (to Ro) We were in every one of those locations. Somehow we're leaving... chroniton footprints behind us. DATA Can you narrow the focus of the scan to pinpoint the locations? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 50 CONTINUED: (3) BROSSMER (works) Not with the internal sensors, Commander. DATA (to Brossmer) Go to science station two on the bridge and use the lateral sensor array to get a more precise reading. I will modify an anyon emitter to eliminate the fields once they have been isolated. Brossmer nods and EXITS. GEORDI (urgent, to Ro) You go with her and see what the lateral sensors turn up. I'll stay here with Data. RO Right. She hurries out after Brossmer. CUT TO: 51 INT. CORRIDOR NEAR TURBOLIFT The turbolift doors OPEN and TWO N.D. CREWMEMBERS ENTER the corridor. After a quick beat, Parem FOLLOWS them out of the turbolift and into the corridor. He takes a look around and then heads off down the corridor. 52 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi is watching Data finish making adjustments to an anyon emitter. Data picks up a tricorder and scans the room. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 52 CONTINUED: Data passes the tricorder over Geordi without pausing. GEORDI That's interesting... you're picking up chroniton readings in here, but not from me. Data pauses and makes a few more adjustments to the tricorder. Geordi cranes his neck around in order to see the small tricorder screen. Data scans the room again... finally stopping on one section of wall. Data moves to that section of wall and Geordi follows. GEORDI There's a field in this wall? Why? Data picks up the anyon emitter and makes a few adjustments. Geordi suddenly understands. GEORDI (getting excited) Data, I came through this wall. I walked right through it when I came in here... Data points the anyon emitter at the wall. A SOUND comes out of the device as he plays it on the wall. He shuts OFF the device after a moment and then checks the tricorder again. GEORI (over action) When the phased matter in my body passed through the wall, it must've distrupted the wall's molecular structure... producing a chroniton field. Data moves to a new area of wall. Geordi stares at him in frustration. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 52 CONTINUED: (2) Data activates the device and sprays the wall. Geordi watches for beat... then gets an idea. Geordi goes to the pool table as Data SHUTS OFF the device and pulls out his tricorder. As Data scans, Geordi walks THROUGH the pool table. Data picks up the reading... is puzzled... SPRAYS the pool table with the device. GEORDI Data, I'm right here... that's me you're reading... Geordi continues to walk through the pool table... each time, Data patiently reads the tricorder and sprays the field -- but with increasing puzzlement. GEORDI Come on... it's me... CUT TO: 53 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The turbolift doors OPEN and Brossmer and Ro ENTER. Brossmer moves toward the aft science station and Ro moves to follow... but Ro suddenly stops short in shock as she sees... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT FOUR 49-49A 54 PAREM Standing on the bridge, leveling his disruptor directly at Ro. PAREM Do not move. Ro looks around for a moment... unsure if he's really talking to her. PAREM Yes, I can see you. RO Who are you? PAREM (ignoring her question) Where is the scientific officer? (off her look) The other one like us... the one who came with you to our ship. He spoke of a plan to return to normal. Ro glances down at the disruptor in Parem's hand. Parem knows what she's thinking. PAREM Yes, this disruptor works. I was wearing it when I was... changed. (hard) Now, where is he? Ro decides not to push things. She leads him towards a wall. CUT TO: 55 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Geordi continues trying to get Data's attention without success. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT FOUR 50. 55 CONTINUED: Geordi puts his hand all the way through the pool table over and over again in quick succession. GEORDI Stop being so rational... use your imagination for a change... these aren't just random patterns... it's me! Data is definitely puzzled by the continued obstinance of these fields. He makes another adjustment to the anyon emitter and points it at the pool table. He SPRAYS the pool table again, but this time the invisible beam accidently HITS Geordi's arm. Geordi recoils as if hit with a mild electric shock. GEORDI Hey, watch where you point that thing. He flexes his hand... it feels strange... GEORDI Wait a minute, Data... you did something to me... He reaches out experimentally and tries to push his hand through the pool table again. There is resistance this time... he can't move it through so easily anymore. GEORDI It's not so easy to push through any more... Data finishes SPRAYING and scanning in the b.g. as Geordi starts to put it all together. GEORDI That means the molecules in my hand must have been partially dephased by the anyon beam... (getting excited) Data, if the low-level beam brought my hand part of the way back... maybe a high-level beam would bring me all the way back. (determined) I've got to get you to turn up the beam intensity so that... Geordi trails off as Data puts down the TECH device. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - 3/15/92 - ACT FOUR 51. 55 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Hey, don't stop now. Data returns to the pool table and begins to work the console. Geordi is worried. GEORDI (urgent) No, no, no. Don't give up on it... it works, I was just creating more fields. Your method is fine... just turn up the intensity... As Data continues to work... off Geordi's frustration -- CUT TO: 56 INT. CORRIDOR Parem is marching Ro through the corridor. Ro leads him to the Transporter Room doors. RO He's in here. Ro calmly walks toward the doors. 56A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Ro ENTERS THROUGH the doors. In the brief second before Parem comes through behind her, Ro whirls around and HITS him hard just as Parem ENTERS. The blow catches Parem unaware and he staggers back. She runs toward the far wall of the transporter room. Parem recovers quickly and FIRES a disruptor blast at her. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT FOUR 52. 57 ON RO (OPTICAL) As she runs THROUGH the wall. The disruptor blast just misses her and goes THROUGH the wall. Parem runs after her. 58 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING As before. Data is still working at the pool table. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE Brossmer to Commander Data. I've just detected a large chroniton field on deck seventeen. The field strength is three hundred percent above the others we've found. Data works the console. GEORDI (puzzled) Is that Ro... ? DATA (to com) Acknowledged. Data picks up his tricorder and anyon emitter as he heads for the exit. Geordi follows. CUT TO: 59 INT. CREW QUARTERS #1 (OPTICAL) A WOMAN, wearing only a towel, is brushing her hair in front of the mirror. Ro suddenly runs THROUGH the wall and tears across the room and leaves o.c. After a beat, Parem comes running THROUGH the wall, hard on Ro's heels. The Woman continues to brush her hair... 59A INT. CORRIDOR Data and Geordi are walking down the corridor. Data is pointing the tricorder at one wall as they walk... Geordi is also watching the readouts. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT FOUR 53. 60 INT. CREW QUARTERS #2 A MAN, wearing exercise clothes, is doing push-ups on the floor. COMPUTER VOICE ... heart-rate one hundred six... blood pressure one hundred forty over ninety... you have completed twelve sets of ten repetitions, beginning set thirteen... heart-rate one hundred eight... The Computer continues as Ro and the Romulan individually run through the room. 61 INT. CORRIDOR Data and Geordi are still walking down the corridor. They are both still following the tricorder readings. 62 INT. CREW QUARTERS #3 (OPTICAL) The room has been set for a romantic evening. Soft MUSIC is playing in the b.g.... the lights are DIM... A MAN and a WOMAN are sitting at the table... the remains of an intimate dinner still on the table before them. He is feeding her oysters and there is a sexually-charged tension between the two of them. She eats the oyster and then washes it down with champagne... he leans over and whispers something funny into her ear... she laughs and runs a hand over his cheek... then she picks up some food and feeds it to him... Midway through the above action, Ro suddenly races INTO the room... but Parem is gaining on her and he comes much closer behind her this time. He FIRES his disruptor at Ro. The blast HITS Ro in the leg and she goes down. 63 INT. CORRIDOR Data and Geordi stop. They both react to an unusual reading on the tricorder. 64 INT. CREW QUARTERS #3 Parem goes over to Ro, who is clutching her wounded leg. In the b.g., the door CHIMES. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT FOUR 54. 64 CONTINUED: PAREM Get up. The Man on the couch reluctantly goes to answer the door. Parem yanks Ro to her feet and presses his disruptor against her temple. PAREM (angry) Where is the science officer? Ro isn't going to help this guy. She stiffens slightly... bracing herself for the disruptor blast. Suddenly the doors OPEN and Data and Geordi ENTER. Geordi reacts with shock to the sight of Ro and the Romulan as Data calmly talks to the man. GEORDI RO! DATA (over action) Excuse me for interrupting, Lieutenant. I have detected a chroniton field in this room. May I scan the area for a moment? Parem reacts as Geordi ENTERS the room. Ro takes advantage of Parem's momentary inattention to KNOCK the disruptor out of his hand. Parem knocks her to the ground and goes for the disruptor. 65 GEORDI rushes Parem... 66 PAREM gets to the disruptor first. He picks it up and turns... 