STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow, Part II" #40276-227 Written by Jeri Taylor Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT 11:[5,#b],20:[1,#b],48:[1,#b],52:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow, Part II" CAST PICARD SAMUEL CLEMENS RIKER YOUNG REPORTER DATA MORGUE ATTENDANT BEVERLY MRS. CARMICHAEL TROI JACK THE BELLBOY GEORDI DOCTOR APPOLLINAIRE WORF MALE PATIENT POLICEMAN GUINAN AN ALIEN NURSE Non-Speaking AN ALIEN MAN Non-Speaking AN ALIEN WOMAN SUPERNUMERARIES AN ORDERLY STRANGE LOOKING ALIENS STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow, Part II" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE TRANSPORTER ROOM TEN FORWARD 19th CENT. SAN FRANCISCO CORRIDOR STREET TURBOLIFT MEDICAL LAB OBSERVATION LOUNGE VICTORIAN BOARDING HOUSE ENGINEERING MAIN BRIDGE INFIRMARY STREET MORGUE PLANET SURFACE VICTORIAN BOARDING HOUSE RENTED ROOM HOTEL DATA'S ROOM INFIRMARY 19TH CENTURY SAN FRANCISCO UNDERGROUND CAVERN STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow, Part II" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. S.F. STREET - CLOSE ON CLEMENS CLEMENS I have long been interested in the notion of time travel. In fact, I wrote a book about it... It chronicled the tale of a man from our era who fouled the sixth century by introducing newfangled gadgets and weapons... all in the name of Progress. (puffs cigar) The idea of time travelers isn't so far fetched as it seems... in fact, I have learned that, even now, people from the future are right here in San Francisco... and I have no doubt that they are intent on fouling our world... just like my Yankee did in King Arthur's time. (leans into camera) Well. Let me serve notice: as soon as I get the necessary evidence, I intend to expose them... and make it absolutely clear that they are not welcome here. 2 ANGLE - CLEMENS AND YOUNG REPORTER revealing that Clemens has been giving an on-the-street interview to a young reporter who is taking notes on a pad. The kid smiles politely. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: YOUNG REPORTER Yes, sir. And will this be a sequel to "Connecticut Yankee," Mister Twain? CLEMENS (glaring) The name's Clemens, son. Sam Clemens, with an "e." YOUNG REPOTER (jotting it down) With an "e"... got it. Suddenly Twain stops, spotting something across the street. CLEMENS 'Scuse me. Twain hurries away, falling in behind DATA, following him down the street -- still seeking "necessary evidence." Camera DROPS OFF on a TALL, ARISTOCRATIC COUPLE moving the opposite direction... she carries a satchel, he carries a cane with a strange carved snake-head. They take no notice of Data. Camera follows them as they move through the people on the street in a silent, ominous search. 3 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/15/92 - ACT ONE 3. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 4 INT. MORGUE - DARKENED ROOM Only the vague shapes of drape-covered bodies are visible... a hand-held light (lantern?) casts a light. Beverly is using a tricorder on the bodies. RIKER The coroner said this room contained all the cholera victims... BEVERLY It doesn't make sense that so many people are dying of cholera -- it just isn't that virulent. Suddenly she stops at one body. BEVERLY Wil... this is strange... RIKER What is it? BEVERLY The cerebral cortex... the cerebellum... the brain stem... the entire nervous system -- has been drained of electrochemical energy. (moving to another body) Here's another one... same neural depletion... STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/15/92 - ACT ONE 4. 4 CONTINUED: BEVERLY These people didn't die of cholera -- they died because their neural energy was drained somehow. RIKER Drained... and taken to Devidia Two... for those aliens to ingest. Beverly gives him a look... this is an appalling scenario. Riker looks around the gloomy room, the rows of shrouded bodies. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT ONE 5. 4 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER If you were a time-traveller with a taste for human neural energy... how would you get your supply? She eyes him, understanding what he's getting at. BEVERLY I'd travel back to times when there were plagues and epidemics... when I could murder -- and use disease as a cover. 5 EXT. VICTORIAN BOARDING HOUSE - DAY - STOCK Establishing. 6 INT. BOARDING HOUSE - RENTED ROOM - CONTINUOUS Riker and Beverly are there, reporting to Picard, Troi, and Geordi. All are dressed in 19th century garb. BEVERLY Over half the victims who'd been drained of neural energy came from a place called Sisters of Hope Infirmary. RIKER It's a charity hospital near the waterfront. TROI If the aliens have been killing people there, someone might have noticed something unusual... PICARD If they're moving among humans, they must have taken human form. The question is, how do we know who we're looking for... ? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT ONE 6. 6 CONTINUED: RIKER The tricorder picked up evidence of triolic activity in most of the bodies we looked at. If the aliens are leaving that signature behind, they'll be detectable. GEORDI (thinks for a moment) We might even be able to set up some kind of alien alarm system. They move to collect their things (purses, jackets, etc.); Riker goes to Geordi. RIKER Any luck contacting Data? GEORDI None. The tricorder is broadcasting random emissions... but the range is pretty limited. Almost anything could interfere... Riker nods, and they start toward the door, when suddenly there's a loud, insistent knocking on the door. The group exchanges dismayed glances. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT ONE 7. 6 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI She's back. MRS. CARMICHAEL'S VOICE Mister Picard! She pronounces it PICK-erd. The others regard the Captain, who rises. Geordi removes his VISOR, puts on dark glasses. PICARD (resigned) Coming, Mrs. Carmichael... He opens the door to find MRS. CARMICHAEL standing there. She is a short, squat, formidable-looking woman, Irish and insistent. She speaks with a thick brogue. MRS. CARMICHAEL Mister Picard... I'd be remindin' you that it's one o'clock. PICARD Yes... ? MRS. CARMICHAEL One o'clock of a Thursday. Picard smiles aimiably at her, not sure what she's getting at. MRS. CARMICHAEL I'm sure I made it clear to you that the rent is always due, payable in full, by one o'clock on Wednesdays. PICARD Ah. The... rent. He turns toward the group; they are at a loss. This is, after all, such a foreign concept to them. Picard turns back. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT ONE 8. 6 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD Mrs. Carmichael, my troupe is even now in rehearsals for a new production. MRS. CARMICHAEL Oh? I haven't heard of any new production. What play is it? PICARD It's -- "A Midsummer Night's Dream." She starts to speak but he cuts her off. PICARD We've performed in London... Paris... Milan... all to sold out houses. I assure you, we'll be able to pay the rent... with a bonus. MRS. CARMICHAEL (shaking her head) No, no, no... I've heard you silver-tongued devils before... She advances on Picard, eyes blazing with determination. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT ONE 8A. 6 CONTINUED: (4) MRS. CARMICHAEL I'll have the rent in full... tomorrow... by one o'clock -- or you'll be performing on the street. She whirls and marches to the door, slamming it. The others share reactions. They've bought a little time -- but how will they come up with the rent? 7 INT. DATA'S HOTEL ROOM - SAME DAY (OPTICAL) The door opens admitting Clemens (without a lit cigar) and JACK THE BELLBOY. JACK I wouldn't do this for just anybody, Mister Clemens. And I hope you won't spread it around that I let you in... CLEMENS Of course not, Jack. And I assure you -- Mister Data would be most upset if you didn't. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: CLEMENS (Cont'd) If I don't find that Letter of Intent he left for me... our major investor is going to pull out and take his business elsewhere. JACK (knowing) It has to do with Mister Data's engine, doesn't it? CLEMENS Engine... Jack gestures to the contraption which Data has constructed, now working. Clemens, intrigued, walks toward it. CLEMENS Yes... yes... this is exactly what it's all about... He circles around the device; Jack launches into another subject. JACK Mister Clemens... I'm gonna do you another favor today... CLEMENS (still looking at device) Mmmmmm... JACK You're always looking for good stories, right? (no response) Well, I've got a humdinger. CLEMENS Uh-huh... JACK The story of -- my life. Now, I know you might think I'm young... but I've covered a lot of ground, and if I do say so, it'd make for some pretty fascinating reading. (beat) So. What do you think? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT ONE 9A. 7 CONTINUED: (2) CLEMENS (looking up) About what? JACK About writing my life story. You and me -- literary partners. Clemens takes his arm, moves him toward the door, feigning interest in order to get him out of there. CLEMENS You know, son, there's a maxim I've always lived by: no one's more qualified to write your story than you are. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT ONE 10. 7 CONTINUED: (3) JACK Me? Be a writer? You think I could? CLEMENS Long as you write what you know... you got any passions, son? Any dreams? JACK I'd like to do some travelling... maybe go to sea... and Alaska. I've always had a notion to see Alaska. Clemens is moving him toward the door, feigning interest in order to get him out of there. CLEMENS That's a great idea. If I were your age, that's exactly what I'd do... Alaska -- the Klondike... the Aurora Borealis... that's it, follow your dreams. And write about them. He opens the door, gesturing the young man out. JACK Thank you! Thank you, Mister Clemens. That's just what I'm going to do! CLEMENS (trying to get him out) You do that, son -- JACK You'll be seeing my name in print. (gesturing) London... the name's London. CLEMENS I'm sure I will. Good-bye now. And he finally gets the kid out. Clemens returns immediately to the device, now begins to examine it in earnest. Finally he leans toward it and removes the transceiver assembly. The machine stops functioning. He slips it in his pocket -- when he hears the sound of muffled voices in the hall. He heads for the armoire. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT ONE 11-12. 7 CONTINUED: (4) He reaches it as a key is heard in the lock, and is safely behind it when the door opens, admitting Data and GUINAN. GUINAN ... so when I finally got to the Head Surveyor... I found the location of your cavern. But you won't be able to get to it. DATA Why is that? GUINAN The only entrance is a mine shaft... right in the middle of the Presidio... the Army Fort. DATA Perhaps you could arrange for us to get in. She stares at him. GUINAN What? DATA With permission to dig for the mine shaft. GUINAN Data... so far I've been able to do everything you asked me to. But do you really expect me to get you into a high-security military installation? He moves toward the mechanism he has created. DATA (mildly) I have full confidence in your persuasive abilities. GUINAN Well... this is more interesting than giving tea dances. Data realizes the mechanism isn't working. DATA That is strange... GUINAN What? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/06/92 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: (5) DATA I left this device activated... but the transceiver assembly has been removed... without it I will be unable to track the time shifts. GUINAN (immediately) Clemens. DATA Samuel Clemens? GUINAN He's been driving me crazy. He watches the house, follows me down the street asking questions -- I'd bet you anything he got in here and took your -- whatever you said. DATA If you are correct, he must be told that the device has been modified in such a way that prolonged contact with human tissue would be highly toxic. There is a muffled "thump" from the closet. Data and Guinan exchange glances. Data moves swiftly to the closet door and flings it open. Clemens stands there, at once sheepish and defiant, as Data and Guinan stare at him. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/06/92 - ACT TWO 14. ACT TWO FADE IN: 8 INT. DATA'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS The transceiver assembly lies on the floor. Data stoops and picks it up. Clemens tries to regain his usual savoir faire. CLEMENS Madame Guinan... Mister Data... good day. GUINAN Mister Clemens... shame on you. CLEMENS Shame, madame? I think not. I find no shame in my efforts to uncover your plot. GUINAN I keep telling you, there is no plot -- CLEMENS Yes... you do keep telling me that. (a beat, as he regards her) Mister Data, did you know that Madame Guinan here is from a renowned Boston family... a close relative of Judge Truman Williams? (to Guinan) I believe that's what you said... GUINAN Yes. CLEMENS Then... I wonder... why the Judge says he's never heard of you? That's what his telegram to me indicated... GUINAN (unfazed) There's been a blood feud between two branches of the family. He doesn't acknowledge me. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 15. 8 CONTINUED: CLEMENS Ah. That must wound you deeply. He circles the room, eyeing Data and Guinan up and down. CLEMENS What an interesting pair you are... an Ashanti princess... and a Swiss. Where in Switzerland are you from, Mister Data? DATA I am French, not Swiss. CLEMENS Of course, that's right... now I remember. A Frenchman with a talent for poker, from what I hear. (paces again) You know, I was talking with a friend of mine, Ches Whitley... he said to say hello... wonders when you're coming back. DATA I do not believe I know Mister Whitley. CLEMENS No? He works at the County Assayer's Office... said you've been in there several times... claiming to be a geological engineer. Wanting information about mining operations during the 1850's... (beat) Remember him now? DATA I do not know the gentleman by name. I have spoken to several people in that office. CLEMENS Yes... I know. And in the Hall of Records... and the Geological Society... and a little-known mineral shop in Chinatown. You do get around, don't you? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/06/92 - ACT TWO 16-17. 8 CONTINUED: (2) DATA As apparently you do, Mister Clemens. CLEMENS (chuckling) I must admit -- you've got me mystified. He moves toward Data's machine. CLEMENS This contraption, for instance. Very unusual. It looks quite -- futuristic. Tell me -- might it have something to do with "time shifts"? DATA In a sense. The time shift is a new gearing system that I have invented... for a horseless carriage. Clemens glares at both of them, fed up with cat and mouse. CLEMENS Do not insult me. (moving to Data) You've come to this century and brought your infernal technology with you... for God only knows what purpose... but I have no doubt that it will be the people of this century who will suffer for it. GUINAN Mister Clemens, I think we've had quite enough of this. Mister Data's business is his own, and I'd thank you to leave. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT TWO 18. 8 CONTINUED: (3) CLEMENS Pardon me, Madame, but it is my business... it is the business of all humanity, I believe, to stop both of you from whatever it is you are doing here. And that is what I intend to do. And he's out the door, leaving Data and Guinan relieved that he's gone, but mindful that he could be a lot of trouble before this is over. 9 EXT. INFIRMARY STREET - NEXT DAY Riker (still as a policeman) strolls the street in front of the infirmary, cordially doffing his hat at various passersby. 10 INT. INFIRMARY - CONTINUOUS Beverly, dressed as a nurse, wearing wire-rimmed glasses, is following DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE as he makes rounds. He seems to be a kindly doctor, but underneath lie the typical assumptions of 19th century sexism and racism. In the bg, Troi and Geordi (with dark glasses), are passing out little parcels to patients, chatting with them as they do. Geordi is carrying the tray of parcels. Doctor Apollinaire lifts the wrist of one moribund man, feels for a pulse. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT TWO 19. 10 CONTINUED: DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE He won't last the day. BEVERLY Aren't we going to treat him? DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE I wish we could. But at this point there's nothing to be done. Unless you know of some miracle treatment. Beverly moves toward a medicine tray, picks up a vial. BEVERLY Why don't we try an alkaline saline solution... to counteract dehydration? Apollinaire gives her a disdainful look. DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE Nurse, if that were helpful, don't you think I would have ordered it? Beverly has to bite her tongue. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 20. 10 CONTINUED: (2) DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE Now, you finish the charts and leave the practice of medicine to me. BEVERLY Yes, Doctor. He moves to one end of the ward; Beverly moves toward Troi and Geordi, who are talking with a MALE PATIENT. Beverly slips her tricorder out of a pocket, and, as she studies a chart, surreptitiously scans the area. 10A ON GEORDI AND TROI TROI ... did your friend have any visitors before he died? MALE PATIENT (weakly) No... had no family... only people to come were doctor and nurse. Troi nods, pat his arm comfortingly and starts to move on. MALE PATIENT Very bad doctor. She turns back. MALE PATIENT Only spent time with one man. I ask for water... he ignore me. Others cry in pain... doctor does not care. (shakes his head) Very bad. Troi exchanges a glance with Geordi. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT TWO 21. 11 EXT. INFIRMARY STREET - CONTINUOUS Riker continues his patrol as Picard approaches. He is dressed as a workman and carries a tool box. PICARD Hello, Officer. This the Infirmary? RIKER Yes. The entrance is right there. Riker watches as Picard moves toward the entrance. From behind him approach a tall, aristocratic couple, a DOCTOR and NURSE. The nurse carries a satchel; the doctor carries a cane... carved with a snake's head... as they pass Riker, he tips his hat to them. They move toward the entrance of the infirmary. 12 INT. INFIRMARY - A FEW MINUTES LATER Picard is fiddling with one of the gas lamps on the wall. Glancing around to make sure no one is watching, he inserts a small (TECH DEVICE) inside the lamp, then begins to replace the fixture. Doctor Apollinaire approaches. DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE Just what is it you're doing with those lamps? PICARD Replacing the wick screws. City ordinance... makes it safer in case of an earthquake. DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE There hasn't been an earthquake here in thirty years. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT TWO 22. 12 CONTINUED: He finishes the lamp, picks up a tool box. PICARD That's it for this ward. Have to be moving on. He goes toward the door as Apollinaire looks after him, shaking his head scornfully. DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE Earthquakes... (to Beverly) Nurse, if you can handle things here, I have a meeting with the Board of Patrons. BEVERLY I'm sure I'll manage. He EXITS. Beverly takes out her tricorder and continues scanning. She moves toward Troi and Geordi, who has now put on his VISOR and is looking around the room. GEORDI (pointing) There... by that bed. I can see an afterimage of triolic waves. They were here recently... within the last twenty-four hours. BEVERLY (noting the bed) That's the bed where someone died last night... TROI (pointing to the male patient) This man was complaining about a strange doctor and nurse who visited that patient. (to Geordi) They might still be in the hospital. Beverly nods and Troi and Geordi EXIT. Beverly continues scanning... when suddenly one of the patients goes into labored breathing. She is at his side in a moment... checks pulse and pupils. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 22A. 12 CONTINUED: (2) She turns quickly to a medicine cart nearby, and quickly mixes two vials together, returns to the bed and tilts the man's head up so he can sip. BEVERLY This will make you more comfortable... The man swallows, falls back on the pillow. Beverly begins to sponge his brow. 13 ANGLE - ON DOOR as it opens and the tall, silent Alien Doctor and Nurse ENTER the ward. Beverly is working with the man at the other end of the room, her back toward them. The couple moves quickly to the bedside of a patient. 13A ON THE GAS LAMP As a tiny red light begins to blink. 14 BEVERLY ministers to her patient... then hears the muffled sound of her tricorder. She looks up toward the gas lamp and sees -- 14A ON THE GAS LAMP the tiny red light blinking. 14B BEVERLY looks toward the doctor and nurse. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 23. 15 ON DOCTOR AND NURSE Their backs are toward her, blocking what they're doing. 16 BEVERLY pulls her communicator from a pocket and touches it, then stands and approaches the Alien Doctor and Nurse. 17 ANGLE - DOCTOR AND NURSE BEVERLY Do you need any help, Doctor? 17AA INSERT - SATCHEL Unseen by Beverly, the Alien Nurse puts both hands on the satchel... 17AB ON BEVERLY She takes the chart from the foot of the bed. BEVERLY (stalling) Doctor Apollinaire felt he had entered the algid stage... he was cyanotic, pulse unobservable... 17AC INSERT - SATCHEL The Alien Nurse is slowly lifting the satchel. 17AD ON BEVERLY She glances up, and spots the -- 17A SNAKE'S HEAD CANE 17B BACK TO SCENE BEVERLY That's an interesting cane... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 23A. 17B CONTINUED: The Alien Nurse lifts the satchel and points it right toward Beverly, who doesn't know exactly what it will do, but can guess. Riker comes plunging through the door, phaser drawn. RIKER Hold it! The aliens whirl to see him... he's followed by Picard, Geordi (wearing his VISOR), and Troi with phasers. The Alien Doctor moves toward Geordi, lifting the cane to strike him with it, but -- STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 24. 