67 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) But Geordi drops his shoulder and nails Parem with a body tackle before he can turn the disruptor on Geordi. The impact makes Parem DROP the disruptor and KNOCKS him backwards... THROUGH THE WALL and out into SPACE. Through the window, we see him FLOAT away into space. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/18/92 - ACT FOUR 55. 68 OMITTED 69 INT. CREW QUARTERS #3 As before. Geordi moves over to Ro as Data finishes checking the room with his tricorder in the b.g. Ro picks up the fallen disruptor. RO Thanks. GEORDI Any time. They both try to catch their breath for a moment... DATA (to Man) Your room is heavily contaminated with chronitons. This will only take a moment. Data begins methodically SPRAYING the room with the anyon emitter like some space-exterminator. The Man and Woman exchange looks... the mood has definitely been broken. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT FIVE 56. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 70 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and McDowell are working at their stations. Brossmer is working at the aft science station. Ro and Geordi are looking over McDowell's shoulder. GEORDI (worried) There's still no indication that the Romulans set up a muon wave in our dilithium chamber. RO (knowing) It's there -- and when they go to warp... MCDOWELL (off console) Incoming message from the Romulan ship, Captain. PICARD On screen. GEORDI (frustrated) Now what? 71 INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Mirok appears on the viewer. MIROK We have tested the engine core and are ready to switch to internal power, Enterprise. PICARD Understood. (to McDowell) Disconnect the power transfer beam. McDowell works the console. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 71 CONTINUED: MIROK (off his console) We are now on internal power. (beat) Captain Picard, Commander Riker, please accept my sincere thanks on behalf the Romulan Empire. RO Don't listen to him, Captain -- PICARD It was our pleasure, Mirok. I hope that this example of cooperation between our two people is not an isolated incident. MIROK (smiles) As do I, Captain. Mirok's image disappears and is replaced with the star field. PICARD (to Con Officer) Set a course for the Garadius system. (raises his hand) Warp six... GEORDI (urgent) No, Captain -- wait -- RO (simultaneously) Don't do it, sir -- But Brossmer interrupts Picard before he can say "Engage." BROSSMER Captain. (Picard looks at her) I'm still running the decontamination program. Mister Data believes we shouldn't engage the warp drive until I've cleared all the chroniton fields from the ship. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 71 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Very well. Let me know when your sweep is finished. BROSSMER Yes, sir. Picard sits at command. Ro and Geordi are vastly relieved... they have been granted a reprieve. RO If we go to the locations where she's decontaminating... maybe the anyon emissions will rephase us enough for someone to see us. GEORDI The beam strength would have to be pretty strong for us to become visible for more than a millisecond. Someone would have to be looking right at us. RO Then we better go someplace with a lot of people. Riker ENTERS from turbolift. RIKER Captain... it's time. We'd better go. Picard looks at him and knows that it's time. His attitude becomes more somber. Picard takes a beat, then turns to McDowell. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/16/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 71 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Mister McDowell, you have the bridge. I'll be... at the service in Ten Forward. GEORDI (quickly to Ro) Ten Forward. That's perfect. (on the move) We'll create as many chroniton fields in there as we can... get them to flood the room with a stronger beam. Geordi and Ro follow Picard and Riker to the turbolift. They all ENTER the turbolift. CUT TO: 72 OMITTED 73 INT. TURBOLIFT PICARD Deck Ten. They ride for a brief moment in silence, then, in a nostalgic mood... PICARD I've been thinking about the first time I met Geordi La Forge. He was a young officer assigned to pilot me on an inspection tour... I made some off-hand remark about the shuttle's engine efficiency not being what it should... the next morning I found he'd stayed up all night refitting the fusion initiators. (beat) I knew right then that I wanted him with me on my next command. A silence as both men reflect on this. PICARD Have you decided what you're going to say about Ensign Ro? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/17/92 - ACT FIVE 59A. 73 CONTINUED: RIKER Yeah, I have. It wasn't easy... RO What? What wasn't easy? The turbolift stops and the doors open at this point. Picard and RIKER walk out. RO (frustrated) What? But suddenly they react to a loud NOISE coming from Ten Forward -- music, people laughing, etc. Exchanging curious glances, they proceed toward the room. 74 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) Picard and Riker ENTER, followed by Geordi and Ro. They all stop in some amazement at the scene that greets them. It's a party, in full swing. The atmosphere is lively and bright, with food and drink in evidence. A JAZZ COMBO plays something uptempo and cheerful. Picard and Riker exchange puzzled looks, then spot Data and start across the room to him, leaving Geordi and Ro behind. Ro seems stunned. RO What's going on here? Geordi doesn't answer, and she turns to look at him. He is standing and surveying the scene, a smile on his lips. GEORDI It's our memorial service. RO (in disbelief) This? GEORDI Why not? RO I can't believe this... they think we're dead... and they're having a party... GEORDI (pleased) Yeah. It's perfect. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/25/92 - ACT FIVE 60. 74 CONTINUED: She stares at him, and he goes back into business mode. GEORDI Come on... let's get started. Ro takes the disruptor from her hip and begins to FIRE it at the walls. She continues to FIRE during the following scenes. 74A PICARD & RIKER As they eye the crowd. PICARD Well. This is... unusual. RIKER Yeah... but I think I like it. Riker spies a trombone sitting conspicuously on a stand near the musicians. Riker heads for the band. 74B RO & GEORDI (OPTICAL) As Riker barrels right by her -- RO Now I suppose I'll never know what you were going to say about me. And she fires another BLAST in frustration. Riker picks up his trombone and begins to play. 74C DATA & BEVERLY & WORF They're near the bar. Geordi moves to a position to overhear this conversation. DATA But... do you think the others will think this service is -- appropriate? STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/20/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 74C CONTINUED: BEVERLY Look around you, Data. People are sharing memories of Geordi and Ro... talking, laughing... I don't know what could be more appropriate. DATA I am glad you approve, Doctor. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE Brossmer to Commander Data. DATA Go ahead, Chief. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE Sir, we've cleared the critical areas of chronitons... but we've detected a new field forming in Ten Forward that is stronger than any we've seen before. Should I wait until the service is over before beginning decontamination? Ro and Geordi exchange looks... this is it. DATA No. Anyonic emissions are harmless. Please begin immediately. Geordi and Ro moves a little away from Data and Troi, positioning themselves to be seen. GEORDI Here we go... The SOUND of the anyon effect is heard. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/25/92 - ACT FIVE 62. 74C CONTINUED: (2) Geordi and Ro REACT SLIGHTLY... as if hit with a MILD electric shock. Geordi quickly moves to Worf, who is calmly drinking at the bar. GEORDI Worf! Worf, can you see me? Worf continues to placidly drink and sample the food at the bar. Geordi and Ro move away from him in frustration. RO We have to find a way to increase the emission strength. They are now close enough to Picard and Beverly to overhear the following: PICARD (to Beverly) ... if she hadn't lost her rank following the incident at Garon Four, I think she would've made lieutenant commander by now. N.D. ENSIGN'S COM VOICE Bridge to Captain Picard. PICARD (to com) Go ahead. N.D. ENSIGN'S COM VOICE Incoming message from Garadius Four, sir. The diplomatic situation is deteriorating. They want an update on our ETA. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/25/92 - ACT FIVE 63. 74C CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Stand by, Ensign. Picard moves to Data as Geordi and Ro react. GEORDI (urgent) We've got to do something now, before they go to warp. RO (quickly) The disruptor... I can set it on overload. GEORDI Do it. As Ro sets the disruptor, Picard begins talking to Data. PICARD Excuse me, Mister Data. (Data turns) Ro finishes making her adjustments and presses a final button. A LOUD WHINE comes from the weapon. Ro sets it down. RO Let's go! They go streaking for the farthest point in the room. Picard's following dialog should take place over the above action. PICARD (over action) I'd like to get under way as soon as possible. The situation on Garadius Four is becoming serious. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/25/92 - ACT FIVE 63A. 74D thru OMITTED 75A 75B WIDEN (OPTICAL) The WHINE grows LOUDER. Then the disruptor EXPLODES in a blinding FLASH. No one pays any attention. Only Geordi and Ro are affected, and stumble against a far wall as the blast reaches them. DATA I see no reason to delay our departure, Captain. The chroniton fields have been cleared from all critical areas. PICARD Excellent. Ro and Geordi approach once more. PICARD (hits combadge) Mister McDowell, set course for Gardius Four and engage at--- Brossmer suddenly interrupts with an urgent message. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE (urgent) Commander Data, chroniton field strength in Ten Forward has just increased by three thousand percent. DATA (puzzled by this) Curious. (to Picard) I believe it would be best if we decontaminate this room before getting underway, sir. PICARD Very well. DATA (to com) Chief Brossmer, increase anyonic emissions to six thousand particles per second and decontaminate the area. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/25/92 - ACT FIVE 63B. 75B CONTINUED: GEORDI (to Ro) Hang on. The SOUND of the anyon beam is HEARD again. This time Geordi and Ro feel like they're hit with a STRONGER electric SHOCK. They wave their arms and try to get someone's attention. GEORDI Data, we're here! Can you see us? 75C CLOSE ON PICARD as he reacts to something. 75D GEORDI AND RO - PICARD'S POV (OPTICAL) MATERIALIZE for a flickering instant, almost subliminally, arms waving. The SOUND stops. Note: Only a few people in the room see this -- everyone else continues to drink, laugh, be merry, etc. 75E BACK TO PICARD AND DATA PICARD (to Data) Did you see that? DATA (puzzled) Yes, sir. Ro and Geordi react with joy... RO Yes. GEORDI Come on, Data... put it together now... STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/25/92 - ACT FIVE 63C. 75E CONTINUED: PICARD It wasn't ghosts, Mister Data... what did we see? Data's circuits are racing, trying to put together information. DATA Captain, I may know what has happened... GEORDI Please be right, Data... DATA (musing, half to himself) ... it would explain the mysterious chroniton fields... RO Yes, yes, yes... DATA ... if they were cloaked in some way... PICARD Are you saying you think they're still alive? DATA If I am right, they are -- and in this room. Their brief appearance coincided with the anyonic sweep. Perhaps the anyons neutralize the cloaking effect. (touches combadge) Data to Chief Brossmer. Set the anoynic beam to its highest level and flood Ten Forward. BROSSMER'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Picard and Data look a bit puzzled; Geordi and Ro brace themselves. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/20/92 - ACT FIVE 63D. 76 thru OMITTED 78 79 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Conversation in the room comes to a halt as everyone looks at the shapes MATERIALIZING before them. Finally the shapes resolve themselves and Ro and Geordi APPEAR. They stagger to their feet as a shocked hush fills the room. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/20/92 - ACT FIVE 64. 79 CONTINUED: GEORDI (urgent, to Data) Data -- Can you see me? Data is probably the only one in the room capable of answering that question at the moment. DATA (simply) Of course. GEORDI (hits badge) La Forge to engineering. Take the warp engines off-line until further notice. (to Data) There's a muon wave build-up in the dilithium chamber. Beat. ENSIGN'S COM VOICE (confused) Who gave that order? Picard recovers from his shock before anyone else. PICARD (to com) That was Commander Geordi La Forge, Ensign. Please follow his instructions. ENSIGN'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. Everyone is still staring at Geordi and Ro. GEORDI Looks like a great party. Mind if we join you? That breaks the shocked silence, and everyone crowds around Geordi and Ro, amazed and curious. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/19/92 - ACT FIVE 65. 80 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. 81 INT. TEN FORWARD The party is over, the place is a mess and there is no one there -- except Geordi and Ro, sitting at a table. It is heaped with food. Geordi is still eating ravenously, but Ro is not showing much interest in the food. GEORDI Could you pass the rolls? Ro passes a plate, but is clearly preoccupied. RO You've been eating for an hour... GEORDI We didn't have anything to eat for almost two days. I'm starved. Ro nods and smiles wanly. STAR TREK: "The Next Phase" - REV. 3/20/92 - ACT FIVE 66. 81 CONTINUED: GEORDI What's wrong? RO Nothing... She begins drawing little circles on the table with a bread stick. RO I was raised with Bajoran beliefs... and I even followed some of the practices, but... I never really believed in life after death. Then suddenly I was dead and there was another life. It made me feel like I'd been... pretty arrogant to discount all I'd been taught. Now... I don't know what to believe... Geordi puts down his fork and considers her for a moment. GEORDI Maybe we should develop our own interphase device... (off her look) ... if it can teach Ro Laren humility, it can do anything. She looks at him... there's a beat... and then they both share a laugh. RO You know... I think I am hungry after all. He grins and passes her a plate of food and they dig in. 81A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) warps away. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END