18 GEORDI (OPTICAL) grabs the cane with one hand and kicks the alien. The Alien Doctor reacts in rage, and lunges back toward Geordi; Riker gets off a phaser BLAST in between Geordi and the Alien Doctor, who stops in his tracks. He reaches out for the Alien Nurse and they -- 19 ALIEN COUPLE (OPTICAL) crackle with the blue EFFECT of phase-shifting and vanish. There is the SOUND of windows breaking. Our group looks around, stunned. It's all happened so fast. Outside, there are voices reacting to the commotion, shouting, etc. Some patients react. 20 INT. DATA'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS - INTERCUTTING (OPTICAL) Data moves to his contraption, which is sounding an alarm, registering something like a seismograph. Data quickly unrolls a map and checks a location with the readings on the machine. Then he hurries for the door. 21 INT. INFIRMARY - CONTINUOUS An orderly runs in, followed by Doctor Apollinaire. (Geordi quickly removes his VISOR.) DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE What's all this? What's going on here? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Apparently a distraught relative... she became quite upset... we tried to calm her but she ran out. DOCTOR APOLLINAIRE I heard an explosion... The group looks innocently mystified. RIKER (as if he's just arrived) How about it? You people see any explosion? TROI There was nothing like that, Officer... RIKER Okay, folks, I suggest you all clear out and let the patients have a little peace... sorry, Doctor. Apollinaire nods, trusting in the firm hand of the law. But at that moment, in runs another policeman -- this one legitimate. POLICEMAN People said there was gunfire in here... What's going on? RIKER Just a misunderstanding... I'm clearing these people out of here. The others start for the door as the policeman studies Riker. POLICEMAN I've never seen you before... RIKER Just got assigned this morning. Usually work downtown. POLICEMAN I worked downtown for three years... I don't remember you. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 26. 21 CONTINUED: (2) He sees the others starting to leave. POLICEMAN Hold it! He approaches the group. POLICEMAN I'm going to ask all of you to come down to the station for questioning. (to Riker) Including you. Let's go... He spots the cane which Geordi holds. POLICEMAN Where'd you get that? That's a gentleman's cane. He takes it from Geordi, inspects it with a knowing eye -- this is valuable. POLICEMAN Never saw a cane like this before. (tucks it under his arm) I'll have to confiscate it. Evidence. Riker and Picard exchange glances. Riker steps toward the policeman. RIKER I want you to know... I have only the greatest respect for the law. And he decks him. Riker grabs the cane and the group runs for it (Geordi quickly putting his VISOR back on). The fallen policeman pulls his whistle and blows. 22 EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS as they hurry out of the infirmary, they hear other police whistles blowing. Police are hurrying, on foot, toward them. 23 ANGLE - DATA IN CARRIAGE Rushing toward them is a horse-drawn carriage driven by Data. The group reacts in amazement. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT TWO 27. 23 CONTINUED: RIKER Data! Data has assessed the situation and pulls to a halt. GEORDI Boy, am I glad to see you! DATA I would suggest we postpone our greetings for another occasion. PICARD (climbing in) Agreed. Let's get out of here. As the policeman from inside the infirmary runs out, they all quickly pile on and Data starts the horse up again. The carriage charges up the street, past the converging policemen, who blow their whistles loudly but in vain. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT THREE 28. ACT THREE FADE IN: 24 EXT. VICTORIAN BOARDING HOUSE - NEXT DAY - STOCK 25 INT. BOARDING HOUSE ROOM - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The crew investigates the cane. GEORDI If we tune a phaser to the approximate frequency of triolic waves, and lay down a field burst... it might respond. Picard nods, and Geordi sets his phaser, then carefully fires a gentle burst -- not directly at the cane -- which creates a field. It envelops the cane, and it -- STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT THREE 29. 26 CANE - INSERT (OPTICAL) comes to writhing life as the time snake, then goes back to the cane. TROI'S VOICE The ophidian the aliens were carrying... 27 BACK TO SCENE (OPTICAL) as a number of little "time holes" open up all over the room, then fizzle out. Beverly, Data, and Geordi have all been reading their tricorders in these brief seconds. (Beverly's glasses are in a pocket.) RIKER What the... GEORDI Minute space-time distortions... like the one we saw on Devidia Two... RIKER But they were so small... and they only lasted a second... DATA The aliens seem to have the ability to concentrate the distortion -- and direct it toward a specific time and destination. BEVERLY Maybe they have something... a -- mechanism, that focuses it. GEORDI Any device like that would produce significant levels of triolic waves... (recalling) ... like the ones in the cavern where Data's head was found. DATA I have located that cavern -- STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT THREE 30. 27 CONTINUED: Before he can finish, there's a knock at the door. MRS. CARMICHAEL'S VOICE Mister Picard! The group exchanges glances... they still don't have the rent money. No one responds. MRS. CARMICHAEL'S VOICE I know you're in there! Open the door! Picard makes a silent gesture to the others; they go in to a pre-arranged plan. Geordi removes his VISOR and puts on the dark glasses. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT THREE 31. 28 ON TROI as she walks toward the door, opens it and smiles at Mrs. Carmichael. TROI Mrs. Carmichael... thank goodness you're here. And before Mrs. Carmichael can speak, Troi pulls her in. Over this, we hear: DATA/PUCK How now, spirit! whither wander you? BEVERLY/FAIRY Over hill, over dale, Through bush, through brier, Over park, over pale... 29 ANGLE - THE GROUP Data, Riker, and Beverly are in a "rehearsal" of Midsummer Night's Dream; Picard is the director. He turns and, seeing Mrs. Carmichael, gestures grandly. PICARD Ah -- just in time! We need someone to read a part... He presses a playbook in her hands, points to a passage. MRS. CARMICHAEL Mister Picard, I need to be talkin' to you... Ignoring her, Picard waves at Oberon to begin. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT THREE 32. 29 CONTINUED: RIKER/OBERON Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania. PICARD Now, Mrs. Carmichael... (points insistently) Right there... RIKER/OBERON (again) Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania. Mrs. Carmichael looks at Picard, perplexed, and at the book. She takes a breath. MRS. CARMICHAEL (woodenly - awful) What, jealous Oberon. Fairies skip hence. I have foresworn his bed and company. PICARD Well, I don't need to hear any more. That was -- truly unique. She glances up at him. MRS. CARMICHAEL Really? PICARD I think we've found our Titania... (to the others) ... don't you agree? The group responds with nods and murmurs of appreciation. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/07/92 - ACT THREE 33. 29 CONTINUED: (2) MRS. CARMICHAEL Well... I did do a church play when I was a lass... PICARD You see? We'll begin rehearsals tomorrow. A long pause. MRS. CARMICHAEL What theatre did you say? 30 EXT. VICTORIAN BOARDING HOUSE - SAME DAY The carriage in which the crew made their escape stands in front of the boarding house. The Alien Doctor and Nurse walk slowly toward it, look at it, and exchange glances... this is the one. Then they walk slowly on by. 30A INT. DATA'S HOTEL ROOM Guinan is there, pacing. She hears a key in the lock and whirls toward the door. It opens and Data ENTERS. GUINAN There you are! I have good news -- we can get into the Presidio -- She stops as Picard, close on Data's heels, ENTERS also. DATA It is all right. Picard smiles at the sight of this nineteenth century Guinan in her finery. But of course she doesn't know him, and addresses Data. GUINAN General Mallory is usually a stickler for the rules... but I happen to know that his wife thinks she's a singer. So I told him she simply must perform at my next gathering... and the rules just... disappeared. She feels Picard's look, and turns to him, regards him curiously. GUINAN You know me... STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT THREE 34. 30A CONTINUED: PICARD Very well. GUINAN Do I know you? PICARD Not yet. But you will. She scrutinizes him carefully... there is an instant chemistry between them, in this, their true first meeting. 31 EXT. INFIRMARY STREET - SAME DAY Start on Clemens, standing among a few by-standers, chomping his cigar and listening to the end of a conversation. YOUNG REPORTER Thanks for your help, Officer. POLICEMAN Make sure you put in the part about me spotting that phony policeman. YOUNG REPORTER Yessir, I will. The Young Reporter turns away and starts reading through his notes; Clemens saunters up to him. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT THREE 35. 31 CONTINUED: CLEMENS H'lo, son... YOUNG REPORTER (a little surprised) Mister Clemens... what brings you here? CLEMENS A writer's curiosity... He glances around to see if they're being overheard, moves a little closer to the reporter. CLEMENS I heard two people vanished into thin air in this Infirmary. YOUNG REPORTER (checking pad) One of the patients said that, yessir. But the police deny it. CLEMENS I'll bet they do... YOUNG REPORTER They say a band of outlaws set off an explosion in the hospital... then escaped. CLEMENS What did these outlaws look like? YOUNG REPORTER (reading) The carriage they escaped in was driven by an albino... CLEMENS Ah. Mister Data. The reporter stares at him. YOUNG REPORTER You know him? CLEMENS You bet I do. You say there were others with him? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT THREE 35A. 31 CONTINUED: (2) YOUNG REPORTER (checking) Yes -- at least a dozen. CLEMENS His accomplices... they've come from the future -- my God, it's an invasion. The reporter is increasingly amazed. Clemens turns away to hail a carriage. The reporter follows. YOUNG REPORTER An invasion... from the future? Mister Clemens... what can you tell me about this? Do you have any proof? CLEMENS Young man... when's your deadline? YOUNG REPORTER Five o'clock, sir. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT THREE 36. 31 CONTINUED: (3) Clemens enters the carriage, pulls out his pocket watch (the one seen in Part I). CLEMENS I'll meet you at your paper at four-thirty... with a story that will make your career. YOUNG REPORTER Thanks, Mister Clemens... CLEMENS Take me to the Presidio, driver. And don't spare the whip. 32 INT. CAVERN - LATER Geordi and Riker are in one tunnel of the cavern, using their tricorders. RIKER The triolic levels are as high as they were on Devidia Two... (lowers tricorder) ... but no indication of any control mechanism. GEORDI I'm not so sure. Geordi is peering at the cavern walls through his VISOR. GEORDI My VISOR is picking up crystalline fractures. These cavern walls have undergone some kind of selective molecular polarization. He moves along the wall, still peering intently. GEORDI In fact, if I'm right... this whole cavern has been configured to focus the space-time distortion... just like a lens. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT THREE 36A. 32 CONTINUED: They have reached the part of the cavern where the others are scanning. 32A ANOTHER PART OF THE CAVERN (OPTICAL) Picard, Troi, Beverly (glasses still in pocket), Data, and Guinan; all but the latter are scanning. Geordi and Riker join them. GEORDI Captain, we think we're on to something. The cavern itself seems to be acting as a focusing mechanism... and I'm betting the same is true of their habitat back on Devidia Two. PICARD If we can get back there... and destroy that site... can we put an end to their time traveling... ? RIKER We have the ophidian... GEORDI But I don't know if it will work. The energy our phasers generate may not be entirely compatible with the ophidian. Picard hesitates for only an instant. PICARD We have no choice but to try. CLEMENS' VOICE An event I would most certainly enjoy witnessing... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT THREE 37. 32A CONTINUED: CLEMENS (gestures with the gun) Move along... I suspect even time travellers are vulnerable to a Colt Forty-Five. (removes watch, glances at it) Let's go -- I've made a young fellow a promise and I don't want to be late. But before anyone can move, there is a blue phasing EFFECT -- and the Alien Doctor and Nurse phase in... the others don't have a chance to react when the Alien Doctor snatches the cane from Troi. 33 ANGLE - THE ALIENS (OPTICAL) They activate the snake just as Data dives at them with his super speed -- he grabs for the snake just as it flares into action... there is a sonic boom and a hole of blinding white light begins to open -- right in Data's body. 34 DATA'S BODY (OPTICAL) disappears, his head goes flying off and onto the cavern floor... 35 GUINAN AND CLEMENS are flung backwards by the force of the opening... Guinan striking her head on a rock outcropping and falling unconscious... Clemens' pistol and watch go flying... 36 ANGLE - THE GROUP (OPTICAL) The Alien Nurse has been wounded and is lying on the ground. The Alien Doctor hesitates briefly... then plunges through the hole. PICARD (to the others) Follow him! Riker, Geordi, Troi, and Beverly hurry through the hole; Picard starts after them, then stops and looks back at Guinan. He goes to her, kneels by her side, realizing she's badly hurt, feeling her pulse. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT THREE 38. 37 CLEMENS (OPTICAL) stands up, staring at the time hole through which the others have vanished. He hesitates for an instant, glances at Picard, and then, as the hole is beginning to close, he dashes forward and jumps through. The hole closes. The cavern is quiet. Picard is now trapped in the 19th century. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 38 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) As seen in Part I, but not phase-shifted (i.e., we don't see the aliens or their environment.) The group is picking themselves up, shaking off the effects of the violent transport. RIKER Is everybody all right? BEVERLY I think so... She pulls her tricorder... begins checking... and then Riker sees Clemens. RIKER You--! CLEMENS (rising to his feet, brushing himself off) Where are we -- and when is this? RIKER It's the twenty-fourth century... this is Devidia Two -- and you shouldn't be here. CLEMENS Seems to me I have as much right to be in your time as you had to be in mine. You see, sir, I wanted to see how you've conducted my future affairs. TROI Your future affairs? CLEMENS The affairs of mankind. RIKER Don't you see -- the disappearance of Mark Twain... one of the most noted literary figures of the nineteenth century... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 38 CONTINUED: CLEMENS Thank you... RIKER ... that's not supposed to happen. CLEMENS I have only taken advantage of an irresistible occasion... as any good writer would. WORF'S COM VOICE Bridge to Away Team... acknowledge. RIKER We're here, Mister Worf. How long have we been gone? WORF'S COM VOICE You have been off sensor displays for almost nine days, sir. RIKER Stand by to transport five... GEORDI (from a slight distance) Commander... They move to see that Geordi has found Data's body... hand still holding the time-snake, now back to the shape of a cane. They regard it sadly. RIKER Mister Worf... six to transport. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/07/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 39 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The group, including Data's body, MATERIALIZES on the transporter pad. Clemens reacts to the experience... this has been quite a day for him... CLEMENS Where are we... ? RIKER The Federation Starship Enterprise. (to transporter chief) Chief, call security. We need an escort for this man. CLEMENS (bristling) Security? What for? At this point, the door slides open and WORF ENTERS. Clemens stares at him, astonished. CLEMENS A werewolf... But Worf is no less astonished at this array of people garbed in 19th century clothing. RIKER It's a long story, Mister Worf... I'll brief you later. GEORDI (to Transporter Chief) Have Data's body brought to the Medical Lab. I'm going to try to re-attach the head we have. BEVERLY (skeptical) That head is almost five hundred years old... GEORDI It's the best chance we've got. And he's gone. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 39 CONTINUED: RIKER (to Worf) I want Mister Clemens here under escort at all times. TROI Commander... perhaps I could handle that. I'd be happy to take Mister Clemens to quarters. Riker realizes Troi is offering to make things smoother for this unexpected monkey wrench, and is grateful. RIKER Good idea. (to Clemens) If you would accompany the Counselor... Clemens regards her. A handsome woman, indeed. CLEMENS Madame... I'd be delighted. He offers her his arm and Troi takes it; they move toward the door. CLEMENS So this is a space ship, eh? Did you ever run into Halley's comet? 40 INT. CAVERN - 19TH CENTURY EARTH Picard is with Guinan... he has bandaged her head with material from her cape (or something). She is regaining consciousness... tries to sit up. GUINAN Whoa... everything's spinning... PICARD Don't try to sit up too quickly... you've lost a lot of blood. GUINAN Where'd... everybody go... ? PICARD I hope they're safely back on the Enterprise by now. She closes her eyes, fighting to remain conscious. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 40 CONTINUED: GUINAN You're still here... PICARD You were hurt. I had to make sure you were all right. She opens her eyes part way, looks at him. GUINAN You stayed here... for that... ? PICARD I can't very well let anything happen to you... you're far too important to me. Guinan smiles faintly... she is fading. GUINAN You know... so much about me... PICARD Believe me, in the future the tables will be turned. GUINAN We... become friends... PICARD It goes beyond friendship. GUINAN But... I have to wait... almost five hundred years... (beat) And when we meet... I won't be able to tell you about this, will I? PICARD No. Because for me, it won't have happened yet. She smiles, shaking her head at this puzzlement. As she does, she spots Data's head on the floor of the cavern. GUINAN What happened... ? Picard rises, moves to the head, saddened by the tragedy he had hoped to avoid. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/06/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 40 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD History fulfilling itself... 41 INT. TEN FORWARD Riker with Guinan at the bar. GUINAN History has to fulfill itself. Even Picard knew that. RIKER You were there, in the cavern. You know what happened. What am I supposed to do? She gazes at him, implacable. She is silent. His frustration mounts. RIKER Damn it, Guinan, don't play games with me... I need answers. GUINAN If I tell you what happened in that cavern, it would affect any decision you're about to make. I can't do that. I won't do that. RIKER Not telling me might affect my decision, too... did you think of that? She does not respond. Riker leans in to her, frustrated. RIKER We're talking about Jean-Luc Picard. I'm not going to sit around and hope it all works out... I've got to do something... He waits, hoping she'll relent. But she holds his gaze unflinchingly. Finally, angry at her stubbornness, he gets up and EXITS. Guinan stares after him, her thoughts, as always, her own. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 45-46. 42 thru OMITTED 43 43A INT. CORRIDOR Clemens walking with Troi; she's been giving him a tour of the ship. A strange-looking alien passes them in the hall. Clemens stares, turns to look at him as he walks by. CLEMENS Any place that doesn't stock a good cigar doesn't rank high in my book. TROI If you must have one, I'm sure we could replicate it for you. CLEMENS (pained) You think one of those -- imitations -- could take the place of a hand-wrapped Havana? TROI (mildly) I wouldn't know... CLEMENS That's the problem I see here... all this technology... it only serves to take away life's simple pleasures. You don't even let a man open a door for a lady. TROI I think what we've gained outweighs anything that might have been lost... STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 43A CONTINUED: CLEMENS Oh? I'm not so impressed with this future... huge starships... weapons that can no doubt destroy entire cities... military conquest as a way of life. She looks sidelong at him. TROI Is that what you see here? CLEMENS Oh, I know what you say... this is a vessel of exploration... your mission is to, discover new worlds... The Turbolift arrives. A strange alien EXITS. Clemens reacts, stares after him. They ENTER the Turbolift. 43B INT. TURBOLIFT TROI Deck thirty-six. CLEMENS That's what the Spanish said... and the Dutch, and the Portuguese. It's what all conquerors say... (beat) I'm sure it's what you told that blue skinned fellow I just saw... before you brought him here to serve you. TROI He's one of thousands of species we've encountered. We live in a peaceful Federation with many of them... the people you see are here by choice. Clemens ponders this for a moment. CLEMENS So there are a privileged few... who serve on these ships, living in luxury, wanting for nothing. But what about everyone else? What about the poor? You ignore them... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 48. 43B CONTINUED: TROI Poverty was eliminated a long time ago. And a lot of things disappeared with it: hopelessness... despair... cruelty... war... He regards her solemnly. He's beginning to realize that his dark view is misplaced. CLEMENS I come from a time when men achieve wealth and power by standing on the backs of the poor... when prejudice and intolerance are commonplace... when power is an end unto itself... (beat) And you're telling me... that isn't how it is anymore? TROI That's right. CLEMENS (with a sigh) Maybe it is worth giving up cigars for, after all... Troi smiles... the Turbolift door opens and they EXIT. 43C INT. CORRIDOR Outside the Medical Lab. CLEMENS Tell me.... how long was it... before things began to change? TROI A long time. The people of your lifetime won't see it. Clemens nods solemnly. They have reached the Medical Lab. 44 INT. MEDICAL LAB As they ENTER, they see Geordi has re-attached Data's body and four-hundred-year-old head. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow, Pt. 2" - 7/02/92 - ACT FOUR 48A. 44 CONTINUED: TROI Is it working? He shakes his head sadly. GEORDI Not so far. His restart units won't initialize. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT FOUR 49. 44 CONTINUED: GEORDI (Cont'd) I thought his buffering program would have protected them... but I guess five hundred years was just too long a wait. Clemens notices something on a nearby table... picks up the watch from the cavern. CLEMENS My watch... GEORDI It was found in the cavern... near Data's head. (beat) After five hundred years, I doubt that it'll work either. Clemens puts the watch back and regards the lifeless android sadly. CLEMENS Mister Data... I fear I sadly misjudged you. (beat) As I have misjudged many things. He exchanges a look with Troi... who realizes this is a man with a lot to think about. 45 INT. CAVERN - 19TH CENTURY EARTH (OPTICAL) The alien nurse is stirring... phasing slightly from her human to her alien form because she is so badly injured. Picard goes toward her. PICARD Can you communicate? There is a pause... and then she speaks in a strange, gutteral voice (electronically enhanced). ALIEN NURSE Yes... PICARD Are you injured? ALIEN NURSE (beat) Why have you interfered? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/07/92 - ACT FOUR 49A. 45 CONTINUED: PICARD You hunt us... you kill us. We cannot allow that. ALIEN NURSE We need your energy... STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT FOUR 50. 45 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Perhaps we could find a substitute... ALIEN NURSE No... there is none... we must continue. PICARD We cannot allow that. (beat) We know how you move back and forth through time... my crew has returned to the twenty-fourth century to destroy your transport site on Devidia Two -- ALIEN NURSE Destroy it? She fixes her dying eyes on him... a mirthless smile appears on her lips. ALIEN NURSE Your weapons will only amplify the time distortion... you will annihilate your own world... She phases out of existence. Picard is left to ponder the implications of her words. 46 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 47 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Troi, Beverly, and Worf are there as Riker ENTERS briskly. RIKER I'm going back for the Captain... Mister Worf, prepare an Away Team to accompany me to the surface. (to Beverly) Doctor, I need to know anything you can tell me about that ophidian. BEVERLY I've just started running some tests. If I could have a few hours... RIKER We can't give the aliens any more time... BEVERLY Wil, I haven't been able to determine if our phaser energy can generate a stable field. The risk would be -- RIKER I accept the risk. Beverly EXITS as: WORF Sir... permission to speak frankly? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 47 CONTINUED: RIKER Go ahead. WORF Our priority is to stop the aliens from making any more incursions to Earth. Any delay is unacceptable. RIKER If I can save Captain Picard, I consider it very acceptable. WORF The Captain would not. (beat) I recommend we target photon torpedoes on the alien habitat and destroy it immediately. Riker gives him a look. Then he glances toward Troi. TROI He's right, Wil. There is a long moment. Riker has no answer. Finally... with great difficulty... RIKER Mister Worf, power up the photons. Inform me when you're ready. 48 INT. MEDICAL LAB (OPTICAL) Geordi is still tinkering with Data's head, which is attached to the body but not functioning. GEORDI Computer... calibrate the power flow polarity selector... COMPUTER VOICE Polarity selector is calibrated. GEORDI Computer... initialize the re-load circuits. COMPUTER VOICE Re-load circuits are initializing. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 52A. 48 CONTINUED: As Geordi reaches down and switches Data "on": GEORDI C'mon, Data... this ought to do it... But Data remains as dead as ever. Geordi deflates. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 48 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI Okay, Computer... deactivate the polarity selector. (beat, to himself) I don't get it... why isn't this working? He closes the panel, opens another one, fiddles in it. GEORDI Computer, run a diagnostic on the input polarizers. COMPUTER VOICE There is intermittent contact in the input polarizers. GEORDI Intermittent? He selects an instrument, with which he scans the opening... frowns, noticing something. He probes in the opening for a second, then... pulls out a tiny particle of something, peers at it. GEORDI An iron filing... how did that get in there? 49 INT. CAVERN - 19TH CENTURY EARTH Guinan is unconscious; Picard checks Guinan's pulse and is satisfied that she is all right. He glances over and sees -- 49A DATA'S HEAD lying on the ground. 49B PICARD considers it for a moment, and then walks over, picks it up. An idea occurs to him. He snaps open a panel in the back of the head and studies it. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 49B CONTINUED: Then he looks around on the cavern floor... spots something, picks it up. It is a flat-head nail. Using the nail, he begins to fiddle in the back of Data's head. He frowns slightly... he's not sure of this procedure, it is awkward and unfamiliar. He holds the nail up to the light for a moment, squints at it... scrapes some rust from the tip... and begins once more to do something in the back of Data's head. 49C INT. BRIDGE Riker, Worf, and N.D.'s as needed. WORF Commander, I have set the photons to fire in staggered rounds, detonating in ten-second intervals. RIKER Very well. Fire when ready. WORF The sequence will be ready to initiate in one minute. 50 INT. MEDICAL LAB (OPTICAL) Geordi speaks with mounting excitement. GEORDI Computer, try another diagnostic on the input polarizers. COMPUTER VOICE Polarizer circuits are functioning. GEORDI Then that should do it... Geordi reaches to Data's back and switches him "on"... GEORDI Okay, Data... come on, now... 51 CLOSE ON DATA'S HAND There's a little twitch... then another... then the hand clenches and unclenches. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 54A. 52 ANGLE ON DATA He sits up, looks around, and focuses on Geordi. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 52 CONTINUED: DATA ...torpedoes... don't phasing... aliens... Geordi stares at him. Data's head twitches a bit, then... DATA I am processing a binary message that was entered into my static memory by Captain Picard. (beat, still processing) Geordi, are we planning to fire on the alien habitat? GEORDI Yeah, but -- DATA It is imperative that we do not. I will explain later. Geordi doesn't hesitate. GEORDI La Forge to Riker -- hold your fire! CUT TO: 53 OMITTED 54 INT. BRIDGE - LATER Data, Geordi, Riker, and Beverly at the Aft Science Station. DATA The binary message left by the Captain is not entirely clear. (processing again) He seemed to be concerned about the phase differential of our photon torpedoes... that firing them might produce a catastrophic effect. BEVERLY Then how do we destroy their habitat? STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/10/92 - ACT FIVE 55A. 54 CONTINUED: DATA If I am correct... we must modify our weapons so that the force of the explosion is re-phased into the aliens' time continuum. Riker casts a look at Geordi. GEORDI If we outfit the photons with phase discriminators... we could get the necessary variance. RIKER How long will it take you? GEORDI At least a couple of hours. Riker realizes this gives him a window of opportunity. RIKER Fine. That'll give me time to go get him. DATA Sir? RIKER There's time now... I'm going back to the nineteenth century for the Captain. (to Beverly) Doctor... ? BEVERLY My analysis of the phasers suggests you'd be able to open a rift... but it won't be stable enough to transport more than one person. RIKER You mean... if I go back... only one of us could return. BEVERLY That's right. CLEMENS' VOICE Then I have the perfect solution for you. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 54 CONTINUED: (2) They turn to see that Clemens has come off the Turbolift with Troi and has overheard the discussion. CLEMENS I'm the one who should return to the nineteenth century, Commander... and remain there so your Captain can return. RIKER There's a risk... we're not certain how stable the rift will be... CLEMENS (waving him off) There's risk in everything. The point is -- it's the right choice. I have more books to write... your Captain has a job to do here... RIKER Mister La Forge... brief him on what he'll need to do. Clemens looks at Data, moves toward him, an unaccustomed smile on his lips. CLEMENS I'm glad I have the chance to thank you. DATA For what? CLEMENS For starting me on the greatest adventure a man's ever had. For helping a bitter old man open his eyes... so he can see that the future turns out pretty well, after all. He claps Data on the shoulder and turns to Geordi. The two move toward the Turbolift. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 55 INT. CAVERN - 19TH CENTURY EARTH Guinan moans and stirs; Picard moves to her. PICARD Guinan... GUINAN ...thirsty... PICARD I'm going to get help. We have to get you out of here... GUINAN ...wait... stay a while... maybe they'll come for you... PICARD No. You need help. Suddenly they hear footsteps off in the darkness of a tunnel. Picard pulls his phaser, stands, at the ready. The footsteps grow closer... and then Clemens emerges into the light, out of breath and puffing. CLEMENS This thing put me down in the middle of Market Street. It took forever to get here... Picard stares at him, surprised. 55A INT. BRIDGE Riker, Worf, others. WORF Sir, Commander La Forge has completed the re-configuration of the photon torpedoes. Riker hesitates. He doesn't want to have to fire. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 57A. 55A CONTINUED: RIKER If Clemens got back, the Captain should have been here by now. WORF We have no way of knowing if Mister Clemens was successful. Another silence. RIKER Re-establish your firing pattern, Mister Worf. We'll wait five more minutes. WORF Yes, Commander. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/07/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 55B INT. CAVERN - 19TH CENTURY EARTH Clemens with Guinan and Picard. CLEMENS No time for chit-chat, sir... (hands Picard the cane) According to Mister La Forge -- who did get your message by the way -- a frequency setting of point-oh-four-seven on your phaser will correctly activate this creature. PICARD You'll have to get help. Guinan needs medical attention... CLEMENS I promise you she will be attended to. PICARD (beat) We have a bill at Mrs. Carmichael's boarding house -- CLEMENS It will be settled. PICARD Thank you. (beat) I wish time had allowed me to know you better... CLEMENS You'll just have to read my books. What I am is pretty much there. Picard turns to Guinan... GUINAN I'll see you in five hundred years, Picard. He smiles at her... PICARD I'll see you... in a few minutes. And on their looks -- STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 56 INT. BRIDGE Data sees something on his sensors. DATA Commander... I am picking up massive triolic wave activity on the surface. RIKER (instantly alert) Is it the Captain? DATA There are no human life signs. Riker frowns... what does this new wrinkle mean? RIKER No sign of a temporal distortion? DATA No, sir. But triolic activity is increasing. RIKER (resigned) The aliens... Riker realizes he cannot wait. RIKER Mister Worf, are the photons ready? WORF Yes, sir. RIKER (beat) Fire. 56A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as four torpedoes are projected from the ship. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/09/92 - ACT FIVE 60. 56B INT. BRIDGE as before. WORF Torpedoes away, sir. DATA Commander -- I am detecting a temporal distortion on the surface... and human life signs. Riker reacts with alarm. 56C thru OMITTED 57 58 EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) Picard, groggy and disoriented, lies on the ground. Suddenly an EXPLOSION rips through the chamber, illuminating it in a white light. As the light floods the area, we can see the shapes of the aliens, their phased world revealed from the effect of the re-configured torpedoes. Almost immediately that world shimmers out. 59 INT. BRIDGE RIKER O'Brien -- get him out of there! 59A EXT. PLANET SURFACE (OPTICAL) Picard, jarred by the explosion, is groggily awake... almost immediately, the transporter EFFECT shimmers on him -- and then there is an overwhelming EXPLOSION: the light is a brilliant white that completely wipes the screen. 59B INT. BRIDGE RIKER Transporter Room -- do you have him? A beat, then -- PICARD'S COM VOICE He does indeed, Commander. And believe me... it's good to be back. STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 59B CONTINUED: WORF We have destroyed the target, sir. There is no further indication of triolic activity. Riker lets out a sigh of relief. RIKER Ensign, lay in a course to the nearest Starbase. Warp six. 60 thru OMITTED 61 62 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) warps off to continuing adventures. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46001.3. 62A INT. TEN FORWARD Picard ENTERS... spots Guinan behind the bar... walks to her and sits down. She gives him a smile... he smiles back. There are no words spoken, but the reunion of good friends is a poignant one. Over this: STAR TREK: "Time's... , Pt. 2" - REV. 7/08/92 - ACT FIVE 61A. 62A CONTINUED: PICARD (V.O.) Everyone who should be in the nineteenth century is safely there, and those who should be in the twenty-fourth are here. Mister Data has been restored to us, head and all... and Samuel Clemens will write the books he was to have written after our encounter. 63 INT. CAVERN - 19TH CENTURY EARTH A pair of litter-bearers are carrying Guinan out of the cavern. Clemens looks down at her. CLEMENS Be careful not to jostle her too much, boys... (to Guinan) Don't worry... you're going to be fine... He watches as she is carried past him... then he turns and looks back into the interior of the cavern. His eye is caught by something on the ground. He moves forward, stoops... and picks up his watch, fallen there after the time-hole was opened. He opens it... looks at it... snaps it shut and starts to put it in his pocket. But then he reconsiders. The watch... like the gun and the glasses, and Data's head, must remain here, if history is to remain intact. He puts the watch back on the ground... looks around again, then turns and EXITS. Camera DRIFTS into the cavern... into a darkened corner... and we see Data's HEAD... waiting to be discovered again five hundred years in the future. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END